Leaf septoria suspicions


Well-Known Member
I'm suspicious that what looks like calcium deficiency may very well be leaf septoria. First pic is my plants and second pic is an example of leaf septoria from Google. Thoughts?


Septoria starts off looking like a spider mite problem...little white pin pricks that turn into a huge scab looking thing with a dark spot in the center...it's a fungus spore you bring in on your clothes...which is why I basically strip to my skivvies before I go into my grow room....been there done that...and it will keep spreading if it is septoria...I battled it for months before I just trashed everything and scrubbed my entire room from top to bottom and started over...sorry it will keep spreading, the more fans you have the more it will spread...
Septoria starts off looking like a spider mite problem...little white pin pricks that turn into a huge scab looking thing with a dark spot in the center...it's a fungus spore you bring in on your clothes...which is why I basically strip to my skivvies before I go into my grow room....been there done that...and it will keep spreading if it is septoria...I battled it for months before I just trashed everything and scrubbed my entire room from top to bottom and started over...sorry it will keep spreading, the more fans you have the more it will spread...
I'm going to get them as far along as possible to make some money back for electricity and then just pick it all and get as much money as I can back . Then I will scrub and replant in coco this time. I'm over potting mix it's the worst. Can't regulate things as well as coco or dwc .
I'm going to get them as far along as possible to make some money back for electricity and then just pick it all and get as much money as I can back . Then I will scrub and replant in coco this time. I'm over potting mix it's the worst. Can't regulate things as well as coco or dwc .
Hope you don't kill anyone or get them sick with that. Sounds like diseased weed to me. I wouldn't want it or trust smoking it. I can't see it up-taking nutes very well with the leaves like that. Can't see Photosynthesis working very well either.
Septoria starts off looking like a spider mite problem...little white pin pricks that turn into a huge scab looking thing with a dark spot in the center...it's a fungus spore you bring in on your clothes...which is why I basically strip to my skivvies before I go into my grow room....been there done that...and it will keep spreading if it is septoria...I battled it for months before I just trashed everything and scrubbed my entire room from top to bottom and started over...sorry it will keep spreading, the more fans you have the more it will spread...
Sorry to hear about that grow Mocha. So how do you pick up this fungus spore from outside ? Is it Airborne or from other plants or what ? Just something I want to know so I can try to avoid it if possible. Thanks !
Sorry to hear about that grow Mocha. So how do you pick up this fungus spore from outside ? Is it Airborne or from other plants or what ? Just something I want to know so I can try to avoid it if possible. Thanks !
If you touch a tree or dirt or anything with spores on it and have even one or two spores on your clothes or hands and somehow transfer it to your grow room and one leaf, then provide slightly high humidity or temp and it's growing. I can see why commercial businesses are wearing hazmat suits and have to be completely suited up when entering grow rooms
I'm going to get them as far along as possible to make some money back for electricity and then just pick it all and get as much money as I can back . Then I will scrub and replant in coco this time. I'm over potting mix it's the worst. Can't regulate things as well as coco or dwc .
:rofl: It's not your medium that's the problem...it's the trees outside with it all over them and getting on your clothes...I've used FFOF & FFHF for years now, and haven't had a problem...and BTW septoria will attack your plants in coco and dwc also
It doesn't harm the buds or attack the buds .
It will, if it goes long enough :thedoubletake::thedoubletake: and they'll smell like mildew.
Sorry to hear about that grow Mocha. So how do you pick up this fungus spore from outside ? Is it Airborne or from other plants or what ? Just something I want to know so I can try to avoid it if possible. Thanks !
Yep it's an airborne fungus, but like I said, I strip down and haven't had a problem since...and if I've been outside (which is most of the time) I'll take a shower and change my clothes during spring and summer before I go back into my room :thumb:
Hey @Grower2020 ...I wouldn't try to smoke it like that...what I do, if it's a bad batch is...
1) Get some dry ice.
2) Get a 1 gallon 220 micron bag, and a clean 5 gallon bucket.
3) Freeze the weed for 24 hours before you do next step.
4) Break up the buds into small pieces, don't grind.
5) I use a brand new pair of deer skin work gloves to handle the dry ice (it will burn you) but any type of heavy duty work glove will do. I just prefer the feel of deer skin :rofl:
6) put a baseball size chunk of dry ice into the bag and put about an ounce in there with it, and shake it for about 30 minutes, or until the kief stops coming out...you can smoke it like that, or I go even further, and make rosin out of it...my buddy has a 4 ton rosin press that reaches 300 degrees
It does look similar. The only difference that stands out to me is the white spots. Looks like Leaf Septoria starts out with white spots from the pics. Not sure though. @Emilya , can you give a diagnosis ?
It doesnt look like Septoria to me. Instead of bunches of round yellow spots, you have irregularly shaped dead regions. I suspect that you are looking at three things... a magnesium deficiency that can be treated with calmag, a recognition by the plant and the beginning of self removal of leaves that have been touching the soil, and an indication that it is time to uppot.

The website that was referenced above is famous for diagnosing Septoria or TMV for any problem they can't easily explain and I am always super cautious anytime I hear either of those diagnosed as the problem.
It doesnt look like Septoria to me. Instead of bunches of round yellow spots, you have irregularly shaped dead regions. I suspect that you are looking at three things... a magnesium deficiency that can be treated with calmag, a recognition by the plant and the beginning of self removal of leaves that have been touching the soil, and an indication that it is time to uppot.

The website that was referenced above is famous for diagnosing Septoria or TMV for any problem they can't easily explain and I am always super cautious anytime I hear either of those diagnosed as the problem.
I was thinking Mag too but didn't want to say it after seeing the sample pics. Had me wondering a little. The white spots had me thinking twice as I didn't know how Septoria starts out. Never the less, I'm not touching my plants after working outside before a shower from now on. Don't want to be getting any fungus in my tent ! Guess I've been lucky so far.
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