Germinating help please!

I use a dome because the humidity in the house is below 30 from Dec to Apr. I've seen it below 20 on the coldest days. Ive read that in nature the plants like 50-60% humidity from seedling to veg.
room is humidity is at 30 actually its around 50-60 but my MH decreases it. i can use a few wet towel in the room if necessary.
I use a dome because the humidity in the house is below 30 from Dec to Apr. I've seen it below 20 on the coldest days. Ive read that in nature the plants like 50-60% humidity from seedling to veg.
At that humidity I can understand using a dome. I live in an area where it never gets below 50 and it can be at 90 and not raining. Lol. Obviously that is winter humidity - I'm sure it's not that low in spring and summer. In nature there are no seedlings until spring anyway so the humidity in the winter is irrelevant.
At that humidity I can understand using a dome. I live in an area where it never gets below 50 and it can be at 90 and not raining. Lol. Obviously that is winter humidity - I'm sure it's not that low in spring and summer. In nature there are no seedlings until spring anyway so the humidity in the winter is irrelevant.
so what do you think about my situation :)
so what do you think about my situation :)
I appreciate that you asked me for advice on this subject but I've never had low humidity and used a dome. So I don't feel qualified to answer your question. Old Salt has low humidity and uses a dome - he would be the person to ask. Good luck. :)
You don't need the big light yet.
Right now you don't need the light,or the heat from the MH,No wonder it dries out so fast-in fact it would do much better with a single LED or CFL bulb,as Old Salt mentioned earlier...
That should work fine-keep it about 6" above the plant-if it starts to
stretch (grow really tall & spindly) move the light a little closer.
Until she gets at least 2 sets of real leaves-the cotyledons don't count.
Might take a week or 2
Water that baby (lightly) twice a day and leave it alone.. You have a good start so far. Let her do her thing naturally.
Peace and best wishes for you!
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