Mariguana Grow: 1st 420 Journal

Hi All,

As a result of neighborly attention (and who knows who else) I had to move the plant behind the house (getting it out of a 4 foot hole was not easy!) anyway, to avoid further public curiosity and inspection I elected to make the move. Unbeknownst to me that the roots had grown out of the pot and into the ground itself. That’s going to cause some grief. Branches will need to be tied up, that’s my next step.
Hi All,

As a result of neighborly attention (and who knows who else) I had to move the plant behind the house (getting it out of a 4 foot hole was not easy!) anyway, to avoid further public curiosity and inspection I elected to make the move. Unbeknownst to me that the roots had grown out of the pot and into the ground itself. That’s going to cause some grief. Branches will need to be tied up, that’s my next step.

Your going to have a massive haul! As for your neighbor issues that’s a big reason as to why I don’t grow outside. Your plant should be fine overall since you caught it so early in flower it will have minimal impact and given your freakish growth I’m not sure your going to notice a difference anyway. Good luck!
Hey man, I just read your journal from the beginning. I was not expecting this horrible end! I'm so sorry for you. That plant was fantastic.

Thank you! I was really upset when she went down but experimenting with a potential reveg to bring her back. I'm hoping I can get her back but if not, oh well. Life goes on. I hope you stay tuned, I have some pretty exciting grows coming up. I'll share the reveg status as we go.
Well,Shit! sorry to hear about your crop.
Hope your re-veg idea works,and you can salvage something for all your hard work!
Mother nature can be a cruel mistress...
Going to get some pics up later but using a diverse set of lamps to provide a richer spectrum. On decent days that we have I’ve been moving her outside to get real sunlight and maximize growth potential. I’ve been using the soil from my big plant that has all the good stuff to bring this one up right and strong. I haven’t yet decided whether or not I’m going to use her as a mother and do nothing but clone or just grow her out normally. I don’t really need the bud right and not a plant that I’m super excited about.
Here I have a 4 Bar T5 measuring 2x2 @ 98W w/ 2 gooseneck 50W Morsen LED. By using smaller lights I can more greatly diversify my spectrum recipe. I have a single cent in the 3x3x5 grow tent so have installed a box fan tied to the rear posts of the tent to ensure stability and maximize my ventilation output.


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I moved her to a two gallon root pouch with coco coir at the base for improved aeration, drainage, etc. I put her out in sunlight for as long as their is good temps and decent sunlight hitting the greenhouse to maximize her growth potential. It’s been unusually hot and sunny so taking advantage of it and bring her in for rest of light time under artificial lights when sun fades and temps drop.
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