How Has MM treatment benefited you, the user

I have degenerative arthritis ( also shredded meniscus ) in my left knee due to an injury, eventually I wll need a joint replacement. I also have a torn labrum ( cannot repair just clean up), torn bicep muscle ( they want to cut 1 of the 2 tendons that attach it) and more in my right shoulder. I recieved steroid injections and mild - mid lvl painkillers for a few years but the 'roids are turning what is left of the cartilage to mush and the painkillers no longer work. I can get oxycodone no problem, I filled my prescription 1 time and never again. Do not like how wasted it makes me. As a casual pot smoker I decided to experiment with different strains to see if any would help. Marihuana works as good if not better than Oxy and I can function alot better. Got my MMJ card awhile back and all is much much better.

A good indica before bed so I can actually sleep and a nice Sativa here and there during the day so it takes the edge off the pain and I can function.

Hi Sinbad! I started using edibles almost a year ago thanks to another friend turning me onto them just for the hell of it. I was close to losing my job due to my bipolar/a.d.d. issues & a coworker being seriously mean/disrespectful to me about it which resulted in me wanting to do bodily harm to the coworker. My friend brought me some candy & to my surprise I felt so relaxed/focused & didn't give a crap about what my coworker thought about me & my illness. Now I get to watch my mean coworker go through stress/negativity while I have a big smile on my face knowing that I still have a job and am not going to prison for what I wanted to do to him.
Lusi,yes I have what is called an Ileostomy and wear a pouch. It isn't so bad,you get used to it. Most people don't even know unless I tell them. Yeah,my immune system is going nuts and it is common for UC and IBD pts to get different forms of Arthritis. I do have to watch my liquids and make sure I am hydrated,some of my RXs have to be liquid form.Thank you so much for your kind words,I appreciate it. Like anything else,we deal with the stuff that happens in life,I actually feel much better without my guts! I like the Indicas,especially for helping control nausea. One I tried was Super Silver Haze. It relaxed me and also helped a lot with anxiety. That in turn helps dull the pain. I have been eating brownies,but I noticed the last couple times I ate one,I ended up with a headache. The oil helps me a LOT. I can smell it and make headaches and nausea go away almost instantly. It also has taken down the swelling and inflammation in my joints. My Rhematologist agrees and said he sees a difference. Lusi I wanted to say that I am happy your Hubs is home and safe. What a wonderful Christmas for you and your family! Dudette
Here is a kicker for ya,

I spent years sending my teenage boy to rehab and constantly on his back. Now at 23 (right out of Air Force Boot camp) He has a catastophic car accident. (Jan 2010) They took his spleen, and most of his leg, and had multiple other fractures along with Brain injury and coma. Told us to make peace for him as they did not think he would make it.

6 months later, after hospital and Rehab Hosp. He still needs 3 more surgeries in next year, is in horrific pain and Morphine, Dilautid or percocets only bring pain from a 10 to a 9. He cried to me to let him try mm and I agreed (ok... hesitantly) within 15 minutes his pain went from a 10 to a 3! Since then it has gone down to a 1 and lasted 4 hours. I bought him a vaporizer as he was getting a productive cough. We use less and it is portable (N02). It hardly smells and I not only let him vap in house but in the car between dr's visits.

I WENT FROM CONDEMNING TO SUPPLYING!:cheer: lol His doctors (all of them) say "we cant condone but if it works use it as it is better for him and has no side effects" How can you argue with that.

Worse part::: I live in NJ! Fat Christie is farting around with the mm law and trying to put so much restriction it wont be effective. He wants to limit the THC to 10%, and not all conditions are covered.

So here I sit. Learning how to grow (cause Im not rich and $200. 1/2oz is killing me). Bought my feminized seeds and getting ready to buy grow room.

A recent newspaper article quoted a woman with ALS saying this: I feel like a drug addict taking my morphine (which makes me sleep my last days away); but I feel like a criminal smoking pot. Im sure that strikes home with everyone!

