Hello. Glad to be here


New Member
Hi guys, Im glad to be here. looking forward to learning from you all. hope everyone has a safe and happy 2013!!


Mr Nugs
Hi guys, Im glad to be here. looking forward to learning from you all. hope everyone has a safe and happy 2013!!


Mr Nugs

Welcome to 420 Magazine Mr. Nugs!

So here is how you get started :)

Here are some useful links that will help you learn about growing, and how to get it right the first time :)
First rule of thumb is, do the research first, if you can't find the answer anywhere, then ask. I can almost gurantee that
The question has been asked before. There are tons of resources and kind and knowledgeable growers at 420 magazine
and I am sure you will find it a great home!

Make sure to check out the forum rules and guidelines. We have a great community here and I welcome you to check out..
Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting

Are you new to growing and don't know where to start, here is a link that will teach you everything you need to know :)
How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

If you couldn't find what your looking for in the last link, you can find many of your answers by visiting The Grow Room.

Do you have sick plants that need answers, check out our Problems, Pest's and Disease control forum at
Problems, Pests & Disease Control

Another great way to get started in your new membership is by starting a grow journal. This allows you to document your grow, add photo's
and share your experience with all of us!! Remember to be detailed, so if you run into problems we can help you fix them and have a successful
grow :)
How to Make a Grow Journal
Photo Gallery Guide: How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos

Are you looking to purchase new growing equipment, nutrients, growing or smoking accessories, check out our sponsors!
As a member you can take advantage of specials that are run time to time :)
Sponsors : 420 MAGAZINE

Well I hope you enjoy exploring our wonderful community and feel free to make yourself home :)

By the way, don't forget to check out the monthl
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