Hi. I'm Aberration.


New Member
I am a medical user, longtime toker, and just recently, ganja farmer.

I abide very strictly by the laws of my state. I see no reason to screw up a good thing.

I do have a disabling pain that qualifies me in my state and have completed the proper paperwork correctly for three years now. I am legal in my state.

But make no mistake - I like to get high. I enjoy every doobie I smoke. God has been good to me.

I'm easy going. I'm married with adult children. I have a good tech job, and she has a nice job too, and we make plenty of money, but we're not rich by any stretch.

I won't play games or cause trouble - I'm too old to care for that anymore.

I guess I better start a real thread somewhere else and see who stops by. I'd do it right now, but I'm pretty stoned and it's pretty late. Maybe tomorrow night.

Welcome Aberration. I appreciate your appreciation of Cannabis. Heck yeah it's medicinal, but it's also enjoyable on it's own merits. This reminds me of a cartoon I want to draw some day. The caption is something like "I don't smoke dope any more. Now I just medicate."* Thankfully, the euphoric herb opened our minds to other possibilities. :peace:

*© 2000 FreakNature
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