Good Vaporizer In The $150-200 Range?


New Member
I was thinking about spending some of my tax return on getting a vaporizer, but unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to spend more than 200 bucks.

A buddy of mine said he had one from Vapor Brothers that worked great and only set him back about 180$.

Thoughts or suggestions?
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

Vapor Bros-probably the best known box type vape, but the Vaporwarez Vaporcannon can be had for as little as $120 from multiple dealers on ebay, can be used with a two piece whip for easier screen changing, and has a better warranty. But both of these, as well as some other box vapes, have that annoying downward angle to the heater tube that makes it difficult to keep your herb in the bowl. A lot of people prop up the back end or even turn it upside down to avoid this problem.

My recommendation in this price range would be the new vape by the makers of the Silver Surfer, which is arguably the best analog whip style vape on the market. The new little brother is called Da Buddha. It has the same internals as the Surfer, but at a lower price-$159 vs. $249 for the SSV. The bowl connection angle is horizontal, so as long as you don't exhale into the whip your bowl contents stay in place, and it has a ground glass connection between wand/bowl and heater cover for hands free use. This new vape has been evaluated by an experienced Surfer owner I know and gets the thumbs up. I've also seen user reviews from half a dozen or so vapers and everyone reports a good experience. The warranty is 3 yrs. and they have custom glass available -wand, temp control knob, heater cover, and mouthpiece can all be upgraded for a unique look.

I would also recommend the Vapolution at $149 over a box type. Very rugged, 12v DC for easy car use (car adapter included). Also a battery pack is available. It's got a narrow bowl and doesn't use a screen, so it's harder to load than a typical vape, but it gives extra smooth hits with the all glass vapor path.

If you don't need portability though, I'd go with da buddha. It's a winner. ;)
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

Thanks a lot bud!

I have never used a vaporizer until a few weeks ago. Man what a difference!\

Thanks again for your help I will look into these!
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

I just looked into Da Buddha and it looks like a good buy. I love the way it is constructed! Looks really tough!

How hard is it to get the temp right? I was wondering about that because it looks like the knob has no temp numbers on it.
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

You can't see it but there's a mark on the dial. 12 o'clock high is good on a lot of vapes but you need to find the high and low vaping range on your particular vape, and choose a spot in between.
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

Personally I would buy the Vapir One 5.0. $200 at the head shop and $15o direct from the manufacturer... Can be used to fill balloons or hit direct like a box type, portable, and digital for precise control... Really worth looking at.

I can see $150 maybe. This model has had serious design and reliability problems with previous versions. V1.0 couldn't even get hot enough. All versions through 3.0/4.0 had vapor leaks and an unreliable fan. The current version is supposed to have fewer leaks and a better fan, and I haven't heard of any problems with it yet, but it's still early. But a 90 day warranty for a unit with a fan and a digital controller says a lot, namely that Air-2 still doesn't have confidence that it'll even last a year. If I wanted a vape that did bags and direct draw and had $200, I'd save another $50 and get a herbalAire. I've been using one daily for going on 2 years with no problems and 2 years is the warranty, which is 8 times as long as the Vapir guarantee.

But although the dual mode delivery is nice, neither the herbalAire nor the Vapir One measures up to a good whip vape for satisfying direct hits. If you want the big, vapor rich hits that a good whip vape can provide, you most likely won't be satisfied with either of these vapes. For this reason I use a whip vape as well as my herbalAire. I'm really spoiled.
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

Well I know when i had invested in my vaporizer a year ago it cost me about $200 and it has never let me down. They called it the Vapor Daddy and that thing is still kickin with some major usuage i should add. You can look up Vapor Daddy and it will show you a pic, the only thing is you will have to replace the hose in time or just use some agent orange to clean it out but if your looking for a vapor for $200 thats the one
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

So with the whip, it's kinda like a powered bong, and with the bag you just wait till it fills, then hit it?

A whip vape uses your lung power for air flow. Even if the vape has a fan, like some of the digital whip units, the air from the fan is more to keep a steady temp than to force vapor into your lungs. A bag vape (Volcano is bag only, while the herbalAire, Vapir One, and Extreme are bag or direct draw) uses a fan or air pump to provide a steady stream of air through the heating chamber, mixing air and vapor in the bag. When full, just draw the vapor from the bag at your leisure. You can normally get thicker vapor from a good whip vape (higher vapor to air ratio), but all your hits won't be the same, as with a bag unit, and a whip vape takes some work and practice while filling a bag is as easy as pie. So it's a trade off and usually comes down to personal preference, like auto vs. stick on a car.
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

9ATled: dude, don't be such a hater :peace: if it wasn't for Smoke Sessions this site may not exist. Thats real talk. If he would like to support one of OUR sponsors then cool. If he doesn't and finds a better deal then that is also cool. You are arguing for the sake of arguing and I offer one sentiment: Smoke one and chill, brother :passitleft:
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

We can all read here. Sometimes we just can't see...that's all.

Without the support of longtime 420 Sponsors, this website would've shut down long ago. We are all free to take our business where we'd like. But I know where mine goes. :smokin:

:bongrip: Peace
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

We can all read here. Sometimes we just can't see...that's all.

I can see that I'd rather donate $ to a site like this one than pay 40% more for a Mystifire vaporizer than I have to, and wonder where my extra $100 goes.
Re: Good vaporizer in the 150-200 range?

I've got the vape with the digital temperature thing. works great! cost about 130 or so.
You mean 'one of the vapes with the digital thing'. There's a million of 'em these days. Everybody's jumping on the digital bandwagon. Too bad a lot of 'em are misleading as to 'true vaporizing temps'. Use the display as a reference, not as a true indication of the temp at which your herb is cooked. ;)
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