Kush and cookies


Well-Known Member
Hey folks

Just curious what your thoughts were on growing kush and cookies,
What's it smoke like, what light and training methods did u use etc..
I can't find to many reviews on this strain so be interested to hear any input.
Ive been saving for some time now, and my Mars fce 6500 arrived last week. I had ordered wedding cake, but its taken way to long to arrive, kinda given up at this stage.
I do however have 2 GSC, and 1 kush and cookies ready to go..
I have a 4x4 tent and plan on doing all 3..kush and cookies is a longer flowering time than GSC by about 10 days, so have planted the kush and cookies 3 days and it just burst the soil this morning..
Thanks in advance for any information in the kush and cookies..
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