Hi everyone newbee grower started 2013 on my 7th grow I HAVE A MIRACLE STORY FOR YOU


New Member
Hi again: I started growing out of desperation let me tell you our story.
In may of 2010 my wife, Diana, and I were leaving a casino when we were hit head on by another car. The accident left my wife with an extreme form of whiplash that centered in her motor control center. This left her with terrible headaches, dizziness, nausea, after seeing a neurologist she was told that she had to go on seizure medicine and very heavy duty pain pills because of damage to her motor control center. The combination of these drugs left her almost comatose. We were told this would have to continue for about 3 years until the damage could be repaired by the body. After about a year Diana was not doing good at all the neurological problems were not getting any better and the headaches were worse and now she was experiencing such nausea that eating was a problem and abdominal pain was getting unbearable. The abdominal pain was considered a reaction to all the pain killers Diana was taking.
Finally in late 2010 our family doctor got the insurance company to pay for a abdominal scan of Diana. When the results came in our doctor told us that there would have to be a high resolution scan done for there was something they needed to get a better look at. We went back to the hospital and had a new scan. The results of this scan turned our blood cold. Our doctor, a 30 year friend, told us that Diana had a tumor on her pancreas and that she had pancreatic cancer and he set an appointment with a gastro- logiest whom confirmed our doctors diagnosis and he set up a endoscope surgery to get a biopsy (a process were they go through the throat and into the stomach and intestines then when next to tumor they put a needle through the intestine wall and remove a sample of the tumor).The appointment for endoscope surgery was a month away.
When this all started I went insane and spent all the time I had on the net finding everything I could about pancreatic cancer. What I found shook me to my soul. Less than a 20% chance of survival and if you did survive the survivors usually don't last more than 5 years after the event.
This was not acceptable to me I wasn't going to lose my wife of 46 years like this. I explored all kinds of natural remedies and then I ran across a story of a person using Simpson oil and it cured his cancer, by this time I have read of several so called miracle cures and I was very skeptical. I continued researching this Simpson guy to see if any dirt showed up and all my searching found nothing negative about him in fact all was good about this man a rare caring person that has sacrificed all for others. I copied all his videos and worked with a friend of mine that was a MM caretaker here in Michigan to make this oil.
We used 4 oz of very good Sour Diesel bud he had and we purchased a distiller and made some Simpson oil. We followed the instructions to the T and we got some really nice amber oil a little thick but oh my god was it potent. We moved the oil from the stiller cup with a knife to a storage vessel and we licked the knife to test it don't do this your almost instantly high it's very potent.
Diana and I took the oil home and I made a very small scoop to get about a rice grain size volume of oil in the scoop I heated the wire I had made the scoop from and the oil ran out of the scoop onto a piece of bread
I took this and made a small ball with the oil in it and gave it to Diana in the mornings. This oil was the miracle we were waiting for right after taking Diana could get much needed very restful sleep, "without taking pain killers" what was even better Diana got an appetite back and the nausea disappeared. This started from the first dose of oil! We continued Diana on the oil for about 30 days and it was time for the endoscope surgery. We had got ready to leave home for the surgery and Diana took my entire days dosage of pills (14 various heart medications) instead of hers and we spent the day in poison control centre. We rescheduled her appointment with the endoscope surgery and was another 30 days out.
During this time we kept Diana on Simpson oil and then came the time for the endoscope surgery. We went to the hospital and the doctor doing the operation met us in Diana's room and explained the procedure he showed us from the high resolution scan the size of the tumor and where it was located and how he would find it and be able to get a biopsy of it and off they went. When Diana came back from the procedure the doctor was beside himself he had made two attempts to find the tumor and it was gone completely.
After this we went to our doctor who told us that 2 specialist had read the high resolution scan at the hospital agreed with our doctor this was cancer as did the gastrologist. Now with no tumor I told our doctor what I had done with the Simpson oil. He told me it had nothing to do with the cure but don't stop using it. It's just unbelievable how the medical profession and the government look at the ability of marijuana to heal things.
It has been four years from our accident which forced us booth into retirement. Diana has had no more bouts with tumors and is slowly getting off all the drugs. We have her MM card and I grow for her. The MM is handling all the problems of the accident and with out those heavy duty drugs and their after effects. I thank all that is for the marijuana plant for without it my beautiful wife would not be here with me. I'm positive.
LK Bellinger
Michigan, USA
Re: Hi everyone newbee grower started 2013 on my 7th grow I HAVE A MIRACLE STORY FOR

Wonderful story about the healing powers if weed. Look into Magicalbutter.com and use there method instead of rso, you will get a better product, once again I'm very happy for you guys, pm me if you want more guidance to a fabulous website devoted to oils and tinctures and salves etc.:bravo:
Re: Hi everyone newbee grower started 2013 on my 7th grow I HAVE A MIRACLE STORY FOR

:welcome: lendee to the number 1 site on the web for cannabis awareness!
Hope all is well in your world.
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Greenest Regards, :green_heart: :Namaste:
Re: Hi everyone newbee grower started 2013 on my 7th grow I HAVE A MIRACLE STORY FOR

Welcome lendee. That is awesome. That's why I started growing. The cancer was to far in both my parents. But rick's oil did help my dad with appetite. I lost my mother in 02 I was 21. And my dad in 06. Both cancer that had spread from the bone to brain. Both of them. Same shit. Just really odd. Anyways welcome and if there is any help I can give let me know.
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