Lower and mid leaves turning yellow? Help


Well-Known Member
My plants are in the secound week of flower I Grow outside and I have noticed yellowing of the bottom leaves and now starting on the middle of the plant and it seems to have gotten worse very fast ...I was wondering If anyone can help... (mabey @Emilya perhaps I know she is a guru when it comes to diagnosing plants)and you guys are the best growers out there any help would be great

The rest of the plant looks very healthy... I think the plant is just throwing off leaves at the bottom that are not able to get as much light are that are being unproductive. It doesn't look like something you need to worry about.
Ok I was thinking it may be that I live were the temps are around the 100 degree mark just about every day... And end of June beginning of July after having 2 weeks of almost full sun I bought a plant shade that blocks 35% of the light out ... And after that is when I started noticing the yellowing of the leaves.. also last week i cleaned out the bottom of the plants and cut away all the growth that was not going to amount to much and that added air flow through the plants(they were getting a bit bushy). since that time (4-5 days) my plants stretched over a foot tall they are very happy over all and I just want to stay on point during the first of flowering... Thank you @Emilya if I notice anything worsening I will prob reach out to u again if that is ok also if you could give me your opinion on another plant I am having issues with from another post that would be awesome What nutrient deficiency is this?
Thanks again for ur help
i have a much worse problem than you, @Treeibus! Your plants look much better than mine. I can’t figure these out!!

Biggest plants I’ve ever grown (a few of them are very tall). I keep wondering if I am just pussy footing around on the nutes and not going bold.
I was giving them Humboldt Secret nutes at their full recommended strength but I think I got lockout due to high soil pH (I measured and it was 7.3!). Or just too many salts.

I also found my water pH is high and I had been watering them straight with the hose and a lot at that as we had the same high heat and they were drying out almost daily!!

@Emilya do you mind diagnosing mine, too, with same yellowing issue as asked originally?


i have a much worse problem than you, @Treeibus! Your plants look much better than mine. I can’t figure these out!!

Biggest plants I’ve ever grown (a few of them are very tall). I keep wondering if I am just pussy footing around on the nutes and not going bold.
I was giving them Humboldt Secret nutes at their full recommended strength but I think I got lockout due to high soil pH (I measured and it was 7.3!). Or just too many salts.

I also found my water pH is high and I had been watering them straight with the hose and a lot at that as we had the same high heat and they were drying out almost daily!!

@Emilya do you mind diagnosing mine, too, with same yellowing issue as asked originally?


This yellowing from the bottom up appears to be nutritional... this plant needs more nitrogen
This yellowing from the bottom up appears to be nutritional... this plant needs more nitrogen

Thanks @Emilya . I was thinking that and have given them three low doses of nutes three times over the past week (plus a shot of blood meal) but maybe I need to be bolder and dose them heavier. I’ve been going light because I sledgehammered a week ago Thursday and I had someone tell me I should go light on the nutes at first.

How long does it usually take for a plant to start recovering?
Thanks @Emilya . I was thinking that and have given them three low doses of nutes three times over the past week (plus a shot of blood meal) but maybe I need to be bolder and dose them heavier. I’ve been going light because I sledgehammered a week ago Thursday and I had someone tell me I should go light on the nutes at first.

How long does it usually take for a plant to start recovering?
That depends... I have seen plants start to green back up just hours after watering. Anyone telling you to go light on nutes when you are running outside, doesn't know what they are talking about. The sun is bright, and you have large plants there. There is no logical reason not to be feeding them the max, because most nutes are designed around plant response at 1000w of light... you have a bit more than that.

Blood meal is a good source but the problem is that it lingers, and then causes problems later in flower. I use bloodmeal in my containers, but only in a very thin layer.
That depends... I have seen plants start to green back up just hours after watering. Anyone telling you to go light on nutes when you are running outside, doesn't know what they are talking about. The sun is bright, and you have large plants there. There is no logical reason not to be feeding them the max, because most nutes are designed around plant response at 1000w of light... you have a bit more than that.

Blood meal is a good source but the problem is that it lingers, and then causes problems later in flower. I use bloodmeal in my containers, but only in a very thin layer.

Ok, then. I have been pussy footing the nutes. I’ll go much bolder. I’m going to foliar spray compost tea tomorrow, as well. I’ll keep it on the strong side.

