Help please

Hi @Jmanzo420 ! You just answered the big question... You can not expect a good grow just using tiger bloom all by itself. It must be complimented with Big Bloom and depending on where you are at in the grow, also Grow Big. Second, it looks like there are other problems, and I think it is pH related. Are you pH adjusting your fluids immediately before applying them to the soil, or are you measuring and adjusting your water, and then adding the Tiger Bloom? Are you following the feeding guide when you decide how much nutrient to mix in with your water? Have you ever flushed? Also, are you giving water on one pass and water mixed with the nutes on the next pass? Lastly, @Buds Buddy , why in the world would you recommend anyone to go to GWE, the TMV panic center of the known universe? Let's stay here with the sane people, please.
I just realized I gave the wrong site. I meant 420 with Nebula Haze. Ooops.
Thank You for helping the guy out though.
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