Jujment699's Ak-49/Red Poison Grow Journal

So last night I spent a lot more time scouring forums and there is such a large amount of problems that look like mine it's hard to say... Mag deficiency, ca deficiency, mn and phosphorus deficiency. Root rot, root bound, overwatered, under watered. And even the same pics for "too high ph plants" and "too low ph plants" look the same across all of google :/

One major thing I've discovered is hear burn... So when I first transplanted them from solo cups to the gal pots I had to move the lights down by about 2 feet closer to them. As they grew I never moved them up along with them as they grew so I think they grew into the light and since the light was like inches away by the time they got to their size now I think it did some damage... 600 watt hps is like so hot I burn my finger just on the metal reflector tray. So I moved that last night. I also figured maybe the temps were too hot since the light was so close.... Indeed it was about 85 degrees and after moving the lights nearly two more feet away it dropped under 80 at plant level.

Google some heat stress pics let me know how you think they compare.

I woke up today and it seems a lot of the green came back into some of the leaves... Which is great! Because if this is all just heat stress I'll be relieved... Unfortunately the new growth looks pale and pitiful... Which sadly makes me think it's still my ph. I still can't test that since amazon sits on their butts for 7 days preparing my order for shipment and then they just overnight it at the last second lol. Like just send it early... It won't kill you.

Anyway their watering is nearing. Depending on the moisture in the dirt it will be either tonight or tomorrow. Last watering was on Sunday. I don't know if I should feed nutes this time around... Put some apple cider vinegar to lower my ph... Which apparently the charts say mines too low... But every factor points to it being too high... I'm trying to wait for the equipment... If they got watered on Sunday is waiting until Saturday too long? I usually water 3-4 days. If I see any damage from lack of water I'll water. Anyway I'll post back let me know what you guys think.
85 shouldn't cause much heat stress, though it may well be hotter than that closest to the light. In the 90s it starts cause problems for sure. With heat stress you'll see leaves cupping upwards, and burning/bleaching closest to the lights. Yes if your plants were inches away from the 600 it would have burned them. I do see a bit of cupping on some of your leaves but most of the damage is down lower/all over and looks like deficiencies. The watering issue is easily solved by paying attention to the weight of the pots. The pots should go from fully watered to dry in about 3-5 days. A week or more of staying wet is too long and you'll get lockout problems if it continues.
And the pH just needs a decent meter which it looks like you have on the way hopefully. :thumb:. Like I said, I've never got to deeply into this because basically if I keep the pH level in the correct range and don't overwater I don't really get issues.
It's hard to decipher the different deficiency symptoms, which often look alike and are interrelated. Usually the nutrients are there, the plants just can't access them because of environmental problems. That's why it's generally easier to try to find the source of the problem than to try to treat the symptoms.
Good luck and I hope your mail arrives soon
85 shouldn't cause much heat stress, though it may well be hotter than that closest to the light. In the 90s it starts cause problems for sure. With heat stress you'll see leaves cupping upwards, and burning/bleaching closest to the lights. Yes if your plants were inches away from the 600 it would have burned them. I do see a bit of cupping on some of your leaves but most of the damage is down lower/all over and looks like deficiencies. The watering issue is easily solved by paying attention to the weight of the pots. The pots should go from fully watered to dry in about 3-5 days. A week or more of staying wet is too long and you'll get lockout problems if it continues.
And the pH just needs a decent meter which it looks like you have on the way hopefully. :thumb:. Like I said, I've never got to deeply into this because basically if I keep the pH level in the correct range and don't overwater I don't really get issues.
It's hard to decipher the different deficiency symptoms, which often look alike and are interrelated. Usually the nutrients are there, the plants just can't access them because of environmental problems. That's why it's generally easier to try to find the source of the problem than to try to treat the symptoms.
Good luck and I hope your mail arrives soon

So I woke up today and bad fking news the terror has spread to my other plants. Didn't take many pics before I panicked and drove like 50 miles just for a ph water test kit... Stopped at like 10 places and nobody had ph anything... Pissed me offfffffff lol.

Check it out:


The little circle vial is the soil ph and the other one is the water ph... As you can plainly see he ph is EXTREMELY HIGH. Heck I even waited longer and went back to check and it's even darker... It's almost so dark it's black... So obviously we were all right it is an extreme lockout so I guess the first thing I'm gonna do is flush with an altered ph solution really hardcore then my ph meter will be here and I will continue on feeding in oh adjusted water.