Thanks for listening and hope to post pictures when everything starts to grow
Welcome to the forum Jillybean44! Wonderful heart warming story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I also get the comment about feeling like a criminal. Thanks to my edibles I might be a criminal but at least I am not in prison as my edibles keep me from wanting to do bodily harm others. Thanks again for sharing.
Welcome to the forum Jillybean44! Wonderful heart warming story. Thank you so much for sharing it. I also get the comment about feeling like a criminal. Thanks to my edibles I might be a criminal but at least I am not in prison as my edibles keep me from wanting to do bodily harm others. Thanks again for sharing.

Ive heard of "edibles" could you explain? If it is one more way to help him I for it.
Thanks, Jill
Its such a sad thing to hear of how we must suffer in silence, treat ourselves and become criminals at the saem time. Can't say it enough-my heart goes out to your son and the fight your in. My suggestion is to petition your congressman, representative for an audience( meeting) and see his stance, let him know your son first hand...put face to the need for legalization.
I was in the same boat, hurt worn out body after USA, treatment at VA didn't help after 10 years of moderate it got worse. Last ditch even tried PT as was advised through regular Doc, DAMN it backfired-oh where was I going with this? So sorry, enough of my issues-it works-end of story. Gotta keep smoking, maybe not when replying though. ;)
Hi Jill. You can check out how to make edibles from here 420 Kitchen - 420 Magazine I will write you a separate message about edibles in a bit. Also, get your son on magnesium supplements as well. 500 mg should do it as it will intensify the effects of the thc. The link for that is on here somewhere but I don't know where at the moment. Remember I am not a doctor. Had to put that just in case since I am giving out advice.
Hello all, here is a little bit about my situation. Im 25 yrs old, I am on call 24/7 with work and I take care of some rental properties for my father. I do have a degree in Industrial Technology and I am the Chief Engineer where I work at. So work keeps me pretty busy. I have had lower back problems since high school. I played many sports throughout my childhood including football, wrestling, baseball etc, and just in general did not take care of my body when I was younger.

I was diagnosed with Lumbar Milaysia and a worn out L3. Basically most of my lower vertibrae is losing fluid and causing the majority of my back muscles to spasm and constantly have knots plus my L3 is about half as thick as my other vertibrae. I was prescribed Flexerill, It would work but I would be knocked out shortly after and really loopy when I woke up. The bottle was still half full and I still had all 3 refills when the prescription expired after a couple of years. Couldnt stand to take them. I use MJ and it works alot better than any prescription. My pain is like a constant numbing pain but sometimes it gets so bad that I lock up and cant move cause it feels like a knife in my spine. Im not saying that MJ makes it go away 100% but it loosens all of my muscles in my back and really numbs the pain. Even though mmj isnt here yet, I have to keep using it so I can pay my bills and be able to work.

