My new grow space

Interesting Alternatives, but 800, why do you not just grab a few bovedas? I certainly like the idea of drawing in warm moist air, if you have some available to you? In Cardiff, it's likely no problem, lol. Grab a jar, start the process and let's see what helps and what's working for you?
Keep us updated on how she's doing.
Super weird Penny. I moved the fan last night and still no results. I am going to leave her in her new position for 2 or 3 days and see if it helps....... Going to make some really room in flower this weekend with a Harvest, so they can be flipped over anyway. Hoping flower might help, new environment Etc. I'll keep us posted!
Pretty simple really. There is a slight chance of a seed here and there in the rest of the grow but I rarely find one. Pull the plant you want to pollinate out of the grow room. Some place with no wind. Cover all the plant that you don't want to pollenate. Leaving a branch or two out. Get the pollen in the parchment paper and a small paint brush. ( I like a very small square tip one.) Dip the paint brush lightly into the pollen and softly tap it over all the little budlets. It is slow going but the more time you take the better you will get it. It does not take very much per bud to get seeds. 1 piece of pollen and 1 hairs is all it takes to make one. So if you are careful and go slow you can spread a little pollen a long way. Plus with this method you don't want pollen everywhere just on the buds where it is needed. After you are done. Reverse the trash bag so it now covers the branches you pollinated. Spray the rest of the plant down real good with water. After it is done dripping. You can then remove the bag. Try not to get the pollinated buds wet while you transfer her back to the grow. You can go right in with it. Best to keep it away from direct fan movement for a day or 2. That is the reason you take you time doing the pollen. There is none left over to cause problems. I have had great results in doing this only once. Another reason I didn't get any seeds anywhere I didn't want them, less chances to screw up lol. Another reason to take the time and get it perfect the first time. If you want you can repeat this in 2 or 3 days but not longer. For more seeds and to double down in case something went wrong the first time.
You need a fair amount of hairs to work with when pollinate. I figure in flower time for when I do it. If a strain finishes in 8 weeks I would do it around week 3 or 4 or when there is enough hairs to do any good. They will need 4 to 6 weeks to finish so that has the most to do with it. The branches with seeds can be taken longer after the rest of the plant is harvested if needed. Though I have never had to do it. Most strains really take 9 to 10 weeks anyway so you can wait tell week 4 when there should be plenty of hairs. While pollinating only at one or 2 times close together and you know right when it was. If you see one nice brown seed the rest are finish too. When you do it early lots of them are hidden in the buds and may not be able to be seen. As some of us long time smokers can attest you can hide a f*#k ton of seeds in one bud LOL. Hope that helps
You're the best Jack......I'm gonna be flipping after a thorough clean this Sunday, so its game on lol. I still got another 4 weeks to collect pollen this way minimum, depending on how long these males last. The reason I asked about cutting the pollen with something was because I believe it was @Van Stank that told me the pollen goes a long way and it was his way of ensuring that he had enough to go around. I can't remember if he used cornstarch Maybe? Either way, as I said..... I don't have a ton but from what I can see this pollen looks awesome. I'm collecting it on parchment for now and once it leaves my grow room I will carefully remove it into a small glass jar for storage. Did you guys say it needed to be stored in the refrigerator, and not the freezer or vice versa?

I'm thinking my ATF mom is a prime candidate too, as well as the 9lb soon enough!
There`s no chance of mould now,guy,they`re completely dry .Kept in bags 24 hrs,then back in the jars. Will this chlorophyl evaporate this way? Bit of hit and miss when it comes to curing
If you mean that "hay" odour, yes the cure will cure that lol.
You're the best Jack......I'm gonna be flipping after a thorough clean this Sunday, so its game on lol. I still got another 4 weeks to collect pollen this way minimum, depending on how long these males last. The reason I asked about cutting the pollen with something was because I believe it was @Van Stank that told me the pollen goes a long way and it was his way of ensuring that he had enough to go around. I can't remember if he used cornstarch Maybe? Either way, as I said..... I don't have a ton but from what I can see this pollen looks awesome. I'm collecting it on parchment for now and once it leaves my grow room I will carefully remove it into a small glass jar for storage. Did you guys say it needed to be stored in the refrigerator, and not the freezer or vice versa?

