Help me cool my closet - It is 85 degrees!


New Member

This actually is a 3door Ikea dombas wardrobe. I was growing in the right side with 1 door shelf and I moved to the left shelve because of heat issues, I thought it will be cooler if the room is bigger. few degress cooler but still it is too hot.

I use a 60cfm(100m3/h) bathroom fan on the right for exhaust. On the bottom left there are small empty holes. My temperature never goes below 85 degress. I have some spare pc fans. What can I do to cool my growbox? there are no grow hydro shop where I live. mh is running right now. you think it will be better if I move the plant on the right shelf, it is smaller here. and how important is the exhaust fan's position, it is not on the top, a little bit to the center.

any suggestions?
While placing a fan inside the grow area to keep the air circulating at all times is very important I do not believe that will help with your problem, though you do need to get that into the mix. I would be looking 1st at your intake and see if that is sufficient, just a guess but I am thinking no. Also if you can not get your exhaust fan set up on a t-stat I would suggest at least get a timer that has the ability to have a lot of on off settings. The one I use has on offs up to every 15 minutes for the whole day, though I also have mine on a T-stat also.
Will hold off on anything else until you have a chance to read what I have said already and have a chance to see if this will help your issue.
Put a fan on your intake hole. It will help with airflow and bringing in cool air while your exhaust is getting rid of the top heat. You can also add a clip fan to your light to cool down the bulb or reflector.
It is not connected to a thermostat but even it runs on full speed the temperature is still high.

I feel the room on the top is not hot but on the bottom it is very hot. do you think my reflector is blocking the heat to go up?

I was thinking about mounting a pc fan on the hood of the reflector facing toward the bulb. will it help? I am considering about using an inline fan.

I will post an actual photo of the the closet
I cant reach a cool tube without paying the same price for the shipping. even if I have money I would have to do DIY shit to get stuff working... i'll get a led in the end just because of this issues. everyting took 2 days to handle and I am dealing with ventilation for a week. still nothing...
I cant reach a cool tube without paying the same price for the shipping. even if I have money I would have to do DIY shit to get stuff working... i'll get a led in the end just because of this issues. everyting took 2 days to handle and I am dealing with ventilation for a week. still nothing...

Sorry, I'm so used to clicking a few buttons and having big brown deliver that I forget other parts of the world aren't as crowed and merchandised, Try searching for DIY cool tube in the forums. Surely someone else has tried to solve the heat problem that way.
actually the wall on the right is quite hot, I didn't use reflective material inside the warddrobe because it was plain white.


here is a photo
Yeah that is kind of small for the heat that light is emitting. I'm telling you, add a fan to the light and a fan the your intake. Maybe add another fan, oscillating fan, to cool the walls and strengthen your stocks.
actually the wall on the right is quite hot, I didn't use reflective material inside the warddrobe because it was plain white.


here is a photo
1st off please tell me you have wire nuts at least on the power cord powering the small fan. Hoping it is a low voltage dc fan and not 120 volts, because if it is 120 you are flirting with disaster and one I do not want you to endure. I see what appears to be 7 small (perhaps 1/4") holes on the lower left which I am assuming are your intake holes. If so I do not feel that you will effectively pull 60 cfm through them with the exhaust fan you are using.
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