I have read about all of the vets on here that are using mmj. I know my situation is not nearly as bad as theirs but I just wanted to share my story and explain how mmj helps me day to day. I do want to thank each and every veteran on here for their service to this country. I know that the moral of the US is not very high and we have ALOT of governmental problems that need to be resolved, but I still love my country and have respect for any who has worked for me and my familys freedom.
Great posts guys, this is waht we need-dialog and Lusi if you get the name of that narcotic free strain let us know. I'm in no way an expert, but there are two parts to the THC properties one is where you get the mind high and the other affects the body.
To many of us suffer, sleep with pain, walk, try to live with it until we end up miserable. Keep up the dialog-:)]
Ooops hit post before I was done. I am an American Vet (USAF Jan1987-July1991) My discs are slowly degenerating, painful process. Every day is pain, unless I use MMJ. I like the Indica strains, better pain relief for me than Vico***, or Norc*. For me the Sativas are a great mood lifter. Funny thing is I asked my Primary Care Physician at the VA about MMJ...He said, and I quote, " You don't want to do that, those people, (MMJ users) kill others for the drug".... I was shocked. I had already tried it, and did not feel like murdering for pain relief..perhaps he knows of some secret study where the MMJ users turned on each other for a joint!!! More like they would see the joint, fire it up and pass it on. I would laugh, but this is the kind of misinformation we are struggling against. How can a man who claims to be a doctor be so misinformed? Or was his response a trained reflex phrase to steer Vets away from MMJ. My Doc is from India where bhang is consumed by people on a daily basis, so more than likely he saw its effects first hand, happy, singing, dancing, people, who then go to sleep after wards... hmm does not sound violent to me. Needless to say I did my own research and came to my own informed conclusion. MMJ works for me.
Isn't that sad Smoke2Js. I would have opened my mouth and challenged him..Im getting very mouthy when it comes to my son and his treatment. We have been lucky, Everyone of his docs (7 so far) have just said, I cant condone it (we live in nj where it is on the cusp of being legal but totally rulled) but if it works it is better than the morphine and ocycodones we had him on. Now one of his neurologists is questioning me on types and she is amazed at how specific things are. NOW IF THE POLITIANS CAN GET ON THE BALL! Good Luck
Great link Smoke2Js the read from the VA is tragic-they really are behind the times and man makes me wanna scream bloddy murder! Won't the VA realize the AMA KNOWS bud is a miracle worker in our bodies and is studying it?
It has effectively replaced both flexeril and Hydrocodone to treat severe severe neck and upper back pain(flexeril's old job) and curing massive migraines(hydro's job) and I couldn't be happier to be off those terrible drugs that in order to combat pain made me almost entirely useless for the majority of the day.
Here is a kicker for ya,

I spent years sending my teenage boy to rehab and constantly on his back. Now at 23 (right out of Air Force Boot camp) He has a catastophic car accident. (Jan 2010) They took his spleen, and most of his leg, and had multiple other fractures along with Brain injury and coma. Told us to make peace for him as they did not think he would make it.

6 months later, after hospital and Rehab Hosp. He still needs 3 more surgeries in next year, is in horrific pain and Morphine, Dilautid or percocets only bring pain from a 10 to a 9. He cried to me to let him try mm and I agreed (ok... hesitantly) within 15 minutes his pain went from a 10 to a 3! Since then it has gone down to a 1 and lasted 4 hours. I bought him a vaporizer as he was getting a productive cough. We use less and it is portable (N02). It hardly smells and I not only let him vap in house but in the car between dr's visits.

I WENT FROM CONDEMNING TO SUPPLYING!:cheer: lol His doctors (all of them) say "we cant condone but if it works use it as it is better for him and has no side effects" How can you argue with that.

Worse part::: I live in NJ! Fat Christie is farting around with the mm law and trying to put so much restriction it wont be effective. He wants to limit the THC to 10%, and not all conditions are covered.

So here I sit. Learning how to grow (cause Im not rich and $200. 1/2oz is killing me). Bought my feminized seeds and getting ready to buy grow room.

A recent newspaper article quoted a woman with ALS saying this: I feel like a drug addict taking my morphine (which makes me sleep my last days away); but I feel like a criminal smoking pot. Im sure that strikes home with everyone!

Thanks for listening and hope to post pictures when everything starts to grow

The worst part of all, is if you absolutely have to have a combination of the two it's almost imposible, then you either suffer from withdrawals from the drugs they make you take and the fact your pain levels have gotten so high from having to use morphine, norco, etc., that just pot, no matter how strong, is not quite enough, at least not for a long time until your body finally gets cleared of the morphine programming. thats what sucks, they say pot is more harmful than that. frigging lunacy, absolute lunacy!!!
When it comes to pain relief, I use my MMJ due to several joint and muscle issues. My knees are about shot from too many years of skiing moguls. Both have chips, nonexistent cartilage, and partial tears to the ACL/MCL. My right shoulder is misaligned care of an abusive parent sending me down a flight of stairs and breaking my collar bone for the 2nd time in 3 months when I was a kid. Also have problems with my right elbow due to an unknown break while training in Kenpo Karate - leaving a spur the tendon rubs and catches on and also a chip that locks up the joint. Left wrist was shattered in a car accident in my teens, and acts like a barometer - telling me via pain when the weather is changing. Lastly, I am an endurance athlete riding my bike 100+ miles per event with 150-250 miles per week training and the previously mentioned martial arts, so I also suffer from self-induced muscle pain/soreness.