I'm thinking my ATF mom is a prime candidate too, as well as the 9lb soon enough!

I agree they both will be good candidates. Pollen going so far is why I spend so much time spreading it with the brush. Just like real sex the more time you take the better it is for everyone. I don't think you need to transfer that pollen to glass. It won't hurt to do it. That would be best for long term storage but just for a month or so. I think if you fold it up nice in the parchment paper and put in a freeze type Zip Lock it would be fine.
Super weird Penny. I moved the fan last night and still no results. I am going to leave her in her new position for 2 or 3 days and see if it helps....... Going to make some really room in flower this weekend with a Harvest, so they can be flipped over anyway. Hoping flower might help, new environment Etc. I'll keep us posted!
Well beer or just genetics ive learned they play a huge role . Bit wierd stuff happens. Hmmm
I agree they both will be good candidates. Pollen going so far is why I spend so much time spreading it with the brush. Just like real sex the more time you take the better it is for everyone. I don't think you need to transfer that pollen to glass. It won't hurt to do it. That would be best for long term storage but just for a month or so. I think if you fold it up nice in the parchment paper and put in a freeze type Zip Lock it would be fine.
Im checking for sex signs on my TTB tomorrow she is still growing and strong loving it ✊
Got to watch what we say Guy. This places has ears everywhere LMAO. Good thing Kingjoe83. It being a male is just a guess anyway. It could end up being a huge female. It is healthy and happy to be growing so well so you are doing everything right so far.
Thanks im
Just training her where I want all the new growth from main branches to where I want to go would you suggest any clean up soon?

Pics being uploaded now already on Instagram
Thanks im
Just training her where I want all the new growth from main branches to where I want to go would you suggest any clean up soon?

Pics being uploaded now already on Instagram
No you should need to open them up or cut back leaves. At least outdoors. I forget if they are in pots or not. If they are then the more buds there are the smaller they will be so a few branches could be trimmed back. If it is in the ground it should be able to support a ton of buds.
No you should need to open them up or cut back leaves. At least outdoors. I forget if they are in pots or not. If they are then the more buds there are the smaller they will be so a few branches could be trimmed back. If it is in the ground it should be able to support a ton of buds.
Okay perfect I’ll keep an eye anything that looks small I’m going to toss . Bit will keep info and keep that info in head. I don’t plan on doing much let them grow now too flower . Hey @Jackalope bud do these have any stretch once change of season?
Every thing looks awesome Guy. A little update with the baby... Haylee Elizabeth was born 6/29, 7 weeks early she's been in the NICU since then but everything has been going good so she comes home Monday.
Congrats . Cheers to a healthy and happy baby.
Every thing looks awesome Guy. A little update with the baby... Haylee Elizabeth was born 6/29, 7 weeks early she's been in the NICU since then but everything has been going good so she comes home Monday.
Dude, you just brought a tear to my eye bud....jesus! As long as mom and baby are ok, that's the biggest thing. You're a good man @ShopGrow, and Haylee has got herself a pretty awesome set of parents!
Miss u brother!
Okay so kind of Bittersweet as I the said goodbye to my three Alaskan Thunder fuck over the weekend. I had been flushing them for 6 days. I also said goodbye to my Crown Royal in DWC over the weekend, I had been flushing her for 4 days. I know that flushing a hydro plant isn't as important as flushing out the soil plant so her duration was a little bit longer as I had the time to trim.

