Is my plant healthy, 5 weeks flowering ? First Grow


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First time grower :

This is my Zombie OG grow from ripper seeds, She is in 5 weeks flowering having had a few problems during veg due to first time grow and lack of research, problems consist of nute burn and over/under watering. Just wondering is she healthy ? she hasn't been pruned or trimmed again due to lack of knowledge, however i now know a heck of a lot more info and plan for my next one to be better !

Looks healthy enough. Watch the nutrient burn. Tips turning brown is ok but ease up before it is more than tips. What are you fertilizing with? What lights?
For next time suggest you FIM and supercrop to get more tops.

Good job so far though.
Looks like a healthy plant to me. Maybe slightly overwatered as indicated by the downward curling leaf tips. You could remove a few leaves that shade bud sites but there doesn't seem to be many leaves that absolutely require removing. Well done for your first time!
Using Ph perfect advanced bloom nutes, under a 100w t5 blue spectrum (6400k) grow lamp, shall i let the pot completely dry out before watering again then ? and should i feed again then too or shall i leave it for a while ? Can you give me some tips for a high quality crop ?
There also appears to be more white hair than actual 'buds' and in some areas the hairs are beginning to turn orange ? is this normal ? when will proper buds form ?
There also appears to be more white hair than actual 'buds' and in some areas the hairs are beginning to turn orange ? is this normal ? when will proper buds form ?

You have buds already forming down main stalk and on branches, the real magic will start soon...great job:bravo:
I know those ones are there but all the rest seem a little 'popcorny' and dont look like they will swell up for a decent yield
More light would be beneficial, maybe remove the larger shade leaves through the middle section of your girl. I just had a look at the flowering time for zombie og and it's around 60days and in slightly less than ideal conditions it could take a little longer, so you're probably only about half way.
They'll bulk up more in time, i reckon you're in for some nice product, oh but the waiting is so hard :)
Remove the leaves from the buds/flowers or the large fan leaves ? Because surely if i need as much light as poss removing fan leaves will reduce light going to the plant as there will be less surface area ?
I'd remove the biggest shade leaves and let all the light I could into the budding sites, I'm pretty sure the whole plant photo synthesises. The shade leaves are for..... well shade......and storage of energy, AFAIK most of the uses that they have in its natural habitat are voided in an indoor artificial environment.
I'm big on defoliation, but others may disagree, maybe a botanist could jump in here and set this straight.
At the end of the day, it's a very hardy plant, do with it what you will, this is your journey.
Cheers n Peace
Great Job, Not a bad plant at all, very healthy. The pistils are still white, It's only in Flowering Stage 2, She has a long ways to go, Do not remove those beautiful water leaves. You can always tie your plant in a "S" shape to get more light for the middle and lower branches. What Soil did you use? Check your P.H., for soil 6.5 is optimal. That little bit of burn is no big deal. It will take a long time for the buds to get bigger and heavier, Looks like a good Sativa strain. Sativa take 10+weeks to flower.
It's an 80 % indica... And Mira cle grow as it is all I had and. No money but am vhaming to a regular peat after this
Still a nice plant, Keep it up. It gets better every time you grow you will learn something. I been doing it for 27 years and enjoyed wonderful memories of growing. Keep it Soil and Organic, Fox Farm has a great potting soil, It worth the price because you will get a way bigger yield and its Organic,
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