Now question.... So my soil ph is around 8.5-9 and my water ph is probably 7... So I probably need 4-5 ph water to drop it down to 6-7 ph right?

Please answer me one question I have never understood... Is ph constant? Like do I have to maintain 6.5 religiously? Or does it flip around from 5-6-7 routinely? Like when people water to alter their soil to ph 6.5 what if they go to low? Is it stuck? Will I get lockout issues if I overdo it? Or will it slowly go back up?

Here's a pic of my plant starting to show the effects.
Thanks for the tips everyone!

Ok I skimmed through the first part of your journal trying to find what soil you are using, but couldn't and am in a bit of a hurry at the moment. I must say I do see a lot of people telling you to check your PH, from the very first answer that was posted.

To be fair- you were working with what you had, and these cheap and crappy ph meters are a curse. Oh well, let's move on.

It probably doesn't matter at this point what your soil is, it's obvious from the state of things that it isn't doing a good job of staying stable. I am really not an expert on soil but I believe a well rounded soil has a fair amount of things in it that act as a natural buffer against pH swings, such as clay or limestone. People sometimes mix dolomite lime in with the soil, which does a good job of keeping the ph around 7. Yes, in my understanding, a well buffered soil will quickly rebound from whatever is thrown at it and resist ph changes.

Beyond that I can't answer your question because I just don't have the technical knowledge. I've done plenty of gardening- but that doesn't mean I understand the processes at work.
Anyway- to try and help you here. Basically, the soil needs to be flushed a whole bunch, with better water.
I don't want to go out in a limb and say how acidic you should make that flush- I've always flushed with water which is around 6.5. It may take a lot of flushing to lower the ph.

Keep in mind that the PH scale is logarithmic, meaning that each point on the scale accounts for a factor of ten. A ph of 8 is ten times the value of ph 7. Ph 9 is 100 times the value of 7. Etc.

In Ultradan's journal at one point there's quite a bit of interesting info on flushing. His soil ph was low, and he flushed it to raise the ph. It sounds from some of the responses written in there, that flushing with water that has a high ppm will do a far better job than flushing it with something like RO water with a ppm of zero. So basically- flushing with ph balanced water, or possibly slightly acidic water, but water that is higher parts per million- so 'thicker' with more in it to react with your alkaline soil. . In Ultradan's case he added a bunch of lime to his water, bringing his ppm up and the ph to about 8. I think that flush worked well to raise his ph.
So- in your case- basically finding something nontoxic which is ph 6.5 (or maybe slightly more acidic?) and mixing a bunch of it with your water to bring up the ppm and flushing with this.
Know what I mean? I don't know offhand what that substance would be.

Here's what I think you should do- post an appropriately titled thread asking for help on how best to go about flushing to lower the soil ph. If you can get ahold of UltraDan then ask him about the high ppm flush. It may not be necessary. I just know he had a hard time changing his soil ph by flushing with plain water. If I get more time then I'll try to dig up that section of his journal.

Failing that- just keep flushing with plain water that is perhaps 6-6.5 (?) and keep testing the runoff.

Sorry, I can't help you more than that. There are lots of soil experts on the forum who can though. Good luck!!!!!!!!!
How's it going mate? Any luck?

Thanks for checking back :)

I got back and flushed the plants without any nutes. I used apple cider vinegar to bring the PH down below 4. The runoff tested at 5.5ish. (i still don't have my meter so im using color test kits.) I learned from a thread that if i spray my plants down during the flush they will take the moisture they need from the leaves and let the flush pass through the roots without consuming much of it. So it seems like it worked to sustain the ph, i woke up today and tested my soil ph and it tested at about 6.5 color range. I felt that was pretty good news.

Bad part is i can't tell for sure if my little plant (picture posted previously) the one thats recently infected is healing or not. Obviously the already effected leaves are dying off but the thing is... i still had some epsom salt in the water when i sprayed them down so i can't tell if any new leaves have been effected or if they just have spots from when they got the salt on them... kuz i have noticed that they do that.

I don't know if my mind is playing tricks but i think i see some new growth... which is great because the growth actually completely halted... if you look in the pictures you will see that small mutant one and even the damaged girls both have completely stopped growing. But if it is new growth then it doesn't look half bad. But maybe its just on its way to death... i can't tell.

You can see in this leaf i believe that the green is coming back? Day 1 on the right Day 2 on the left (i know... don't ask me why i did it that way...

Seems like the green is growing back into the leaf here.

