I'm a new grower I need some help


420 Member
Hello every one i'm new grower and i need some help for my plant i noticed my seedling is slow growing at first it was so fast grower in day 5 start to slow down and i noticed changing color and deformed stem so i need to know is my seedling okay please help

Plant type: gorilla glue auto

Light : total 48 wat LED bulb 6500k day light 24/0

Soil: Orgaing potting soil

Seedling in picture 8 days old


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You should look into some info about "potting up". Using a smaller container during the early phases of your plants life will not only help you maintain proper moisture levels in the soil, which will help you avoid dampening off, but will also help you build a more robust root system.

In general with potting up, you will start your germinated seed off in a solo cup, or something similar. And then when the leaves are about the same width as the diameter of your cup or pot, you transplant into a slightly larger container. And then repeat the same process until you are in the container size you will eventually be flowering in. Example could be that you start in a Jiffy Pod/Root Riot/Rockwool cube to start the seed off, then transplant into a solo cup, then transplant into a 1 or 3 gallon pot, and then eventually into a 5 gallon (or larger) container. Many different schools of thought on how many times one should pot up. But in general its a good idea to do at least once or twice.

Hope your little seedling is able to pull through! Good luck on your next round, it is all a learning experience!

@speial-K exactly how I do it. I use peat pellets and re-hydrate them with boiling water to kill pathogens then let cool and drop seeds in tails down. Then into solo cups after seedlings happen.
I am an expert at killing seedlings and have taken a long journey to tr and get good at it. It looks to me like too much water - most seedlings like moist but not wet and every new grower overwaters at first. I think the stem looks like it is toast so I agree with @bobrown14 start some more. I feel your pain though Brother, out of 15 seeds in my starter pack I was able to get just three to harvest - all my fault and an expensive lesson.

Better luck next time. :Namaste:
Hey Alaba,

Welcome to forums at 420. For autos flowers it ok to start in large final container buuut and yep that’s a big butt! But you’ve got to go real easy on the water, your seedlings died from a condition called damping off - the soil was too wet and more water was added repeatedly would be my guess. Roots can’t breathe in a continuously wet soil. When the container totally dries out the plant sends out new fine root hairs to search for water. Starting out with a new seedling keep soil more on the dry side and a tiny seedling only needs a spoonful of water every other day or so. Fix another identical container but no plant and keep the soil dry, use that container as a comparison weight - it’s called lift the pot method. It’s a bad idea to water every day or every other day - this makes for lazy roots, they need to learn to work and not just be spoon fed everything they need, also learn to watch your leaves and wait for slight wilt to indicate they are thirsty before watering
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