Help please?

Hello, I know its a short amount of time but ive noticed a droop in the leaves but with continual growth toward the center. With lowering the light. Just wondering if that is normal? They just arent as stiff it seems
HI judemon, I don't think the light is too close....but I want to be sure on what kind of bulb that is.
Are you using a Compact Flourescent spiral bulb (CFL) with a rating of 23 watts or something like that? I can't see the bulb in your pictures. :)
Not sure if you mentioned, when was the last water/feed and how often you are doing it. That will help people diagnose if there comes a problem to look at. ;-)
And watering about twice a day. Usually judge on soil color and moistness. And I feed her every 3 days usually
you need 8 of these to get 200w grow power which will = 2ft. of good light under the bulbs. the plant needs food small leaves stunted plant is a sign of nitrogen def. Mexican Bat guano or Blood even better both. fish and sea weed +unsulfured molasses good veg food.
I could really use some assistance... Im not really sure how long to wait untill switching bulbz. I could use an opinion on how long someone would think from the point its at now would be a safe point to start flowering. The leaves are starting to sprout almost straight up as you can see and is very light green and healthy looking to the eye at least. And yes I wait untill the soil looks thirsty. I need some plain jane advice and or opinions on the stages I take to move foward
Thanks buddy I needed the reassurance. Lolol dont want to be a murderer. Im just gonna continue with the steady light cycle for a few more weeks and see what happens. Then switch the bulb when shes tall enough. Then ill have a bunch of annoying questions about flowering,clipping,drying. Boy oh boy yall might get sick of me quick HA!:goodjob:
And I mist it with a high nirtate furtilizer usually used in small flower grow like mums. Every 2 3 days
I dont think shes close to begin flowering. I normally would flower a a mnium of a foot in height. She does look good tho. As far as time; i would think a month or 2 more of veg n shell be ready to flower.
its getting better and better everyday fellas:circle-of-love::bravo:. I apprciate all your help and it has legit grown about 2 inches in 5 days. Everyday i open the door it looks like a lighter green, and thicker stocks on the base of the leaves. Im extremely excited, and last night i just found a seed in my medicinal mary of blue dream :D. Figure its a better idea to wait till the one i have now gets a little more mature before i add another one to the mix. this way if it turns out to be a male it wont be mature enough to polinate her after the first harvest at least.
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