Medicann = Costco Card?

My local hydro/organics shop has free classes every week to learn more about growing and to help you become a master grower. Well one of the people who attend the class is a person who works for a local dispensary.

He went in front of the class and was telling all of us that Medicann is similar to a Costco card. What he meant by that is, it will only get you into dispensaries and it does not protect you from police. He said the police only recognize a state issued card.

Is this true? I've had a friend say he's been pulled over shown his Medicann card and they just called to verify and let him go.

Obviously if you get pulled over you have to have it all in one back and it can't look like your distributing at-all. But what do you guys think?
Dear JJ Bones,

Any card, even the State Card, can be considered just a Costco card. At the end of it all, the law requires a doctor's actual recommendation. The State Card, like the MediCann card, is a valid representation of a recommendation. The State Card, however, is pre-verified. The State Card is still a voluntary program, and it is not mandatory. A police officer cannot say you have to have one.

MediCann has sent copies of its MediCann ID Card to various law enforcement agencies so that they may recognize this card. This card may not be an actual recommendation, but its representation can still be verified through our online and phone 24/7 verification services. A doctor's physical recommendation still needs to be verified as well.

Therefore, a MediCann recommendation is enough to represent yourself to law enforcement as a patient. If you are caught with just your MediCann ID, it does not signify you are not a patient, but it may just be a matter of the police officer going through the process of verifying the validity of your recommendation.

Still, it all depends on the police officer who you are dealing with. Some are more lenient and recognize medical marijuana, others still are fighting the war on drugs. It is all up to the discretion of the officer what may happen, but please remember you do have your rights--so just follow the law.

Jenny V., Market Research & Social Networking
MediCann Inc.
Dear JJ Bones,

Any card, even the State Card, can be considered just a Costco card. At the end of it all, the law requires a doctor's actual recommendation. The State Card, like the MediCann card, is a valid representation of a recommendation. The State Card, however, is pre-verified. The State Card is still a voluntary program, and it is not mandatory. A police officer cannot say you have to have one.

MediCann has sent copies of its MediCann ID Card to various law enforcement agencies so that they may recognize this card. This card may not be an actual recommendation, but its representation can still be verified through our online and phone 24/7 verification services. A doctor's physical recommendation still needs to be verified as well.

Therefore, a MediCann recommendation is enough to represent yourself to law enforcement as a patient. If you are caught with just your MediCann ID, it does not signify you are not a patient, but it may just be a matter of the police officer going through the process of verifying the validity of your recommendation.

Still, it all depends on the police officer who you are dealing with. Some are more lenient and recognize medical marijuana, others still are fighting the war on drugs. It is all up to the discretion of the officer what may happen, but please remember you do have your rights--so just follow the law.

Jenny V., Market Research & Social Networking
MediCann Inc.

I was told differently about the stare card. If law enforcement doesn't recognize a state card what's the point of getting one as opposed tp medicann or OCBC? I know OCBC card get u into clubs. How does the Medicann card differ from this (other than ur recommendations are advertised to be cheaper)? Thanks for the info, what's it based upon?
Can we put this question to rest?

Medicann is comprised of a private group of docs independent from the state to my knowledge, different from the state card (in CA).What's not to get, they're different. google them both, they even look different. Read about state card here>CALIFORNIA RESUMES MEDICAL MARIJUANA ID CARD PROGRAM
Reasons to get a Medicann card over others here> MediCann | A Prescription For Change
I find it strange that a Medicann employee registered and responded and this question still hasn't been answered satisfactorily. WTF?
JJ, U received correct info, it is like a Costco card. I read that medican now offers ur doctor's prescription in card form, THIS is ur legal protection if its a copy of the original.
I was told differently about the stare card. If law enforcement doesn't recognize a state card what's the point of getting one as opposed tp medicann or OCBC? I know OCBC card get u into clubs. How does the Medicann card differ from this (other than ur recommendations are advertised to be cheaper)? Thanks for the info, what's it based upon?

A MediCann card is a an ID card from a group of private doctors, there is not connection with the state card. The State Card is a government-run identification system. The MediCann differs from the OCBC because it is a doctor's recommendation, not a pre-verified medical marijuana card like the OCBC. Essentially, the OCBC is just one extra step that a patient may take but is optional. A MediCann card includes your recommendation information on your card, with the actual issue date of your recommendation versus the inclusion of the issue date of an OCBC or State card. By law, the date of your recommendation is the legally necessary one--therefore, a pre-verified system like the of the State of OCBC is optional and not mandatory.
Re: Can we put this question to rest?

