Just started my first journey and I need the village's help


Active Member
Hi folks, my name is Migg (or what my friends call me and here we're all friends .)
First off... This is just for me, and some sick (chemo patient kinda sick) folks.
so I'm focused on quality not quantity.

I just started my journey so here is what I'm working with.
4x4 tent.
2 300-watt full spectrum leds (amazon had a sale for like 90$ a pop figured good way to start.
Fox farm "3 bottles" kit
Ph 5.8 (goal)
Drain to waste system
3 gallon buckets
Using coco peat mix (I haven't mix that yet)
Hand watering/feeding.
Not getting a fan and filter till next month (on a budget)
Thinking "lollipop " (for training)

I kinda understand feeding schedules, I'm just slightly confused on ..

Do I feed the plants 3 times a day , every day the "nutritional mix" or once then water or ??

Thinking about adding "rhino skin" into my fix...

any advice is Greatly welcomed but please explain why because I want to learn. I'll be posting pics soon.
Not sure about the coco coir & peat mix bud that may end up pear shaped ?

I'd stick with just the coco coir at first.

Watering & feeding, ah well it is not a daily thing as ya more likely over water the poor little plants as for feeding every day Mmm that might get you nutrient burn or a build up of salts in the medium causing lock outs etc.

As coco is more or less an inert medium, i'm not to sure if it has any CEC value but ye i'd just feed/water PH corrected then allow the medium to almost dry out before doing so again rince 'n' repeat.
Not sure about the coco coir & peat mix bud that may end up pear shaped ?

I'd stick with just the coco coir at first.

Watering & feeding, ah well it is not a daily thing as ya more likely over water the poor little plants as for feeding every day Mmm that might get you nutrient burn or a build up of salts in the medium causing lock outs etc.

As coco is more or less an inert medium, i'm not to sure if it has any CEC value but ye i'd just feed/water PH corrected then allow the medium to almost dry out before doing so again rince 'n' repeat.

Thanks for the info, put them on rock wool and set up my timer to 18/6.

The biel twins (aka blue dream, Jessica "Biel" from 7th heaven, new total recall... not a crush but one of those chicks that can hang).

Wanna challenge? I need the villages to help!! Teach this young padawan your ways Jedi Masters... help me grow...
NewB Grower Going To Need Your Help
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