Help with brown tips, lights?


Active Member
Hello everybody, i have a viparspectra 600 in a closet grow, a couple of days ago i noticed some yellowing and yellow tips, then the tips evolved to brown tips, i had lowered the lights from 28" to 26", i had them back @ almost 29" from the center plant and noticed they got greener and bigger, but i fear if they will get more damaged, i just had reflective material built around them @ 2ftx2ft, will this reflective material concentrate the lights much more and burn them? am i safe @ 28"? the specs say that PAR values @ 24 is 488, i am @ less than that. i forgot to mention they were transplanted into 20 cm pots abt a week ago with organic soil enriched, andthey have grown substantialy especially the last couple of days. their brothers and sisters are outdoors in the same soil and dont seem to have any issues same genetics. what are your recomendations? advice is well apreciated. They doing 18/6 and they are more than a month from seed.


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Looks like nute burn to me. Have you been feeding them? Perhaps the enruched soil was a little hot for seedlings?
i thought so too, perhaps along with the close light it was too much nutrients working their way up, i havent been feeding them anything, plain water coz i figured the soil was rich enough, but their sisters are outdoors in the same soil even richer i might say, and no problems there, could it be that because they are under lights much more time they are working more nutrients upwards? am i safe if i lowered the lights even more? what should i do if it is nute burn? just wait it out?
it also looks to me like they are burning consistently in that soil with every watering... what exactly is this organically enriched soil? Outside they can probably use the nutrients a lot easier than in the indoor light.
what do you recomend i should do? it is supposed to be orgaic soil with worm castings or hummus, and some rice hulls i see plenty. what should i do differently? upper growth seems fine so far. Also, i put the smallest of all right in the middle under the light to see how it behaves, maybe it will grow to meet the others, should i not be changing their places because the light is not the same PAR value? should i remeber their places and put them right there or it can be flexible?
is it a commercial soil or something someone cooked up?
it is a comercial soil, i admit i mixed some other comercial soil i used on another plant and it is also doing great, i mixed both because i wanted some more rice hulls present for aeriation.
I don't think the problem is in the rice hulls, that is good stuff and can often replace the use of perlite... it just breaks down after one grow and you have to do it again. Did the commercial soil have fertilizer in it, like in Miracle Grow?
it was supposedly organic soil enriched with worm hummus and trichoderma.
That is so encouraging. Thanks a alot that is just what i needed
I don't see a problem then. Expect burning until the roots adapt to whatever is going on in that soil... if the outdoor ones can do it, so can this one. Tip burning isnt really a crisis... its just showing the roots reacting to something too hot.
That is so encouraging. Thanks a a lot that is just what i needed to hear.
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