Hide a joint?

Learn your rights.

Never ever ever ever EVER EVER EVER


Consent to letting a cop search your car.

He cannot search your car unless you give him permission to do so or he obtains a warrant. I was scared shitless out of my mind once because I was riding with a group of friends in MY car even though a friend was driving and we got pulled over for expired tags. A friend of mine had shrooms in the back (definitely not mine but I could have been pinned for it since it's my car). The cop goes, "Okay, well, I'm going to have to do a search of the car because of suspicious activity." And my friend driving goes, "Okay" and I literally put my hand over his face and say, "I'm sorry officer, but this is my vehicle and I do not consent to a search without the presentation of a warrant." I thought I was going to throw up over everywhere I was so nervous but he just made a snide remark of, "If I really wanted to, I could have your car searched, but my shift is almost over," then wrote me a citation for the tags and let us go.

Erowid Freedom Vaults : How to Avoid Getting Busted
^^ Good site for such talk.

I hate it when people don't know their rights and they get busted. It sucks so bad.
take the ink cartridge out of a pen, preferably not clear lol, also one that comes apart easily
This is an old thread, but what the hay...I had an old jacket, hand-me-down, with a hole in the pocket. One could push an item back through the hole so it wound up in the back of the liner. In my case, that hole got pretty big after awhile. If you were trying to hide your MMJ so a non-recommended individual didn't freak out about it, that might be an option.
Take the tube out of a chapstick thing. You can hold three joints in there easy. Plus chapstick is a relative common thing to carry in your pocket. Cops do check cig packs though, very often. My cigarette packs have been checked with almost every encounter with the police.
yea nice idea bergdawg I used to take out the guts of pens and put a joint in there but now I got some long hair and just shove a J behind my ears.
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