help! thinking about throwing in the towel

Don't get seeds there lol. I use herbies, and have never had a problem getting my seeds. Their single seed centre has an awesome selection, and you don't have to buy any in packs of 5 if you don't want
Well the reason yi ask is cuz I saw a couple one lb bags for sale on Amazon I just want a lot of seeds so I can practice and get this down before I waste my money on high quality seeds so is Amazon a set up/sting or will they not even grow?

thats like you would feed the birds with. you can tell you really want to succeed so , get some decent seeds from a descent breeder and you wont be on a help page but on your own grow journal. please take this bit of advice. you will be so disappointed if you go there.
I wouldn't get any from Amazon. I would buy from a reputable seed bank and take my chances at growing. I started with bagseed from weed I got from a friend, and then quickly bought real seeds cause I wanted to know exactly what I was growing
I wouldn't get any from Amazon. I would buy from a reputable seed bank and take my chances at growing. I started with bagseed from weed I got from a friend, and then quickly bought real seeds cause I wanted to know exactly what I was growing

great advice . happydays . and as soon as you get them you have all the help here to succeed first time.
For sure. Just let us know when you start a journal and you'll have plenty of help. But it's time to jump in head first, sink or swim. If all goes well, you'll be swimming in a sea of buds. Plus with your first plant you can also practice cloning, so you can make one seed into 50 separate plants. Saves a lot of money in the long run. I'll let ya know now, growing becomes very addicting
Northern lights is always a great starter strain. Hard to kill, easy to grow. And the smoke is killer. You could even try it as an autoflower if you don't wanna worry about light leaks and whatnot. I think you can add friends somehow, not sure though. You can always go to one of my links and subscribe, and then when you start yours let me know in the thread and I'll be there.
What kind of high do you prefer? Sativa grow tall and give you a more uppy, head high, perfect for the daytime when you need to be awake. Indica variety generally grow shorter and give you a more stony, couch-lock high, and make you a bit sleepy. I started growing a Northern Lights strain, it is an indica plant. You have many options from a seed bank. Most sell regular seeds, feminized seeds, and feminized autoflower seeds. The easiest to grow have to be Auto Feminized seeds. Auto feminized seeds will autoflower themselves which means less work for you, you do not have to change from many lighting schedules. The downside to Auto's is I have heard that they can turn into hermi's, meaning they will produce seeds and this is undesirable.

Both Feminized and Autos cost a bit more money but you know you are getting female plants. I would go this route. I would pay up for Feminized seeds and go with a reputable seed bank, Nirvana Seeds have been a reliable source. I know seeds can get pricy but you want to go with quality, after all you do not want to grow crap because it can be more costly and time consuming growing a plant and having to wait for it to show its sex. It might turn male and you might have already been growing for a month already, that is time and money at that point.

Some easy to grow strains are Auto Blue Mistic and Northern Lights. The kush's a variety of Indica tend deal with being stressed better than some of the sativa plants that can be grown. This means that if you make mistakes the plant want just shrivel up and die to quickly and can make an easier recovery. You may want to go with a mix part indica part sativa.

Look through some of the seed banks and let us know which ones look interesting to you. We here can tell you if we liked that strain or not. I have not grown but I have tried many varieties but I have tried a drop in the bucket compared to how many strains are out there. Look at multiple banks and we can let you know. I have used nirvanashop and high grade seeds. I have not grown any of the high grade seeds but i can say they did arrive in 6 days and I payed with paypal/credit card. A lot of seed banks do not take credit card payments. Both the two I gave you do. Neither has a huge selection but they have just enough.

Its not just about picking strains though. I read up on a lot of things before growing. I would recommend reading some of the journals here, you can also read the how to guide on how to grow marijuana. Its a good idea to read as much as you can before starting again.
Keep It Simple Stupid. Just remember that and you will be fine. Try not to over complicate things. Read a little bit more on how to grow marijuana. Help others like we are helping you. Through helping others you can help further your understanding of how to grow marijuana. I find that knowledge is gained through asking and answering questions. You may not have all the answers or have all the questions, that is why it is important to both be active in answering questions and asking them.

If you have not started reading this thread start here:
How to Grow Marijuana
Same here. Good luck. I know that journal is not really keep it simple stupid but pick out a few techniques you wish to learn and learn those. Some of the techniques in that guide I am never going to use. It is a comprehensive guide but is not the be all end all. Remember each grower develops unique skills that really only that grower possesses. So as I said KISS. I would not build a comprehensive system like many mentioned in that guide. Remember many of those techniques are advanced and are learned in time, not implemented all at once. The difficult thing about reading a guide like that is you just do not exactly ever put a picture together on what exactly it is you want. That is what is difficult. Doing what you were doing was working because you were seeing plants grow. All you need is some tweaking to your setup to make it run efficiently. You do not need a complicated hydro system, complicated feeding schedules. That is something you start implementing overtime to get better yields. You already had a system and I would not add to much more to what you had. Maybe just read up on the types of soils, feeding, watering things that you already are doing but find out how to do them more effectively. Again I would not just throw out what you have and start building some DWC system that you have no idea how to run/maintain.

Your best bet is to set a goal each time you update your journal. Have one overarching goal, like I want to make it from start to finish. Then set milestones. Growing is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
Ok thanks dc soaking all this info up gonna research and modify my grow space a bit take my time this time anyway not sure if my girls are gonna make it but here's some pics any ideas? I separated them and watered then with cal/mag yesterday haven't watered since should I water again?
It is hard to say if they will recover. They were already stressed before transplant and the transplant might just be to much for them to take. Remember if you are using the same soil as before to see what the NPK values of that soil is. You probably do not need to feed your plants much of anything other than the Cal/Mag because the Miracle grow soil already has the nutes in it. The one time I tried transplanting my plant died. As I said I am not an expert on transplanting. I really hope they do survive but it does not look good. One other thing you might be able to do is try to trim up the plant a little bit. If the leaves are completely brown they are dead and are just using up food and energy that the other parts of the plant needs to recover. So if there are noticeable brown leaves, like completely brown no green left you can probably pinch them off. I would not cut them because cuts are like wounds. When you pinch the leaves off by the stem it kind of compacts the cellular structure sealing the wound slightly. Other have used tape but I would not really recommend that. I would pinch off brown/dry leaves. The ones that are curled up are not dead yet and can still recover. There is a difference between brown/dry dead leaves and curled up leaves with a little discoloration. This however might stress the plants even more and lead to a quick death. So you may have no option but to start over if they do not recover. Again I warn you pinching the leaves that are dead off could stress the plant more and kill it. The benefit to pinching is that it seals the wounds and might allow the plant to recover because it no longer has to support dead leaves.
Also I would be careful with watering. Do not over water or over feed. You are nursing it back to health. Make sure you do not overfeed/over water the plant as it is trying to recover and probably will not be growing that much while it tries to repair itself. Plants use food and water when growing and your plants are not in that stage anymore, as I mentioned they are trying to recover from shock. The top of the soil should start to feel dry 1-3 inches down before you start watering again. Just because the surface of the soil is dry does not mean their is not trapped moisture below. The roots need to breath and use oxygen to breath and to much water drowns them and prevents them from getting oxygen.

It is a balance with the soil, being to dry and too wet are bad things. Those are large pots so you probably do not need to be watering every day.
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