Harvest time?

Update! Looks like I can borrow a small 600x600x1200 tent for drying... and to take care of the exhaust situation, I'm going to use a 4" intake fan to move air from the drying tent to the grow tent, meaning all the stinky air will go through the grow tent's exhaust (and the carbon filter). Probably not ideal but it's the best I can do this time around... I'll have a think about a better setup next time.

I'm still kinda worried about how the other two plants seem to have kind of stopped growing before they matured.. because all the plants did it at the same time I still wonder if it was something to do with the nute mix.

Or another thought - could my nute mix just be too weak for the bigger plants? I'm running about 600ppm right now. The smaller plant kicked along just fine, but the other two seem to have stalled... could the nute mix be too weak for their size?
Hi d4. Don’t have much more than gidday for you. Turns out 420 works ;) and ... so do you, right? What’s up with all those hours you work? You’re going to need more medicine than you have time to grow if you aren’t careful. I won’t bang on it’s none of my biz - on topic, though I reckon we are the same as these plants in that we need the darktime. You might wake up after a rare sleep and find you’ve hermied, mate. And we don’t want that do we?
Also, as an expert stallerofplantgrowth check your VPD it may have slipped out of the zone. Are they still drinking?
Thanks DD, you're right I don't want these guys hermie-ing and all my hard work going down the drain :(

I'll go to the hardware store and pick up a temp gun today.

I can't tell if they're drinking or not... the coco seems to be getting slightly drier in between waterings like it always has, but watering 3x daily means it's always wet and I can't tell if the slight drying out is from runoff or the plants drinking..

I've got harvest booked for this weekend for the first plant :D
I was talking about YOU hermying.
You work too many hours for an effective dark period every day.
Be careful.
And have a happy harvest this weekend :)

haha you're probably right.. the joys of being a small business owner :thedoubletake: But in work's quiet periods I get lots of time off so it's ok... it just didn't line up properly with harvest time hence my worry about time.

Things are a little quieter now and I've got alllllllll weekend to harvest the first plant, so I'm looking forward to a relaxed day with the snippers and maybe a little taste test in the evening :ganjamon: I'll post some updates in my journal when it's done!
Looking at this overly-zoomed photo I'm seeing quite a lot of milky trichomes but only one or two ambers..

I found a few more ambers on the sugar leaves but still not loads:

Green light to harvest this weekend, or maybe give her one more week?
It look like about 50% cloudy on the buds. I'd give it another week or so.

Can do! Next weekend is a little busy at work but Thursday/Friday or all the following week are pretty clear, so I'll snip another little sample in a few days and look again.

That'll give me an extra week to properly research drying and curing, at this stage my broad plan is wet trim the bigger fan leaves but leave all the sugary ones, hang to dry in the 2nd borrowed tent for 5 days or so (steady 22-24degC and 45-55% RH), then glass jar cure til they hit the magic 58% at which point I've got some boveda packs to keep them there. Still need to get a hold of a couple of really cheap hygrometers to chuck in the jars but I have all my other supplies ready to go
I'm not a coco grower but 600ppm sounds pretty weak sauce for a mature flowering plant.
I'm in DWC and 6 weeks into flower I'd be nuking her with 1400+ ppm
I'm not a coco grower but 600ppm sounds pretty weak sauce for a mature flowering plant.
I'm in DWC and 6 weeks into flower I'd be nuking her with 1400+ ppm

I've been wondering this myself, I've seen arguments for high PPMs and arguments for low PPMs, can't really make up my mind. I remember someone (Barney86 maybe?) telling me not to adjust things unless they show signs that something's wrong and so far through the whole grow the lower PPM feeds have worked (maxed at 800 in veg and early flower) but these two have stalled and to me that's a sign something's wrong..

Maybe do a mix up around 1000ppm and see what happens? I can always flush the coco and dilute the mix if they start showing signs of over-feeding I guess... what do you reckon?
It probably wouldn't hurt to give her a boost.

My nute strength increases gradually almost every time I change out my reservoir from 125ppm at seedling or clone to around 600 when I flip it to flower and 1400-1600 the last 3-4 weeks of flowering.

There are charts that exist for reference. It's all general guidelines of course every strain is different. And again I'm not a coco guy.
There are charts that exist for reference

I followed the GH drain-to-waste chart I linked to in the first post, it never goes over 800ppm.. but the plants stalling seems to suggest something isn't spot on correct..

Maybe I'll transition one plant to a mix that's closer to 1000ppm and see what happens, can always flush and go back if it's bad or up the other plant if it's good...
So I'm currently at day 87 of flower and here's what I've got:




I still see clears, but a lot more cloudies and ambers. The other plants still look all clear.

How the hell am I still looking like this after THREE MONTHS of flower?
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