Mile High Cleaner: It Is Your Choice - Make It A Good One

Mile HIGH Cleaner

Well-Known Member
Every day you choose to;
Clean your body
Clean your teeth, TWICE
Clean your dishes
Clean your kitchen
You clean up before it becomes smelly, disgusting and full of germs.

The longer it goes between cleanings, the harder it is to clean and the more time it will take.

The ONLY reason you put off cleaning your glass is because shaking chemical solvents to clean is HARD.
Way harder than cleaning a toilet.

If cleaning a bong were as easy as doing the dishes, you would wash the bong daily, just like any dish, glass or pan used to convey stuff into your body...
Maybe... just maybe... shaking is not the right way to clean your glass. Maybe those toxic solvent chemicals cause a lot more damage?

Could using scrubbers, brushes, hot water and the correct kind of cleaner be the right way to clean?

Seems like it since using a brush or scrubber, detergent and hot water is our fastest, most used and highest level of clean achievable in a home.
Maybe it is time to get the right cleaner and tools to clean, like getting a Toothbrush, Toilet bowl brush or a Dish brush with the appropriate cleaner...

Deluxe Cleaning kit
Mile HIGH Cleaner
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