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Plant 1
I have tip burns, any suggestions? I flushed and waste water was 5.9 so I think I need to raise that when I go into flower is that right?


Plant 2
I also have tip burns but different colour?

This plant has a couple of purple bud sites? Also speaking on budsites do u think that on both plants they are pre flower? I thought I had auto flowers but I may be wrong going into my 6th week and no sign of flower yet I have few white hairs on each budsite but nothing else has happened in last week or so, so I’m stumped I’m thinking of flipping too 12/12


The only problem with flipping is I have a 2 week old plant in there which I know for sure is feminised , well I’m pretty sure Is, but it looks as if it growing budsites already too but I’m not sure I’m novice what are those leafs growing out the nodes? I’m novice guys sorry give me every info u got

Also for my sour diesel which is the 2 week veg plant I’m thinking of getting 4 x 45w cfl 6500k or T5 2x 54w bulbs but I’m stumped I’ve read that CFLs are really only for small areas and if u have the room for a T5 u should get that instead, is that right?

Last question is how do people wire up them pc fans like what is it plugged into to power?


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Your plants look excellent brother. Just back off on the nutes a bit if they’re getting that slight burn. Week six with pistils but no buds is a clear photo period plant. Flip the lights and they’re gonna double or triple in size. Double would be my guess though. Go with the t5 for clones and vegging over CFL.
When you flip, after 2 weeks of stretch, trim all the small low growth so that the plant focuses on top growth.
how do people wire up them pc fans like what is it plugged into to power?

You can use any old power supplies or transformers/chargers that you may have laying around,as long as the output voltage matches the fan you're looking to power. (phone chargers work well)

The power supply will have the output voltage marked on it somewhere, you're probably looking for 5volts DC- I'm pretty sure that's what most (but not all) pc fans run on. Anything from 4.5 to 6vdc output will work.

They're polarity sensitive,(the fans) so if you hook it up backward and it doesn't run,reverse the wires.
Nuttin to it...
No flower with the T5 or cfl just veg . So I w
What are you growing in and what size are your pots?

Growing sour diesel (The younger plant) in a solo cup atm will transplant into 1 gal once I think shes grown her solo cup.
My other two are white kush in 3 gals, i wish i put them in bigger now knowing i have feminised. Both filled with light mix plagron
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