Medicann is comprised of a private group of docs independent from the state to my knowledge, different from the state card (in CA).What's not to get, they're different. google them both, they even look different. Read about state card here>CALIFORNIA RESUMES MEDICAL MARIJUANA ID CARD PROGRAM
Reasons to get a Medicann card over others here> MediCann | A Prescription For Change
I find it strange that a Medicann employee registered and responded and this question still hasn't been answered satisfactorily. WTF?
JJ, U received correct info, it is like a Costco card. I read that medican now offers ur doctor's prescription in card form, THIS is ur legal protection if its a copy of the original.

A MediCann ID card is a representation of your doctor's recommendation--not prescription--it is only a copy and it is still up to the discretion of the officer if it is acceptable as a recognized recommendation. Either way, the ID is a reference to the actual recommendation. By calling or going online, your paperwork can be verified. A back up is always carrying your original recommendation if you believe this may be an issue in your area.
Jenny, if the card is a representation of a script. How do law enforcement view the prescription card (same as docs script)? If we still need to carry our paper prescription what's the point? If i'm wrong please correct me where I'm wrong. I don't want to spread the wrong info. Looks like a costco card if all it can do is get u into the club. A doc's prescription comes from a doc. So basically they copy it to fit a card. Medicann sounds like healthy competition to the OCBC card. Neither is like the state issued card which I believe offers more protection.
Jenny, if the card is a representation of a script. How do law enforcement view the prescription card (same as docs script)? If we still need to carry our paper prescription what's the point? If i'm wrong please correct me where I'm wrong. I don't want to spread the wrong info. Looks like a costco card if all it can do is get u into the club. A doc's prescription comes from a doc. So basically they copy it to fit a card. Medicann sounds like healthy competition to the OCBC card. Neither is like the state issued card which I believe offers more protection.

A card is only a representation and whether it is enough documentation all depends on where you live or even which officer you are dealing with. Having your paper recommendation on you is always the safest solution, but your card should be recognized. If it is not, then there may be an issue but as long as you are a valid patient nothing (unless you are doing something illegal) should end up negative. MediCann has sent copies of its cards to various state and law enforcement agencies. It should be recognized, and in many places this is enough documentation.

The reason that the State Card is not safer or more dangerous is because it is an optional program. No patient has to do it. There are many patient uncomfortable about giving their medical information to the state. Perhaps they work for the state, perhaps it is just their privacy they want to protect. At all medical facilities, including MediCann, HIPPA laws are in place to protect a patients medical records and privacy. This is one of MediCann's highest priorities and what attracts some of our patients. By going to the state or to OCBC, which are not medical facilities, HIPPA does not need to be applied. For some patients, this is a concern.
Excellent point about HIPPA. I wasn't even thinking along those lines. To my knowledge all card programs are voluntary or optional. As of now to my understanding, the cards get u into most clubs and the docs prescription is our legal protection under prop 215. Can we agree on that much Jenny? I also noticed u didn't respond to the competition portion of the post, lol.
Excellent point about HIPPA. I wasn't even thinking along those lines. To my knowledge all card programs are voluntary or optional. As of now to my understanding, the cards get u into most clubs and the docs prescription is our legal protection under prop 215. Can we agree on that much Jenny? I also noticed u didn't respond to the competition portion of the post, lol.

I would agree but I believe it all depends on where you live. I had problems in Southern California getting in with just my ID card!

OCBC is a neighbor and we are not trying to be competitive especially since it is two different types of facilities. MediCann is a medical facility that provides recommendations and OCBC is a Patient ID center that pre-verifies recommendations from any doctor, including MediCann's. Different organizations, both helping patients.
benefits depend on location

I would agree but I believe it all depends on where you live. I had problems in Southern California getting in with just my ID card!

So ur saying the benefits of the card differs regionally basically at the discretion of law enforcement?
Hey good evening Jenny. I had a quick question I was hoping you might be able to help me out. I was recently planning on making an appt at the Medicann in Elk Grove, but I read that the I.D. card is mailed out. My problem is that i live with people who I do not wish to find out about my privacy and I work late so they usually grab the mail before I get home. I was wondering if there was any way to pick the card up from the clinic instead or have it mailed to a separate location to someone I tust with knowing of my medical issues.
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