For all these problems, which are CHRONIC - causing some discomfort every day - I use my Medical Marijuana. I find a nice indica eases the pain, reduces inflammation, and improves mobility.

:hug:hi 420
i wish the gov. would do more to study the benefits of mm.
im disabled. broke my lower back over 2 years ago. working on a heating system on an icy roof at a conveience store. fell backwards onto a parking post at the front entrance.
several sugeries in 2008 helped my conditions. but now in chronic pain. shots and nerve burning is for the rest of my life. my state has decriminalized weed. but has not been aproved for medical use.
it makes me hungry, it helps me sleep, it makes my chronic pain bearable.
it actually makes me be a better person overall because im not thinking about pain.
it makes me a better dad, husband and my wife agrees w/ me. which isnt too often. ha ha
coming from an irish family alcohol is ok. but weed is like heroin according them.
but if my doctor gives me pills thats ok too. they ask me if i have any.
im off all narcotic meds. and go to the pain center fot hot water immersion and then walking against a current like an adjustable river flow. i smoke before so its so relaxing and euphoric at times. 86 degree water up to my neck to feel weightless.
yea i could keep myself on morphine,dilaudid and flexeril. but ive seen whats done to my friends.
been to to many funerals because of it.
i have a family and wanna be the best dad i can be. i dont smoke near my kids. daddy goes to the store to get munchies at certain times of the day. blaze it in my car. and come home w/ kit kats, doritos pepsi yea ha. god bless all who suffer.
Medical marijuana has helped me recover mentally and physically from a major car accident that I was involved in when I was 11 . From the impact I had major internal bleeding from my liver, three broken ribs, concussions, a broken hand & stitches. They put 102 staples into my belly After having two major surgeries and being under anstesia multiple times and on a constant high dose morphine drip for almost two months I finally recovered enough to go home. Because of all the high doses of drugs I was given in the hospital normal pain killers and fever reducers and nausea reducers do not work any more. My internal organs are weak causing me to stomach sicknesses a lot. I have a massive amount of scar tissue from the 12' incision..this causes me much pain that only marijuana takes away and has made it less and less over the years. Thank you to all the growers out there who provide safe and great grown medicine for those who need it. Marijuana is a gift.
I am 37 with severe Chrohns disease, multiple forms of arthritis, shattered my l-4 l -5 vertebrae and had it reconstructed, I have drug allergies which make taking biologics dangerous and of course I can not take any form of NSAID, plus with my Chrohns disease, about the only pain pill I can take that does not make me sick is hydrocodones and I eat those like candy, AND I live in TX.........

With that being said, MJ has saved my life. I do hate feeling like a criminal, constantly worrying about my children, who are 17 14 and 12, the 17 yo knows, the 14 yo, we are now starting to discuss it and my 12 has no clue as of yet. My ex husband and father of the younger 2 had me in court for 5 years trying to prove I was using MJ and I was constantly subjected to drug testing. Praise God I passed everyone of them.

I dont want to go into everything I have been through with medical providers. They misdiagnosed me for over 20 years before they realized I had chrohns, and only discovered that after I had quit using MJ, because of court, and because of that, my conditioned spiraled downward with in 3 weeks. I could not eat, when I forced myself, I ended up violently ill, the pain in my hips, back, and gut were so severe, it was causing me to black out. My now husband rushed me to ER and when I was in ER and they found the Chrohns on CT scan of my back. )of all things) I was hospitalized for a week, and when I Got out, I had gone to a friends and started back on the MJ. I still have major issues, mainly when the kids are home, I am not able to smoke much when they are home.

I pray for the day, that I can use MJ safely. I think I will cry the day it happens.

PS ~ my husband is former Marine ~ disabled. He has to suffer because of constant drug testing at the VA, and here they will cut off all meds, which are already impossible to get as it is.
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