Going from tents to dedicated building 15'x11' google sketch up pics, taking advice


New Member
Hey guys, kind of new here, have lurked on different forums for a while. Started growing about 2 years ago.

My first set up was in a spare bedroom using mylar tents. A 4x8 tent for flower, 3x3 tent for vegging, and another 3x3 tent for drying. I had some friends with growing, building, and DIY skills. I had a perpetual grow where I cut my own clones and had 2 flowering cycles going at a time. It worked out really great, had 3 good harvests with that set up.

But now we moved to a newer, bigger place. We have now have more property and a few spare buildings, one of which will be turned into our new grow!

Heres a google sketch up of the building without its roof. You can see the 2 covered patios. a hot tub will occupy the bigger patio. the other patio just opens up into our back yard.

The enclosed room I will work in is 15x11 feet. I have been fixated on 'doing it right the first time' with this new project.

The room has 4 electrical outlets right now and its on a shared 20 amp circuit. I am having an electrician come and install new circuits and extra outlets for the room and a separate circuit for the hot tub, with 50-60 amp sub panels for both, haven't calculated everything yet.

The room had a carpeted floor I pulled up to reveal an old concrete floor. I now have some gaps (less than an inch) between the floor and walls. The walls are standard drywall. I haven't t figured out how I want to seal the floor/wall gap and how to best protect the walls I will be putting up. I plan to frame everything with 2x4s and want use bathroom/kitchen grade materials so moisture doesn't end up being a problem but haven't gotten around to researching that yet. I am looking to any suggestions/info on moisture-proofing walls/floors for permanent grows. How should I treat/paint the 2x4s to best protect them, etc

I want to split the room up into a flower area, veg area, drying area, and workbench/free area. So I started off calculating the flower room first. I want to run 2 1000 watt HPS lights so I need roughly two 5x5 areas, so my flower room defaults to a minimum of 10x5. So I fit a 10x5 room in there as best I could and built the other areas around that. Since the room is 11' wide I am going to make the flower room a bit wider than 5' for some leg room. I want to make pocket-doors for the veg/flower rooms to save floor space.

I have an existing 14000 BTU air conditioner from our old home that I want to use to cool the whole operation. I will put the AC in the flower room since it will generate the most heat with the 2 1000 watts running. I plan to circulate the air from the flower room into and out of the veg and drying areas, fans in the wall near the floor pushing air out of the flower room and fans near the top pulling air back into the flower room. I haven't found the right fans to use yet, or how high/low to place them from the floor/ceiling but I want ones that are adjustable so I can control the temps/airflow of the veg and drying areas. Anyone know of some good in-wall fans?

Heres another image of the drying cabinet. I think the size should be sufficient for hanging a harvest of 4 plants(based on my last 3 harvests) but it might need to be bigger. I might make the cabinet deeper and taller and get rid of a set of shelves underneath it. I am not sure. This is a minor issue, I will probably not put up the drying area/workbench shelving until the veg and flower rooms are up and running.

Heres an image of the workbench area as well. Plan to use the building as a tool shed as well.

Thoughts, comments, suggestions? I will post more images of my sketchup as I update it. no actual pics of the room yet as I still need to tear some stuff down in there, but I will be posting pictures along the way, but the project is at a standstill right now during the holidays.

Thanks for taking a look, thanks for any feedback.
Re: Going from tents to dedicated building 15'x11' google sketch up pics, taking advi

Sounds like a cool build ..........:xmas:
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