Jonny's Basement

That's actually an aeroponic/fogger cloner. Which uses fog, or 100% humidity to promote rooting, but with no medium other than neoprene holding the stem.
I'm also doing the Deep Water Culture cloner very soon, as soon as I have the space to do it. Which incorporates using feeder lines to supply moisture to the rockwool sitting in hydroton to create the perfect rooting environment. Which is the best way to clone if you intend on using rockwool.

In the Aero-cloner I use about 1 1/2 gallons of water, just enough to keep it about a 1/2 inch to an inch over the float valve on the fogger. In that gallon and a half of water I use 1.5 ml of superthrive. So yes 1 ml per gallon, however it breaks down. I just use tap water, although my tap comes out right around 75ppm so. If you have very hard water you might consider spring water (not distilled) I believe the clones need some sustenance throughout their rooting, the superthrive just aids in their ability to absorb the minuscule amount of nutrients provided in spring water. Clonex rooting solution is also great for use in the aero-cloners.

Sweet thanks, im going to go to hydro store and pick up the neoprene inserts. They have Clonex 17.00. Just need the correct tote. My tote is like 20 gallons so going shopping for a 5 gallon. are your 5 gallon buckets hydro too? or soil?

have a flood tray, 2x4. Have you ever gone that route? Do you feel if done right, will it produce higher yield than soil? I have it but a little hesitant. Soil is so easy. Even for a stoner like me. Will i yield 20% more.
jonny been checking out some other grows and cam across a good idea for sealed rooms.

Thats if you ever decide to get a co2 tank and want to keep it all in the same area.

would not need the ducing any more or the fillter

Its using the idea of the icebox for the lights but as a AC instead as a cooler for the lights. hmm let me try that agian so instead of having the icebox on the intake side of the light you put it on the outtake side of the light, there for cooling the hot air out into the room.

Hope that makes some since.
jonny been checking out some other grows and cam across a good idea for sealed rooms.

Thats if you ever decide to get a co2 tank and want to keep it all in the same area.

would not need the ducing any more or the fillter

Its using the idea of the icebox for the lights but as a AC instead as a cooler for the lights. hmm let me try that agian so instead of having the icebox on the intake side of the light you put it on the outtake side of the light, there for cooling the hot air out into the room.

Hope that makes some since.

I think I got what your saying, My room is completely enclosed, but my ac just cools the air in the room, Its not being drawn in the air cooled light? I have a intake fan bringing it in through the light, and an exhaust bringing it out.

Oh wait, nevermind, I gotcha. You mean just shutting off the intake/exhaust and just recycling the air through the room. That seems as though it would work. Although after spending roughly $450 bucks on the exhaust system, I would feel weird just not using it, although it would prob save me some electricity... Something to think about, thanks for the advise man, and I will def look into that other grow.
I think I got what your saying, My room is completely enclosed, but my ac just cools the air in the room, Its not being drawn in the air cooled light? I have a intake fan bringing it in through the light, and an exhaust bringing it out.

Oh wait, nevermind, I gotcha. You mean just shutting off the intake/exhaust and just recycling the air through the room. That seems as though it would work. Although after spending roughly $450 bucks on the exhaust system, I would feel weird just not using it, although it would prob save me some electricity... Something to think about, thanks for the advise man, and I will def look into that other grow.

Oh yea after spending that much money i totally agree but after the fans go out and the filter is not good then money needs to be spent again always thinking for the future. I plan on using this idea no were near in my future but years to come who knows defiantly not going to for get it.

With saving electricity not to sure still would need another chiller to chill the ice box gotta plug that in.

Sorry about putting the link up on your thread did not know 420Mag. wouldn't approve.
Ughhhh I burned my plants a couple days ago... I thought I put in double micro and I think I did.... yeah..... 120 ml of micro, 30 ml of grow and 90 ml of bloom is a bit much for six gallons... dammit. plus 60 ml of koolbloom, 6 ml of floraliscious, and 60 ml of cal-mag.

