Keep her alive


Well-Known Member
That's the chant that was in my head as a terrified new mother bringing home my preemie daughter.

It's my chant now too, as I start my gardening journey with a little autoflower. Germinated on 2/22/17. She's still tiny and I'm afraid of killing her. I'll start a journal eventually. Here's a pic of her first 4 days above "ground."


Smell the flowers
Mine are one week above ground tomorrow! Definitely get a grow journal going ASAP. Makes the process so much more fun when you can actually share it with people! You have just one autoflower? She has a very purple stem but that could be genetics and she will most likely grow out of it if it isn't. I'd get a fan blowing some light air around her asap if you don't already :)

I agree with Kitty. I would remove domes for two reasons. 1 get the breeze on em right from the start. 2 the more critical reason for removing the dome is so you can get the light closer. I am 45 days into a auto grow (fastberry), and I am loving the adventure. How close depends on light type, so your dome may not interfere. I will also take this opportunity to say "Welcome to the community".
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