How much Cannabis to add, recipes


Well-Known Member
Thanks for reading my thread.

I'm about to make my first batch of edibles. Cannabis Chocolates. A lot of the recipes for chocolates and butter and oils have a similar ratio. 5g of buds to 100g of Chocolate, or 25g in half a kilo. That's about an ounce of buds in a pound of butter (equivalency).

Question is how much to eat in a single serving. A 20g piece of chocolate isn't that big, but if it had a gram of bud in it, it could pack a wallop. Guess it will mean start low and go slow to figure it out. I'm not an old Dead-head, but also not THC naive either.

Tell me what you like. Cheers everybody :popcorn:
I ise 1oz of sugar leaf / airy buds to 1cup veg. Oil for brownies. Brownie box calls for 3/4 cup oil. I get 12 squares of brownies out of 1 batch. 1/2 brownie im good 1 full brownie im out. Lmao. Been making rosin caps of the late. 3grams rosin 90ml coconut oil and 1/4tsp sun flower licthin. Fill a 00 caps done 1cap a night I sllep lime a baby lol.
Thanks for that @scrogster So if we do some rounding for easier math, you're putting 25g into 12 brownies. Having half a brownie gives a nice buzz = 1 gram, and that's trim and immature buds.

Anybody else care to weigh in on these numbers?

My Production grade is mostly pretty mature bud. Haven't even had a puff of it yet. Leaving it cure for another week or so. I'll go with your numbers Scrogster but cautiously. Don't want to wake up at 4am face down in the yard - The coons will get me :laughtwo:
Face down a$$ up lol no thanks . 1oz = 28grams U.S. PER CUP OF OIL. I had a 100mg and 200mg eddible from medical dispensary. Im thinking 1 of my brownies in the 100mg rang from how I feel from them. Far as the rosin caps 25mg range each give or take a hair.
G'day @scrogster I just did some basic math on your brownies. It seems there is consensus that good home grown bud will average about 10% THC. By that, the average 1 gram = 1000mg should contain about 100mg of THC. You used trim & immature bud, so maybe less. Even if it was 5% THC you were getting more than 100mg per square.

So here's what I cooked up. I decarb'd 5g of my best Purple Kush crowns. Ground it down but still a little coarse. Then melted it into 100g of dark bakers chocolate in a small bowl, double-boiler style. Poured into silicone chocolate bar molds and chill. It made 40 pieces, like Caramilk Bar size.

First evening had 1 piece around 9pm. Really felt nothing after 2 hours, went to bed a slept really well, but I woke up dizzy as hell for an hour in the a.m. Not like hungover dizzy, more like when kids spin to make themselves dizzy.

Second night, had 2 pieces, 9pm, felt nothing by 11pm, sleepy. There's a pattern emerging here lol. Had another great night's sleep, and woke up dizzy as hell again. WTF is up with that?

I gave a bunch of it to one of the younger guys in the family to give me an incremental dosing report. The wiseguy ate 8 or 10 pieces at once. It didn't go so well :rofl: guess he thought the ole boy's treats would be weak.

Next up....Chocolate Fudge
I did 35 grams of green crack to 1 pound of butter. It is not likely that I ended up with a pound of product. Probably closer to 1/2 pound. That made 120 nice cookies. In my last batch, I used all of my trim to 2 pounds of butter and final weigh in was 432 grams. 215 grams made 57 very potent cookies. 1/2 cookie looped me for a good 8 hours. Only just got the scale so never knew on my first try.
@Edzzed yup, by those numbers you had about 30mg per cookie. I'm still green at edible dosing, but from what I've been reading, that is a perfect strength. cheers :thumb:
I guess its harder to do when using bud, but using concentrates its pretty easy.

1ml of concentrate = 1 gram of concentrate, or 1000 milligrams (1000mg).

My chocolate bears recipe yields 50 bears. I put half of my 1ml syringe in (500mg) into the mix, which yields me 50 bears that are 10mg each. Now, 10mg or what? When I use my own oil, I don't know the THC%, so I guess its around 75%. The one time I had it tested, it was 89% THC. So, the math is like this....

500mg / 50 pieces = 10mg per serving of oil.

Now, if that oil is only 75% THC, the math is:

500mg oil / 50 servings * THC%

If my concentrate was 75%, it would be:

500 / 50 * .75 = 7.5

So, each chocolate would be roughly 7.5mg of THC.

With Bud, given your THC% is going to be down around 20%, it would be:

500 / 50 * .20 = 2, so your chocolates would have 2mg of THC instead of 7.5 with the concentrates.

That all probably makes no sense?! :lot-o-toke:
;) lol @zeroday Actually that makes perfect sense, but I think we need to tweak the math a bit. In the last equation you have 500(mg) which represents 5g of bud x 10% estimated potency. 5g(bud)=5000mg x 10% = 500mg THC (estimate only). In my equation 500mg is already adjusted for estimated potency of 10%. Yes? Therefore:

500mg/40 pieces = 12.5mg per piece :confused: (I hope lolol)

Unfortunately without testing the bud, the best that can be estimated is a 10% THC concentration. It's a poor substitute for lab testing, but perhaps simply being familiar with the starting strength of your bud would be a place to start. Eg: we all know what 1 good puff on your favourite pipe or bong will feel like. Try your home grown product a few times (from a straight head). If 1 puff puts you on the couch, then take caution, you may have some very strong bud.

@zeroday Let me know if you see any holes in my math. I'm also wondering if there are any accurate ways to do potency testing at home.

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