Is your dose a shot or a beer?


420 Member
Curious as to how smokers/vapers dose.

Do you get dope fast, and all at once? Three quick, consecutive hits on a bong.

Or do you get more like an IV? A toke. A toke a little later. Another toke a little later.

I would have to say I am an IVer. I take maybe two tokes, ten minutes apart. Then half an hour before number three, and another half before I cap it off 'till next time.

In the meantime I FB, play Scrabble against my 'puter, and fiddle with photos and artwork.

And it provides me time to appreciate the difference it makes, and to be around some cats for a spell.

It is easy for me to sit for 4 hours on the computer suck down five or six bowls during that duration. Then I endeavor to wait four hours between 'sessions'.

I've also become a bit OCD, as, more for $$$ reasons, I started really watching what I has doing.

I get about three weeks to an ounce.

A 'bowl' is measured on a scale at between .09 and .11 grams. And it takes 4 - 5 bowls to 'do the trick.

Generally, three times a day.

And the dispensary dropped some programs after to lock down, and their good are $200, $250, and $300 and ounce, with quarters and eighths available.

I get $200 grade.

Hope to hear from someone. Other than mod that I've been inappropriate.

I guess you can call me Nord... and Bert - because I couldn't fawkin' make heads or tails out of it. But you shouldn't IV your cannabis, man. Clog up yer needles and sh!t. Probably be kind of rough on your veins, too, not to mention a right pain in the arse for the embalmer to deal with. Just say, "No," man.
I do both...if I'm working or doing stuff around the house I'll use my one hitter every few hours or whenever the buzz starts to wane, which keeps me from getting too stoned to do stuff. Sometimes if i don't have a bunch on my to do list I'll burn a joint on the back porch while listening to the rain and then come inside, make some popcorn and watch TV or like you said fall down a YouTube click hole LOL.
Lately I've been pretty busy so i have a few bong hits after dinner while tending my plants then come inside and do dishes and stuff.

Using IV metaphorically.

Do you gulp you coffee, or sip and savor it. I'm a sipper. It takes about two hours for me finish my daily brew of 24 oz.

I kinda hate being suddenly smacked in the face.
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