Germ method states no Rockwell - But has anyone?


New Member
I watched the germination video again when i received my first package. It certainly states that we shouldn't use rock wool or any other starting method. It goes on to say put the cracked bean in soil. So I received (more than I ordered [Thanks ck] Jack Herer Autos. I planned on doing one plant in a DWC bucket. I planned on putting the cracked seed in rockwool. Since CK said do not, I am concerned. I dont want to flush $ down the dain: you understand. SO, have you used any JHA Fem seeds in the rockwool? DWC? Should I stick with Soil?
I have used rockwool. It will work. But it can get very moldy on you. At least that is why I stopped using it. Plus it dries out very fast.

I now use rapid rooters. They have been working great for me.

I soak my seeds for a few hours and then put them into the rooters I also soak and then put them under a dome.

Once they pop I let them go for about three or four days and then when they have a good tap showing I move them into DWC buckets with the water set 1" into the stone. I will also pour a little water out of the bucket over them for a week. That just speeds up the roots coming out into the bucket.

You could also just stick it into some dirt if you wanted.

That is what has been working for me anyways.
Thanks DukeO. I'm thinking of grabbing some rapid rooter from my hydro store. I have the (first time) DWC all set up as I waited for the seeds. I plan on doing 2 DWC, 2 soil
If seeds are fresh (which they usually are from a reputable supplier) then they always recommend planting directly into soil and as far as I know the reasoning behind it is something like this:

With a fresh seed the cell membrane inside the outer shell is still full of fluid and therefore only needs to be planted into moist soil otherwise there is a risk of drowning the seed or at least making it unhealthy. Seeds that are not so fresh on the other hand benefit from pre soaking methods due to the fact that the cell membrane has started to dry out and the soaking method induces vigour to the growth of the seedling. It could all be a selling spiel and I would love to see if this could be confirmed but I've been living by it lately and having far less problems.

I hope this helps and also I'd like to add that you may wish to set up a journal, not only for your own reference but also the fact that people can offer tips and advice, and sometimes stop you from making a mistake before it happens is always a bonus. Good luck with your grow :thumb:
I'm a hydro guy and for along time I used rockwool with mixed success, I have now switched to rapid rooters in a moist dome setup, so far 100% success rate. I don't bother presoaking.
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