Good afternoon


420 Member
Hello all enthusiast of the new medical age! I'm new to this incredible place of infomation and understanding, I have a question for any who could answer if you don't mind that's is. I have got some seeds from a plant changing sex into male, is there any way I can change the seeds here to female seeds and keep my strain? Peace & prosperity!
The plant probably didn't actually change into a male. I'm guessing it was a female plant that developed some hermaphrodite flowers and pollinated itself. Still basically a female in that case- no male genetics in the equation.
Do you have a better description of what happened with your plant when it self pollinated - or a pic? There are a couple different sorts of hermaphrodites. Or at least that's how I categorize things.

You can't change the sex of a seed.
Regular seeds produced by male pollen and female flowers will grow up to be roughly half of them male and half of them female. Or perhaps sometimes more females than males.

If the seeds in your case were created by a hermie like I described they will not produce any males and have no male genetics. But could very well grow up to be hermaphrodites themselves.
Welcome to 420 GreenMartian

I would say that Weaselcracker pretty much called it. Salvage what you can & use new seeds for your next grow. And figure out what caused the herm so you can prevent it next time.

Well in the growth stage all looked fairly good but later down the line they must of stressed out because they started to produce seeds with no sacs, also they didnt have any flowers on them.. I think I saw one maybe two tops. In which case the plants weren't riddled with them however still a few more than I would like, so am I right in thinking that if I can get next to no stress on the next crop I can kinda prevent them herming? And it's holy grail I'm trying to save I can't find it seed fresh anywhere
It's hard to really say without knowing more about your growing conditions. Generally though I've never kept a hermie plant that was as extreme as yours (maybe) sounds.
I've had many plants grow a few 'nanners' (a type of hermaphrodite flower) from stress, such as light leaks in the flowering room. These are usually borderline hermies that are still manageable. The nanners are caused by a combination of unstable genetics- and stress. So some plants will grow nanners every time they flower- others will do it only under certain conditions, or at the very end of flowering. Nanners are manageable in my experience and don't produce many seeds.
The kind of hermie I always toss is the kind that starts growing regular male pollen sacs. Usually this shows up when the plant gets mature- often when it's still in veg. To me those ones seem incurable. They produce lots of pollen and seeds and not much bud, and are not a good thing to have around.
I'm a bit mystified about where your plant fits in the picture. Normally you wouldn't get lots of seeds without seeing some signs of hermie flowers on it. Unless somehow it got polllinated from some male pollen that came from elsewhere. Even then though it would still grow proper buds, just seeded ones.
My sense is that it's probably not a plant worth keeping, but without more info and some pics it's impossible to know from this end what's going on with it.
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