My first grow indoors


420 Member
Hello everyone,
This is my first run at an indoor plant. I have attached pictures to try to show my issue. First I hope this is a female, only time will tell. So "she" is 4 weeks in dirt today and I am starting to notice some issues, the first issue is some drooping, along with some leaf curling and some wrinkling, 2 of the leafs look like they are folded. Secondly there are some tiny rust colored spots appearing on some of the leaf tips. Could anyone try to help identify the problem (if there is one). The room is kept at 75° with humididty around 46-50. I used a really nice organic medium. I can see no sign of bugs or mold. Any suggestions would be very helpful. I will be getting some silicate to help build her up and her tent/room is en-route. I know this is not optimal but gotta do what ya gotta do.

I also was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on Scroggins. When should I start bending this plant? I am considering topping her because she is a very tight bush and I want to get the most of my small space. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Hello everyone,
This is my first run at an indoor plant. I have attached pictures to try to show my issue. First I hope this is a female, only time will tell. So "she" is 4 weeks in dirt today and I am starting to notice some issues, the first issue is some drooping, along with some leaf curling and some wrinkling, 2 of the leafs look like they are folded. Secondly there are some tiny rust colored spots appearing on some of the leaf tips. Could anyone try to help identify the problem (if there is one). The room is kept at 75° with humididty around 46-50. I used a really nice organic medium. I can see no sign of bugs or mold. Any suggestions would be very helpful. I will be getting some silicate to help build her up and her tent/room is en-route. I know this is not optimal but gotta do what ya gotta do.

I also was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on Scroggins. When should I start bending this plant? I am considering topping her because she is a very tight bush and I want to get the most of my small space. Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Welcome First. Your plant looks good. I can't tell but if it's a little too green you might have a bit too much nitrogen. The tips curling down gave me a clue that might be happening. I found this on the Problem solver 420 mag has for us.

"Now for having too much nitrogen in your growing mediums or soil. The plant will have like an overall DARK green look and have delayed maturity. Due to Nitrogen being involved in vegetative growth, to much nitrogen will result in tall plants with weak stems. New growth will be very lively and plant transpiration will be high, but not always. Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have "the claw" look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing... mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well. Too much potassium and nitrogen will lock out calcium as well."

The response to too much N might be to cut back on nutes. The rust colored spots on tips indicate over feeding to me also. Do you check for ppm in the feedings? How about PH?
I'm getting a group ready for scrog now in the Four Fine Philies journal. I'm a beginner too but I've done it a couple of times so feel free to come on over and check things out. My scrog will get up in the next 2 or 3 weeks I think.
I have not yet added any nutes, the stocks look amazing too, could it still be to high in N? I have a ph tester and the soil tests at 6 but don't have a ppm tester yet.
I don't see anything that looks like big trouble from here. It could even be from an over water condition. Do you let her gry completely before watering? Don't freak out because of this. It's small whatever it is and you are vigilant and caught it early. Keep the course is my advise and keep watching.
Hello . let her grow she looks great !! watch the new ,next set of leaves they will tell you if you have a problem or not , water and a small amount of calmag is all I would be feeding at this point depending on the type of water you are using (tap . r.o.etc and what the ppm are of the water ).You want water that is the lowest on the ppm scale you can find this way you control what your plants are drinking , since you are in organic soil I would stay with a line of organic nutes and a organic ph up and down line of buffers , plus a little great white (mycorrhiza)for the roots really helps, but it's not cheap .plus a ppm meter is a must also , it really helps with maintaining a accurate number of ppm `s you are adding to the water and the ppm`s of the water you start out with .90% of all problems are 3 things , wrong ph , wrong ppm`s and over or under watering ,if you get these 3 things in line the rest becomes a lot easier .
It has been 4 days since my last post and my plant is looking worse. I will be getting a ppm meter today as everything has been closed. Here are some updated pics. Is it OK that she is getting more rusty looking spots? I have not added any nutes and raised the light up to 42" just incase it is light burn. As soon as I get the ppm tester I will post results and hopefully that will help with the diagnosis. Thanks in advance for all of the help past and present.


