Hi! Jumping in feet first

I am new to the growing community, but have dabbled with growing on and off for the past ten years. Nothing to write home about, but I am now able to hone my skills and hopefully be able to produce a great product. I come from a land where people are not compassionate about the need and desire for this amazing herb at both the state and national level so stealth it has to be. I am young enough to learn, old enough to know better, and I still wanna dive right in!

I am looking to get as much guidance as I can. I have decent equipment, some general knowledge, and I believe a stealthy set up. I am just struggling to find genetics. I have always had to work from bag seed due to restrictions in my home state, but I am trying to find to source genetics from somewhere across the pond, maybe? All positive criticism is welcome, and suggestions or food for thought is amazing as well.

Hope to learn tons and grow pounds, over time of course.

Thanks in advance,

Welcome to 420mag CB! You can't go wrong with any of the seed-selling sponsors on this site. You can find the list here: Sponsors | 420 MAGAZINE ®
and strain reviews here:
Medical Marijuana Strain Reviews

I'm not an indoor grower but from your sig it looks like you have a lot of room to grow great plants (assuming you meant feet ' and not inches " ;)). And this site is an amazing resource if you dig in. I have found that waiting for the information to visit you is the least effective way of engaging with the knowledgeable folks here. Read journals that hit keywords in a search for what you're interested in, comment on the grows, and engage the growers writing them. We're all here to help!

When you're ready, set up a grow journal (guidelines here: How to Make a Grow Journal) and let the folks you've been conversing with up to that point know where to find it.

Enjoy the journey.

Amen to that, Brother! I am on a journey, and the outcome will be what it is supposed to be. Higher plains of existence are there for those that choose to rise above it. I will gladly check out the sponsors. My main issue is that, "Rule number one. You don't talk about fight club." lol!
If you look here, you may find some techniques that you haven't heard of before. I know I have, and I read incessantly.

Welcome, and don't hesitate to start a grow journal. Voyeurism is rampant here with regards to grow rooms.

I ordered from Crop King Seeds. They were fast and pretty stealthy. They are a sponsor here too.
Thanks for all the replies! I am trying to figure out the best way about importing genetics now... Figured it isn't terribly smart sending it directly to me, ha!

Hey, K! Thanks for saying high! Hope all is well with you, and best of growing. I am just an old-noob diving back in and starting from close to scratch!
Sorry ya'll! I had to fall off a bit. I am back, and I still on the journey of a lifetime!
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