Help please! PH or heat stress?


No problem!

Ah! You didn't mention that any PH adjustment solution had been used in that tea! PH down is essentially an ACID, and what your pictures showed was a BURN. An acid burn would definitely manifest itself in that look your plants had in those photos. Starts to make more sense now. ;)

Didn't think about it earlier...duh. When I was lowering the PH of the 4 gallons of 6.4 water I mixed yesterday, it hit me! I was surprised how little Ph down I needed to add to a gallon to change it. Pretty sure I added about the same amount as I did to the gallon of worm tea. I had to pour out 1/2 gal. and add more water yesterday to get it to 6.4 There probably was twice the amount of PH down in the worm tea.

They look much better, without anymore burning in the last 2 days.

8.5 all the time could be pushing it since that is on the high side of what would be considered acceptable as is something on the low end like 4.0 to 5.0. I thought you said your water was 7.3? I would prefer to see the range between 5.2 and 7.3 as a range for plain tap water. Ideal for everything associated with Cannabis growth is 5.7 to 6.2 give or take.

My tap water is I shouldn't lower it to 6.3 or so?

I would seriously look at getting a PH-200 meter over anything else out there right now in that price range! The other thing I didn't mention was calibration, and when it comes to that, there isn't a meter anywhere close to that price range that is easier to calibrate. Since calibration is key to all of this kind of stuff, the ease at which a meter can be calibrated is HUGE. A PH meter that is a pain to calibrate and keep calibrated is about as useless as it gets. Not only useless, actually dangerous since it can fool you into a false sense of security if it is not giving you accurate PH readings at crucial moments such as cloning or seed development/germination.

Considering how much time and money we all end up putting into this process, the $80.00 bucks you would spend on a PH-200 is nothing in the grand scheme! Look at it more as a WISE investment rather than as an expense. :)

I hear you....I spent 16 bucks on 50 test strips. And used 15 of them at 1 sitting trying to check PH and the Ph Meter.

I was cruising right along until I used the tea, no problems at all. Yep, the meter got me good. Didn't take long either!! I'll def pick one up.

Again, thanks for the help.

Happy 4th of July to you guys!!!!!!!!

HAPPY FOURTH!! :partyboy::party:

It definitely does look like a pH fluctuation, the same thing happened to me and my leaf tips did the same exact thing. If you're using tap water, as the chlorine is leaving the water and the pH is steadily rising, on my first grow (i wasn't checking the ph as closely as i should have) and i would check it and it would get close to 7 when i had it pH'd at 5.9 6 the previous day.

incase you're looking for some advice on a meter

here's the pH meter I bought recently and it works incredible.


and a little tip to save you some cash: you can store your pH meter in the pH 7 buffer solution that comes with the meter it's virtually the same thing.

good luck with your grow man
All looking better with the exception of 1 plant...the one I brought inside to the shower a few days ago. It's leave tips were curling, and turning brown. Still looks bad, w/o any new growth at all. Not expecting it to survive unless something changes very quickly...

It rained yesterday so I collected some and used it today to water. Tested the PH, it was 6.4, good to go.

I think I'll get some RO water today, and do another runoff PH test to see where things are now. Good idea?

They sure look happier...(I know I am) :cheer:

All looking better with the exception of 1 plant...the one I brought inside to the shower a few days ago. It's leave tips were curling, and turning brown. Still looks bad, w/o any new growth at all. Not expecting it to survive unless something changes very quickly...

It rained yesterday so I collected some and used it today to water. Tested the PH, it was 6.4, good to go.

I think I'll get some RO water today, and do another runoff PH test to see where things are now. Good idea?

They sure look happier...(I know I am) :cheer:


Glad to hear that things are improving with nearly all of your plants! Hope you are able to pick up that PH meter and save yourself all the strips! ;)

Cheers. :)
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