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Hi First. You're almost there. Like Nooob said, if you get the 3 things close to right you're just about there. So if you ph your water/feed (i try for 6.5)and have a good amount of feed in it. Start out at 25% of the max on the bottle. Last and not least the watering. They do like to dry out between watering especially in veg, not so much in flower. Then thorough watering.
You mention 6 ph on soil. Do you test ph in the water before you feed?
Hello , the water at 7 is way to high take your water to 6.2 ph and the soil will bring up to 6.5 , with the water at 7 ,the soil will take it up to 7.5 , to high , because you are using a organic soil it has it own nutrient value and a ph value so when the water and soil mix they combine to give a higher number
Everything is going much better now with my plant. No more rust developing. There were a few issues
Fungus gnats ( took care of that with fossil shell flour and nematodes)
Cal mag defiency due to nute lock ( made a foliar spray to help her get what she needed)
I couldn't get the soil ppm tested they are very out of my budget at the moment.
She has her first dose of actual nutrients and is doing great. Thank you to everyone for their fast help and great ideas. More education on everything helped get everything in balance.
Yes the fossil shell flour is also known as diatomaceous earth.
Here is an updated pic
She is finally starting to fill out after all she has been through.
Sprouted from seed Nov 26th


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Great to hear things are on track. Your girls look great and as usual the awesome members give sound advice.

My first Grow was a total mess but I still managed to get a respectable yield and you definitely will. I didn’t yet have the benefit of this forum.

As above, ph at 6.5 (I use 6.6 exactly but that’s my own demon in my head), let almost dry to droop and Calmag. I totally swear by CM and include it, in various doses, in all water. Since I started using it, and a new super inexpensive nute, I’ve had zero issue.

I also add 2 ml silica as well but to be honest I’m not sure if it actually does anything but it’s cheap and it makes me feel better about letting them dry out more between watering.
Great to hear things are on track. Your girls look great and as usual the awesome members give sound advice.

My first Grow was a total mess but I still managed to get a respectable yield and you definitely will. I didn’t yet have the benefit of this forum.

As above, ph at 6.5 (I use 6.6 exactly but that’s my own demon in my head), let almost dry to droop and Calmag. I totally swear by CM and include it, in various doses, in all water. Since I started using it, and a new super inexpensive nute, I’ve had zero issue.

I also add 2 ml silica as well but to be honest I’m not sure if it actually does anything but it’s cheap and it makes me feel better about letting them dry out more between watering.

I want so badly to add silica. I have read that all plant mater uses it, it comes from the earth naturally and makes plants very strong. I don't know a lot about it but it sounds like it can do no harm. I live in Ontario Canada and can not find it anywhere locally and I can't find a place that I can get it shipped here either.
Good tip on the calmag I will also be keeping that in all feeds
I want so badly to add silica. I have read that all plant mater uses it, it comes from the earth naturally and makes plants very strong. I don't know a lot about it but it sounds like it can do no harm. I live in Ontario Canada and can not find it anywhere locally and I can't find a place that I can get it shipped here either.
Good tip on the calmag I will also be keeping that in all feeds

Look for Rhino Skin. Amazon won’t ship it?
Here is an update for my plant. She is 8 weeks along now. Mostly looking good, but some of the inner small leaves seem to maybe be struggling. It is Violator, not an auto flower. So I have a few questions,
Is there anything I can do to perk her up? Could she be droopy because it is ready to go into bud?
I would like to still top her and select a few leaves to make some clones, could it be too late for that?
She is also fairly short about 1.3 feet now but her lowest fan leaves are laying in the dirt, should I pull those off too?
She is taking in a gallon of water now every 3 to 4 days with nutes every other feeding. About a week ago she got her first full strength nutrients. Could it have been too much and maybe go back down to half strength?
Ph of everything is good everything at a solid 6.
Any ideas or recommendations?
Thanks in advance everyone
This is my first grow so I'm just a bit nervous and taking a chance on only 1 plant. Fingers crossed she is OK.


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