Hopeful Growing Guide


New Member
Growing plants!!

I've been wanting to grow for a very long time now. I had some extra time on my hands so I decided to give this long saught after dream a try. This is just based of extensive research, I have been through countless websites and I have hopefully compiled the best growing plan! I wanted to see if this was a good enough plan to start growing. Not gonna grow very many plants maybe three or four. Feel free to leave comments and it's the internet so I fully expect crap comments. I know I'm a beginner and I have no experience that's specifically why I posted this. I seek advice and insight on the art of growing great tasting and potent bud.

Starting equipment:
30 watts per foot of floor space.
More lumens the better.
Energy saving bulb (penetrates better)
Start with 6400K Compact Fluorescent Lights ( CFL ) -- blue light spectrum(growth)
End with 2700k CFL-- red light spectrum (flowering)

If desired you could use the red for the whole thing. But for better results use the blue light first. Then switch to the red light.

Line the bottom of a plate with a few layers of damp paper towels (not to be dripping) and drain any excess water from the plate.
Seeds should be placed on top of the tissue, allowing each seed as much space as possible. Use double the amount of seeds you plan to yield. This will be explained later.
Place another few layers of damp paper towels on top of the seeds, again allowing excess water to drain off.
Lastly, cover everything with the second plate, upside down, to form a ‘clam-shell’ shape – this will create the dark, moist environment necessary for germination.

Once shoots pop out and the first leaves sprout, which may take 24-72 hours. But can take weeks maybe months, dependent on the seeds. Dark seeds are the best as they are quicker to sprout.
Once sprouted plant immediately using high quality gardening soil while being very gentle. They are very sensitive just like a new born child. Bury knuckle deep.

Start with very small amount of fertilizer and slowly increase amount over time and growth.

Stick to a strict schedule.
Place lights directly overhead. Apprx 4-8 inches from soil the move further as time goes by.
When first growing:
18hrs on/6hrs off.
Stick fingers in soil, if not moist water.
If leaves are yellowing add more fertilizer.
Feed twice a week.
Do this until desired height.

Take three days to accustom to next light phase... 16/8 14/10 then12/12 stop decreasing light time here.
Water once per two days when light comes on.
After two weeks the plant should start flowering... Eliminate males, unless you want more seeds. To identify look for little grape like seeds on the branches.
And keep Females. They will have white hairs.
After this you just wait...

When the buds start to produce remove the canopy leaves... This will result in a greater yield in nuggets also will enhance size of nuggets. But this doesn't have to be done.
To determine if your plants or properly hydrated place back of hands on soil.. If cold don't add more water, if dry add more (obviously)
2-4 months later you should be ready to harvest.
Last couple of weeks don't fertilize this is to prevent the plant from storing it.

To determine when it is time to harvest use this as an indication: if the white hairs 50%-80% on the females have turned brown.
Now cut at the bottom. This may be hard but you have to.

Curing time:
Remove all small leaves from inbetween the buds.
Be careful not to touch as this removes THC by sticking to your fingers.
This produces high quailty bud.

Remove the buds and pease when handling bud use gloves or tweezers.
Place in dark and ventilated environment.
After 5-9 days you can press into the desired size bud you want.
To press roll into a plastic bag push gently together.
Put it under a pillow for a couple of hours.
Compressing to much will make the buds tighter and appear smaller but will be more dense.. Also more trichromes will burst which decreases potency overtime.
Again Put in bag and roll together gently.
After a few hours take out and let dry on piece of paper or oringinal drying place, whilst remaining in dark ventilated area.
Then after 2 days repeat process. This time putting in bag for 5 hours.
The repeat several times.
Don't press the plant more than twice Unles you want tighter buds.
It will take a couple of months to fully dry (you can of course use while drying) It will be worth the wait though!
Always look for mold!!
Make sure to take and air out to prevent this.

It's time!!!!
Use as much or sell as much as desired.

This was guide was conducted strictly through research with no testing whatsoever, as of right now anyways.. so tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help and I hope this is accurate and helps people, including myself!
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