So I put them on the flush. Clearex for two days and then straight water for 3, then back to half strength nutes for a week. ughh... now I'm behind schedule. Oh well. Least i caught it relatively early.
yeah... tell me about it. I'm already down to less than a 1/4 of the bloom nutes and I have 3-4 weeks left.
That's a bummer JonnyBtreed, to err is human, besides the plants burn it sucks to dump that much nute down the drain.

but, it didn't kill em, and I have more nutrient. I was planning a trip on Monday but canceled it, so theoretically I'm really lucky :grinjoint:

Coulda come back to 4 Burnt out dead plants..... :thedoubletake:
Alright Starting with the Trainwreck in the 5 gal bucket.

When I harvested the White Rhyno last Friday, I had two extra airlines, so I threw those into the Bucket. Anyways, 5 weeks along and here it is... Just did the res change yesterday.





And Now the BP System, also five weeks along and doing Very nicely.

Here's some shots.





Pretty Bitches :thumb: Sometimes plants do finish 2-3 weeks later than the breeder advertised, but what you'll see is that your ladies will hang on and get horny in the hopes of gettin pollinated. Butch had a rainbow kush that lasted til 14 weeks, and woulda prolly went another 14 if he let her lol.. Trainwreck is a good strain, if I do another run, im heavily debating growin trainwreck or perhaps Puple urkel.. anyway your ladies look nice Jonny :goodjob:
Pretty Bitches :thumb: Sometimes plants do finish 2-3 weeks later than the breeder advertised, but what you'll see is that your ladies will hang on and get horny in the hopes of gettin pollinated. Butch had a rainbow kush that lasted til 14 weeks, and woulda prolly went another 14 if he let her lol.. Trainwreck is a good strain, if I do another run, im heavily debating growin trainwreck or perhaps Puple urkel.. anyway your ladies look nice Jonny :goodjob:

Drojo, great to have you here man! :welcome:

Yeah, I'm definitely letting them go as long as they want. Till their as bulky as they can get. The trainwreck is prob gonna take a bit longer than suggested, but I got time, and a couple big jars of headies, so I aint sweatin it.

Again man, thanks for droppin in.

Hey Johnny, i have a couple more questions.

The blue tote w/6 pots.
Is there a fogger inside,like the cloner? Or Mister? Water level?

Same setup in 5 gallon bucket?

No, the blue tote with the six cups and the bucket are both DWC (deep water culture). Roots hung down into aerated nutrient solution. The blue tote was originally "Deep Water Culture" which means I had lines feeding nutrient solution to each cup until the roots were long enough to hang in the water. Then I removed the feeder lines once all the roots were under water.
I keep six gallons in the tote and three gallons in the bucket. Water level is about an inch under each net pot.
No, the blue tote with the six cups and the bucket are both DWC (deep water culture). Roots hung down into aerated nutrient solution. The blue tote was originally "Deep Water Culture" which means I had lines feeding nutrient solution to each cup until the roots were long enough to hang in the water. Then I removed the feeder lines once all the roots were under water.
I keep six gallons in the tote and three gallons in the bucket. Water level is about an inch under each net pot.

Thats really sick,so the roots are constantly under water. Does it increase yield, compared to a flood tray?
Thats really sick,so the roots are constantly under water. Does it increase yield, compared to a flood tray?

Yes the roots stay underwater in a recirculating nutrient solution aerated by air stones. And they look beautiful!
Honestly I've never done a flood try so I have no basis of comparison. But I have been very happy with what I've done so far. Pulling about 2 1/2 lbs off the systems in the last 12 months.
just looked through your journal and your plants look really nice and big - have you grown like this before?
how old are those beastz?

Well thanks man, yeah this is my fourth grow in the BP system and 3rd in Waterfarm. First in DWC bucket.

Girls are five weeks in. 9 weeks total
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