Last year I had plants that came to about my chin (I’m 5’5”) and this year I have a few that are at least 12” over the top of my head. It makes sense they’re going to need a whole lot more. (Kind of a duh......how did I miss that?)

Good info on the blood meal. I used 1t for all but one in a larger 15 gallon pot. That got 2t but I’ll stay away from that now.

Always learn good stuff from you, @Emilya. Thanks for your time.
My plants are in the secound week of flower I Grow outside and I have noticed yellowing of the bottom leaves and now starting on the middle of the plant and it seems to have gotten worse very fast ...I was wondering If anyone can help... (mabey @Emilya perhaps I know she is a guru when it comes to diagnosing plants)and you guys are the best growers out there any help would be great

There's leaf miner damage on the leaves in the first 4 pics. You may want to research how to deal with those. I've never had them on anything that wasn't ornamental, so I never got around to it.
its hard to say from this far back, but i think I see the telltale sign of elongated necrosis in the leaf tips both top and bottom, indicating a potassium deficiency. I would like to see a couple of affected leaves up a little closer though, just to be sure.
First off I would like to thank @Emilya for your time that being said here are the pics u requested

i have a much worse problem than you, @Treeibus! Your plants look much better than mine. I can’t figure these out!!

Biggest plants I’ve ever grown (a few of them are very tall). I keep wondering if I am just pussy footing around on the nutes and not going bold.
I was giving them Humboldt Secret nutes at their full recommended strength but I think I got lockout due to high soil pH (I measured and it was 7.3!). Or just too many salts.

I also found my water pH is high and I had been watering them straight with the hose and a lot at that as we had the same high heat and they were drying out almost daily!!

@Emilya do you mind diagnosing mine, too, with same yellowing issue as asked originally?


I keep wondering if I am just pussy footing around on the nutes and not going bold.
I was thinking i am doing the same thing only difference is my plants are in ground not in pots. I noticed from ur pic that u don't have a plant shade..100+ temp = stressed plants so i would highly recommend getting a plant shade to cover them during extreme heat for a few hrs a day or else ur plants will die. the plant shade has made all the diff in the happiness of my plants hope this helps ... that being said ur plants look good bud I think if u get ur ph fixed and get a shade for ur girls u will be fine hope this helps
There's leaf miner damage on the leaves in the first 4 pics. You may want to research how to deal with those. I've never had them on anything that wasn't ornamental, so I never got around to it.
ya the leaf minors are a constant issue lol i just pull the leaves that are affected and go about picking the lafehoppers that are a bigger issue for me atm LOL
Yeah, I have leafhoppers every year. I tried insecticidal soap, but you have to hit them directly and those little buggers are fast. Now I just squish them when I can.
Ya thats what I do with them now ... I have also found that if u spray them with a squirt of dish soap water( i use dawn) they freeze in place and u can pick them off real easy
I was thinking i am doing the same thing only difference is my plants are in ground not in pots. I noticed from ur pic that u don't have a plant shade..100+ temp = stressed plants so i would highly recommend getting a plant shade to cover them during extreme heat for a few hrs a day or else ur plants will die. the plant shade has made all the diff in the happiness of my plants hope this helps ... that being said ur plants look good bud I think if u get ur ph fixed and get a shade for ur girls u will be fine hope this helps

Thanks. I'm working on the pH and going to up the notes.

I wish I could shade them but I can't really move most of them....too heavy for me to move. Thankfully, we don't have many days of 100 degrees. Most summers it's 10-15 for the entire summer and usually not consecutive. We just had an odd few weeks of high heat. Usually, it's high 80s to low 90s. My plants did OK in it last year. However, that being said, I will still look into how I might shade them. Several are well over 6' 4" tall......so this is no easy task. Other spots where shade would be easy would drop them into 6-7 hours of sun.

Thanks for your thoughts and letting me high jack your post!
Ya thats what I do with them now ... I have also found that if u spray them with a squirt of dish soap water( i use dawn) they freeze in place and u can pick them off real easy

I wonder if spinosad would work on those leaf miners. Pretty sure it does....? I've had great luck with spinosad for several issues. It just HAS to be used in the evening. Needs to be dry before the bees come out in the AM.
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