Is this nutrient burn, deficiency, or other problem?


Active Member
This lady gelato was planted august 13th in promix (which has no nutrients in it)
First month it has really took off but lately I've noticed some slight discoloration and deformities.
About a week and a half ago I added a small doses of calmag. &about 3 weeks ago I gave its first nutrient dose (i use the flora grow series). I haven't watered in over a week incase the problem was over watering and the bucket its in still has some weight to it, soil still seems moist. but the new set of leaves are showing signs of something.
I topped it a week ago.
Here are some pics.
In 1 pic the new leaves are turning black and curling at the tips.
Another pic shows an older leaves which are darkening and slowly curling inward.
3rd pic are some bottom leaves inside stems where the tip of the leave hasn't even grown.
Do I need to add nutrients again or does this seem like a different issue?


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Pic 1... did you trim the new growth when you you topped?

Pic 2.... usually nitrogen in excess will cause leaves to curl and claw... looks like this

Might have been a little to much grow with your last feed.
Thx for the reply. Do you suggest holding off on nutrients then and stick to water. No.i didn't trim anything on this plant just topped
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