Is something wrong with my seedlings?


Active Member
Hi guys!
New grower here...sstartup 2 more plants about a month ago now. They are showing weird signs though. One was first yellowing up and dying but i waa able to save it by repotting it and water (left in bigger pot) but still seems to be a litle yellow. And the other one (right in smaller pot) is now starting to yellow, and shrivel up and break off. Ive lost 2 sets of finger leaves now, not sure why.

Grow Medium: %80 Happy Frog, %10 Perlite, %10 Hydrotons.
Nutes: Big Bloom by Fox Farm
Water: pHed to 6.5-6.8

Any help is appreciated ! Thanks!


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Hi @DarionOzb and welcome to the forum! :welcome:
Hi guys!
New grower here...sstartup 2 more plants about a month ago now. They are showing weird signs though. One was first yellowing up and dying but i waa able to save it by repotting it and water (left in bigger pot) but still seems to be a litle yellow. And the other one (right in smaller pot) is now starting to yellow, and shrivel up and break off. Ive lost 2 sets of finger leaves now, not sure why.

Grow Medium: %80 Happy Frog, %10 Perlite, %10 Hydrotons.
Nutes: Big Bloom by Fox Farm
Water: pHed to 6.5-6.8

Any help is appreciated ! Thanks!
You are doing several things wrong, but lets try to help you out. Your plants should be a lot bigger than this by now. First, adjust your water pH, whether it is plain water or water mixed with nutes, to 6.3 pH. By adjusting to the upper end you are missing out on half of the usable pH range.
Second, Big Bloom is not a nute... it is a collection of microbes and some basic food for them... but it is not supplying everything that the plant needs. You should invest in the rest of the Fox Farm nutrient line, and you should download the instructions so you know how to properly mix them per the week of your grow.
Third, I suspect your watering methods are keeping your plants from growing properly. Every sign I see including the dying and brittle leaves at the bottom indicates that you are watering too often. Let me please invite you to read my article on how to properly water a potted plant, referenced below.
How much fertilizer are you using per feeding and how often are you feeding?

If I had to guess this early on, I would say your plants are receiving a lack of nitrogen. Use *fresh* urine as a quick supplement. Use maybe a cup per gallon of water. Feed only one of them and check the results compaired to the other plant after a few days. The plant you feed the urine to should start greening up within 24 hours.
Research the nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus levels of urine before trusting to, or not to, use it as a fertilizer.

Urine is so high in these nutrients that it needs to be diluted at a 16:1 ratio, minimum. Don’t use your morning urine, as the levels will be much higher. Always use a control as to self educate on your growing practices.

Plants love what is natural
Or he could just buy some fertilizer, just my opinion.

True. You can buy fertilizer or use what the human body produces, free of charge. Most people tend to agree that free is better. I’m not going to argue with you on that logic. The facts of nutrient content in urine are non opinionated.
That’s a great brand. Quality while staying cost effective. You have Niven looking plants. Keep up the good work.

We use custom compost soils, compost teas, and in-house engineered led lighting for our indoor grows. Outdoors, we do the same but without the manufactured light.

Impressive... but wouldn't you be just a little embarrassed if someone accused you of peeing on these plants? I certainly wouldn't think this to be a good marketing point for a commercial operation, organic or not.
Words paint mental pictures. No one in our marketing department would state “we pee on our plants”. They may phrase it as, “we use organic compost tea recipes to feed our plants”. It wouldn’t be smart for our marketing team to let our customers know that there is cow manure in our compost soil, but cmon, people should have a basic understanding of biology.

At the end of the day, we all know and understand what nutrients a plant needs to thrive. How and where we source those nutrients, I believe, should be as natural and cost effective, as so both the business and the plant are well satisfied.

This guy is growing at home and having trouble. He has two plants. His problems could be coming from several factors. Seeing that he was using a Happy Farm soil and Big Bloom, if they were my two plants in my closet, I would supplement one of the plants with nitrogen, and study the changes. He wouldn’t have to buy anything to test a nitrogen deficiency theory.

That’s all. I love all of you. Grow strong and keep growing.
someone needs to post some piss fed plant pics. Pics or it didn't happen
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