Is it Nutrients burn or nutes lock up or something else?


New Member
White widow, planted on June 28th but by that time i didn't have a Carbon filter system, Until july 21st I installed one and realized the plant were stunted like hell, for the first 3 weeks of its life. it was so tiny and i barely notice a growth not until i installed the carbon filter i was so shocked with the difference of growth, but then i got confused with the feeding schedule, What should i treat the plant like, a seedling? or a plant in its early stage of vegetating, Anyway let me get straight to my question, its in a 1 Gallon reservoir of Aerogarden system and the last water/nutes mix was on August 2nd, 4 days ago... I added 1.3mL of each micro,grow,bloom from the flora series nutrients then checked the EC, it wasn't higher than the previous nutes mix, so i added another .4mL again then i added Rhizotonic, Been using it for a month now it helped the plant to survive and grow a bit in the time when i didn't have the carbon filter, anyway the plant seemed to me liking the nutes, I check the EC everyday and it went down from .79 on the day when i mixed the nutes to .53 but the leaves have those brown spots looks like a nutes burn and i'm confused now, because i doubt the dosage of nutes is high plus the EC is going down everyday...

i make sure the PH doesn't go higher than 6.3, every time i add PH down to have it on 5.7-5.8 after like 12hrs or so it goes up to 6.2-6.3 sometimes higher but i try my best to not add those chemicals (ph down/ph up) everyday to the reservoir to avoid ph fluctuating shock
I add ice cubes everyday to have the water temperature in the reservoir to 19C, and after like 12-16hrs the temperature raise to 22-22.5C

Room temp. 23-24C at light on time 17-18C when the lights goes off

here's some pictures of the plant i took today and i would appreciate anyway can simplify the confusing of the feeding schedule i have now due to the stunting problem i faced for like 3 weeks from not having a carbon filter and what should i treat the plant like now and is my dosage of nutes are fine or what
I spray the plant with water mixed with neem, that shouldn't be a problem right? i started that few days ago
looks like insect work. I'm thinking it could be a LEAF MINER. check under your leaves real close, use a magnifying glass of some kind to help.
Nope, it's not a leaf miner.... Do you think it is because I have been spraying it the past 3 days with water mixed with neem and the neem is blocking it from breathing? And suffocate?
looks like insect work. I'm thinking it could be a LEAF MINER. check under your leaves real close, use a magnifying glass of some kind to help.
You are over doing it with the Neem. You want to spray it 2 times a month or less. Not every single day.

But your problem looks like a nute lockout to me. The pics are not quite detailed enough for me to tell exactly what it is. But you should compare your plant to a lockout list.
The next day the problem signs got worse only on the affected leaves, new growth looks fine for me, i sprayed it with water mixed with neem 3 times, once everyday, didn't know i should do it for like once or twice a month... nutes lockout should also affect the new growth right? anyway i changed my reservoir 2 days ago and increased my nutes dose, we will how things will go, and no more spray anything
You are over doing it with the Neem. You want to spray it 2 times a month or less. Not every single day.

But your problem looks like a nute lockout to me. The pics are not quite detailed enough for me to tell exactly what it is. But you should compare your plant to a lockout list.
I mean you can Neem once a week if you really want. But every day is 100% gonna clog the stomata. Then the plants can not breath.

Nute lockout is nute lockout. It will effect the entire plant until rectified.

Keep your PH where its supposed to be and as long as your nute solution has everything the plant needs you will be fine.
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