Here are the pictures day one


Here are the pictures day two


The other two plants don't seem to be effected by the curse yet im hoping i caught it in time to save them.
I also hope i save that other little one :eek:

Im planning on their next watering either flushing again with 6.0 water or doing 6.0 with nutes just regular water... which you think they probably need right? I mean ever since this ordeal they have lacked food so now that the green is back i can begin feeding as long as i control my ph?

my only concern is the really severely damaged ones... they got like 2 weeks tops i think before harvest i hope the buds develop... theyre just sugar leaves atm. :straightface:
They look to me like they will be longer than two weeks. The usual reccomendation is to flush then after that go half strength nutes and see how they look after that, assuming the ph is where it should be by then
So the pistils are half brown after one week I'm giving them another week if that before I say F it.
Man this grow really has me depressed like things are going constantly wrong.
Today I woke up and my temp gauge does this thing where it records what the highest temp was for that 24/7 cycle and also the highest temp total since it's been on and holy crap it read 104 on both after last night which means it was 100 degrees in my tent at some point... my fan must have broke for a minute. It was back under 90 when checked it tho.

Ph meter is still not here so I'm still vaguely measuring my ph.
Also I flushed again yesterday with distiller water and gave some small nutes.... I feel so bad they are probs so hungry they have been locked forever :(

My other plants are showing stress I think it's because the heat and the ph and the lockout and ugh... How did this happen when I spent like a year studying this stuff before I even started.

The other plants drink their water in like 2 days... My other plants drink NOTHING. I have a moisture detector and even 5 days after watering it was still 8 on a 1-10 scale when my other ones were drier than sand.

Is this like extreme lock? I thought they drank more with higher temps? Maybe they are suffocating because of lack of CO2? Who knows. Honestly I can't believe my ph meter was 2 points off (even with calibration fluid... 7 and 4)

Anyway I'll take some pics... But that's the report for now
Looked back at this whole thread. I didn't see what kind of soil you are using? Your light is not air cooled which will cause massive amounts of heat and are there holes in the plastic bags for drainage? I think you have se real major issues going on at once. If you deside to kill these off, send me a private message and I can help you get started again.
Hey thanks for commenting.
Fox farm ocean forest. Im using their like "soil and nutes trio" or whatever.
Im prepared from this point on to here either constant praise or constant criticism from the soil... but it was doing its job pretty well. They went from solo cups to the size they are now (since they are all stunted) in like 2 weeks. But next time im thinking ill buy pro mix. Also i didn't mix any pearlite so thats on my TD list.
There are many many holes. At first there were only like 8 holes... then i poked like 600 more with my pocket knife. Next grow im going with smart pots/bags vs just cheap general grow bags.

I agree about the major issues. Ill def pm you :) thanks so much! That would help me soooooooo much. I read someone who failed his first 5 grows and im like.... uh yeah over my dead body :p

i don't expect much out of this grow at this point anymore. Im just going to let the plants become "ready for harvest" and im still gonna cut and cure but i doubt the bud will be much good. but hey, i do see some pretty good ones on there hopefully i can handle the smoke "probs gonna b loaded with stuff still."
Hey all, just back with an update its been over a week and ive been inspecting the trichomes but i need some assistance. I don't want amber trichs... one time i smoked a bud with like 80% amber trichs... felt like i was nodding off and i couldn't feel my heart beating... so i thought i was dead and it freaked me out... :p Gotta love weed haha.

Anyway heres what they look like, note this is all one plant, but the trichomes on each are universally similar:

Tell me if im wrong but i do see some amber trichomes in there... near the right side of the second/third pics.
You think its ready to go?
I'm really bad at examining trichomes i have literally been staring at comparison photos on google (clear vs milky vs amber) and how they bend over when they are full of "potency" and stuff and i can't figure out for the life of me if mine are too clear or too milky or both.. ugh

In other news... wtf is happening to this plant? It stopped budding and is growing tiny sugar leaves like crazy...

Here are the girls doing well... (really starting to beef up)

By the way... i got my ppm meter.... my tap water is over 1000 PPMS...(calibrated with NaCl) holy god ... how is that possible.
Right as i saw that i bought an RO system and its on the way!

Last but not least....

Cool tube!!!! yayyyyy! Now its 20 degrees cooler 0.0
Now that i have the extra reflector i have room to buy another tent and since my MH bulb puts off like hardly any temp changing heat im gonna make a veg tent :)

Anyway im super stoked to cut the beasts but i wanna make sure that i get it right after all this pain and suffering i've put myself and you guys throughout the grow, much appreciated to all who stood by and helped! Thanks for the tips!
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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