Making Your Own Nutrient Concentrates

Oh yeah, I definitely fudged on that one.
One more question for you I can’t avoid.

What’s the NPK of the MAP you’re using? The default in hydro buddy is
12.18 - 26.9 -0 but I see online there’s a possible range for those numbers.

Edit. I’m just going to try a mix based on that default.
Quirky program. It managed to hit the targets perfectly for a five gallon mix, but when I change the amount to 1 gallon, it’s back to flailing all over the place.
One more question for you I can’t avoid.

What’s the NPK of the MAP you’re using? The default in hydro buddy is
12.18 - 26.9 -0 but I see online there’s a possible range for those numbers.

Edit. I’m just going to try a mix based on that default.
Quirky program. It managed to hit the targets perfectly for a five gallon mix, but when I change the amount to 1 gallon, it’s back to flailing all over the place.


That's strange about it wiggin out on you, it should be a simple multiplication factor of targets x gallons.
Dang, I just learned I might need to discontinue using SOP? I found this on CustomHydroNutrient's website.

Fertilizer Compatability Table.JPG
Sulphates and phosphates? That’s bad.


That's strange about it wiggin out on you, it should be a simple multiplication factor of targets x gallons.

Here’s what it looks like when I simply change that one number from 5 gallons to 1 gallons.

I’ll keep this in mind when making mixes in future I guess :hmmmm:
That is nuts. Try it with only targeting Fe in the micros, and no other micro. I suspect that targeting other micros is forcing it to give more credence to Flora Micro than needed. I know, the stupid app should maintain the same exact formulation, just multiplied by gallons, but still, remember that it's a stupid app, lol. Worst case scenario you can get @farside05 's spreadsheet, or maybe @FelipeBlu I think uses a spreadsheet too that can be shared. I have no loyalty to HB, I just use it because I learned to live with it's limitations.
Man ya'll got me all confused......... I have trouble balancing my checking account......

Congrats on the harvest..... You sure got a jungle growing in there....
Dang, I just learned I might need to discontinue using SOP? I found this on CustomHydroNutrient's website.

Fertilizer Compatability Table.JPG

Just to clarify, I DON'T need to discontinue using SOP as this rule only applies to making concentrates, but I keep all my shit separate until mixing final solutions.
For future reference if needed.

Nutrient Cheat Sheet
Potassium Silicate ...................................(K2O/Si)....K2O=32.....SiO2=52.8
Haifa Prime Calcium Nitrate ................(Ca/NO3)....Ca=23.5.....NO3=16.7, 0.3=NH4
Magnesium Nitrate ..............................(Mg/NO3).....Mg=9.3......NO3=11
Epsom Salt ..................................................(Mg/S).....Mg=9.86....S=13
Potassium Sulfate SOP ............................(K2O/S).....K2O=52......S=18 ... Mg=0.6 ... Cl=0.3
Potassium Nitrate ...............................(K2O/NO3)....K2O=46.......NO3=13.75
Monopotassium Phosphate MKP ....(K2O/P2O5)....K2O=34.......P2O5=52
Monoammonium Phosphate MAP ..(NH4/P2O5)....NH4=12......P2O5=61

@Pennywise for Hydro Buddy programming.
Hey Skybound you are feeding daily- that could mean a lot of mixing. Do you ever mix up a large container that you use for several days, or do you mix fresh every day?
If I used that formula can I cut back on Nitrogen? I have Hazes that are sensitive to Nitrogen.

yeah, when you set up the app, you are in control of the formulation. I don't get hung up on ratios, and I believe they are old grower myths, or just rooted in old school knowledge. I just target each of the macros and gradually find my sweet spot. I do try to adhere to Megacrop's nitrate:ammonium ratio, where NH4 is 5% of total N, but other than that, no ratios regarding NPK or the like, just whatever works.

Hey Skybound you are feeding daily- that could mean a lot of mixing. Do you ever mix up a large container that you use for several days, or do you mix fresh every day?

You definitely could mix up a bunch, but in my grow with 9 in bloom, 1 in each week of the 9 week phase, all being fed the same mix, I just mix as needed because I do so much experimenting, I don't want to mix up a bunch then later decide I want to change something and have to toss out the surplus, so I just try to mix what I'll be using. FWIW, I use a kitty litter bucket that allows me to make up to 3 gallons of feed, but if I don't use it all, I'll just leave what's left in the bloom room for the next days. But also because I'm rotating my veg pots weekly as well, I need to have that bucket freed up for transplant day so I can feed the TP pots and pump the rest of that veg mix into a gallon jug to use throughout the week. It's a little system that works well for me, but we each have our own system, you know. My veg mix differs from bloom by using half as much silica and the P and K are slightly different, though I'm contemplating upping the NH4 for veg only, but I need to research more and contemplate before that. Gotta love the independence of it all though!
Ok sweet, the Sativas don’t like Nitrogen and my Chems need a lot Magnesium to stay happy.

Do you have any ideas what ppm to set each at to begin with? To research, seek out sativa hydro growers and find out what nutes they use and all modifications to the feed charts, then look up the guaranteed analysis on each label of that line and input that info into Hydro Buddy as a Custom Solution. Then you can Set Weight of each bottle and Calculate to see what the elemental ppm is for the whole line up combined. Then you can copy those numbers to be your targets for your salts. Obviously the micro blend can't be changed, but it's the macro numbers you want to emulate. That's how I determine the best starting point for what I want to do. FYI, I started by emulating Megacrop, then began to tweak my targets from that point. I estimate I've tweaked that roughly 6 times, maybe more till I found what works.
Here's Jack's 3-2-1. This might be good to start with for you. The ammonium is too low IMO as Jack's has none and Haifa CalNite has a lot less NH4 than regular CalNite, also I think total N is too low, but I don't know shit about Sativas. Mag is good and high though. The micro mix is a lot fuller than what's in Jack's, but maybe use up the Jack's then start emulating it and gradually moving the numbers as you see fit.

Actually I’ll save that for Jacks, it may work well as is for the equatorial sativas. I don’t think it would take much tweaking for the Chemdogs.
Dang, I just noticed the 321 has a hundred ppm of sulfur. That'll make for some really sweet smoke.
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