Mutated Indiana Bubblegum Grow Journal 2022

Hi there :)

Hope this helps. Ecofend is the Aussie version of Safers Spray.

Day 80-ish: If I may use some of Drake's wisdom...."she started from the bottom now she's here!" :slide: Well y'all...this once lil mutated bubblegum is now 5' 6" and has been entering pre-flower for the past few days. She sure has came along way! Let the real fun begin!!!

She is a tall one! :)

Would you consider training your next plant?
I do plan on training more in the future, but I'm not ready yet. A friend of mine and I are starting a perpetual grow with a 3-plant rotation. We live about 500 miles apart but we are going to do the grow using the same auto seeds, planted at the same time and do some contrast/comparison grows. We are going to keep the first 5-6 plants we do in their natural state, so we can somewhat accurately note the differences in our growing styles, mediums, etc. Once the first 2 rotations are done I will probably start playing with more serious training. But our first rotation will include: Candy Kush (already 1 month old), Skunk Auto and Critical Purple. (will plant skunk and purple in about a week).

Here are a few pics of Candy! (1 month old)


Oh nice :)

I’m definitely a convert regarding training. There is a poster here called Carcass. And he has literally changed the way I grow. I’m all about an even canopy now.

They are some big leaves (unless you’ve got super small hands lol).
Oh nice :)

I’m definitely a convert regarding training. There is a poster here called Carcass. And he has literally changed the way I grow. I’m all about an even canopy now.

They are some big leaves (unless you’ve got super small hands lol). I don't have ladies hands lmao....just big leaves on the candy. 20-25 cm at widest points on the big leaves. I will definitely be having some fun with the training once the first 6 are finished and I will be checking out Carcass's info also. :high-five:
You know what they say about a man with big hands hey?

They need BIG mittens!


Yeah Carcass runs a popular journal and he’s currently doing a training tutorial. It has been grow changing for me.
DAY 154-ish: It's been a good while since posting about this ol girl...and much has changed lol. After several months with no flower and a patch of spider mites I decided to cut my losses and just throw her outside to let her finish off the rest of her days, not hoping for it to do anything....BUT magically ol girl turned out to be a PHOTO and started flowering after being outside for 3 weeks or so. SOOOO this lil mutated bubblegum has now finally started working her magic. ***and in case your wondering it is over 8 feet tall if stood up straight !
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

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