Germination Has Begun: 2nd Attempt At Growing

Still day 43 update, Took the redneck humidifier out and installed the dehumidifier. Took the stand out as well. Need to make room for growth when we flip to 12/12. If I need more humidity I can always put damp towels on top of the cookie trays. I also hooked up a Viparspectra par 600 I have. Bought two of them last year and went the build your own light route instead. They are / were a backup light source. I am now running 56.125 watts per sq. ft. 898 watts of LED. Draw from the wall is 610 for my build lights and 288 watts for the Vipar. Pretty soon we will add the 2nd Viparspectra and in flower mode run those on red spectrum lights only. Gonna be AWESOME. I hope.....
Day 44. We figure it is 4 weeks into vegging now.
Looking good in here. Big happy plants. I love the fabric pots.

One thing I learned when I moved out of the fabric pots is how much these plants drink. I needed to water a bit more often.

I tried big 32 gallon bins after the fabric pots. Those bins needed air holes drilled to oxygenate the roots and aid drainage. But were good at keeping soil life rocking.

Then I switched to the autopots system. Reservoir and tray/float system to auto feed the water. I can leave for a week with no issues, almost two weeks depending. But still think the fabric pots are the way to go. I hear they have a fabric autopot system which could be the best of both situations.

Totally understand not wanting to drive the TC during winter. I avoid it at all costs. The double lane expansion has been a huge improvement though. Especially when driving from further north down to the lower mainland. A 2am departure time also helps cut down on the stupid driver allotment. But this crazy weather has made it more dangerous. Freeze, thaw, freeze, snow in June...

I have a Crop King CBDream a few weeks from chop. Also a CKS Candy Cane Auto that is exploding in height. No complaints with their gear from me. Looking forward to watching your girls bulk up.
day 49. have to add nutes to my water. Fimming went well, Gonna have a few colas on a couple plants and two colas on one plant. Never touched the autos. Sure is stinking when I open the tent. On my first grow I could hardly smell much of anything. That was last February through till harvest. Guess my sniffer is getting more sensitive. Coming up on two years cigarette free.
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