Growing cannabis in Northern Australia


New Member
Just a question for the expert growers in the group!
Australia has just legalised growing medical cannabis and the government is issuing licences at the moment.
My question is I’m looking to set up a large outdoor grow area in the northern part of Australia. The town I’m looking at has a latitude of 14.47S and has a fairly large rainfall over the jan-feb months. I’ve added a chart which shows average temp in C and F along with rainfall for each month. Addition to this the area has a winter solace of 11.06hrs per day and a summer solace of 13hrs per day. In January the humidity can get up to 95%. I would look to grow under a shade cloth with a base watering system.

Has anyone grown in similar conditions?

Is this too hot, humid or wet for cannabis?

Any advice is appreciated.


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That is an awesome question...although not frequently asked. I wish there was a Not frequently asked question section for things like this so the right people could find it.

Good luck...why not just try. Put up a tent and grow some in and some out. You need a break in year to learn a bunch of stuff and do things wrong.

The best advice you will get is this. Just do it and learn how to control any of your problems and make it work. It can be done.

A greenhouse of sorts even just a properly done shade cloth will protect well. I just dont know enough about when you bloom.

Where I live you absolutely must cover your grow by September or you will loose it all in October. 100 percent gone.

It rains heavy here in the northwest in the fall. There are tons of outdoor grows here so I am sure it can be done there. You sound actually much more temperate than here. It rains enough here that people who do not grow up here and move here...typically leave in 5 years for the rain.
I'd like to see this answer. I am too noob to answer, just speculate.

Columbian strains or strains from Hawai'i? Match your strain to your conditions?
That is an awesome question...although not frequently asked. I wish there was a Not frequently asked question section for things like this so the right people could find it.

Good luck...why not just try. Put up a tent and grow some in and some out. You need a break in year to learn a bunch of stuff and do things wrong.

The best advice you will get is this. Just do it and learn how to control any of your problems and make it work. It can be done.

A greenhouse of sorts even just a properly done shade cloth will protect well. I just dont know enough about when you bloom.

Where I live you absolutely must cover your grow by September or you will loose it all in October. 100 percent gone.

It rains heavy here in the northwest in the fall. There are tons of outdoor grows here so I am sure it can be done there. You sound actually much more temperate than here. It rains enough here that people who do not grow up here and move here...typically leave in 5 years for the rain.
Thanks for the advice.
I’m not sure what hemisphere your in. It looks like for the southern it’s plant in spring (sept-nov) and harvest summer (dec-feb) but I’m worried about all the rain at time of harvest. Unfortunately I won’t be able to just grow plants as a trial as it’s illegal unless u have the permits. It’s a bit funny as I’ve never grown cannabis before but want to invest into a plantation.
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