Ultimately, I wanted the flower room cleaned out as soon as the girls were completed because I have a bumper crop that needs to go in their place. I have decided to run all of my girls in the Stank soil for the next round and the round following. Reason I am doing this is because in 10 days I am going away on vacation. They would be great to have my manifold set up so that I can just have my girls get watered as I'm away automatically. Stank soil will give them all of the nutrients that they require, the watering system will give them all the water that they require, and my lighting, hopefully everything stays on par with that and my air conditioning doesn't screw up LMAO..... Other than that, everything is in check lol.....
I'll show pics of my manifold system tonight, I've got lots to get ready and my partner is urging me to run the watering system before we go...... Just to cure any hiccups that might come along. For those of you who have been following along my journals for some time, last summer I went away on vacation and trusted my tent to a watering system. When I got home, I only had one plant left LOL..... I don't plan on making that mistake twice.

Let's get to some pics shall we!?
My ATFs, OMG, what can I say! I always get fooled with my girls in the tent, thinking that one plant is much heavier than the rest but ultimately, all 3 of my girls were in around the 260 gram mark as I trimmed them up.

First off, I wanted to show a pretty cool picture. This is my Crown Royal on the left which is heavy indica, versus my ATF on the right which is predominantly sativa. I love the difference in the bud structure.

My ATFs as I trimmed. Definitely these 3 were much more messy to trim than my Crown Royal was. My 3 x ATF, netted me 808 grams wet. I'm definitely running out (ran out), of drying space square area.....address that I will lol. Never had that problem complaints here! @Van Stank, 1st off.....thank you once again for the opportunity to grow your genetics. Second, you were spot on with the info about these girls starting to turn last 1/3 of flower, no stopping mom nature!

Next is my Crown Royal. This girl is a beast. Not sure who remembers or not, but she was kept back an extra 3 weeks in veg because I thought I had killed her due to a pH problem. Remember, it's only been 3 weeks since my friend @KCCO 77 has really started to help me dial in my buckets. Before that, I literally would fill up my bucket on a Sunday, never checked pH and never check PPM and just let it go until the following weekend when I would do another bucket change. Occasionally, my girl would drink all 16 in that week, sometimes she wouldn't. Now that I have really started to pay attention to what these girls are doing underneath their Lids, there is a pile of potential there that needed to be unlocked..... So I did! The heaviest plant I ever got in the past out of a single DWC setup was 487g wet and this girl stomped that record all by herself. This beauty came in at 721g.....I'm SOOOO fkn happy with her!

@KCCO 77, new member or not.....these pics are for you brother! I couldn't have pulled this girl off without you.

Okay so kind of Bittersweet as I the said goodbye to my three Alaskan Thunder fuck over the weekend. I had been flushing them for 6 days. I also said goodbye to my Crown Royal in DWC over the weekend, I had been flushing her for 4 days. I know that flushing a hydro plant isn't as important as flushing out the soil plant so her duration was a little bit longer as I had the time to trim.

Ultimately, I wanted the flower room cleaned out as soon as the girls were completed because I have a bumper crop that needs to go in their place. I have decided to run all of my girls in the Stank soil for the next round and the round following. Reason I am doing this is because in 10 days I am going away on vacation. They would be great to have my manifold set up so that I can just have my girls get watered as I'm away automatically. Stank soil will give them all of the nutrients that they require, the watering system will give them all the water that they require, and my lighting, hopefully everything stays on par with that and my air conditioning doesn't screw up LMAO..... Other than that, everything is in check lol.....
I'll show pics of my manifold system tonight, I've got lots to get ready and my partner is urging me to run the watering system before we go...... Just to cure any hiccups that might come along. For those of you who have been following along my journals for some time, last summer I went away on vacation and trusted my tent to a watering system. When I got home, I only had one plant left LOL..... I don't plan on making that mistake twice.

Let's get to some pics shall we!?
My ATFs, OMG, what can I say! I always get fooled with my girls in the tent, thinking that one plant is much heavier than the rest but ultimately, all 3 of my girls were in around the 260 gram mark as I trimmed them up.

First off, I wanted to show a pretty cool picture. This is my Crown Royal on the left which is heavy indica, versus my ATF on the right which is predominantly sativa. I love the difference in the bud structure.

My ATFs as I trimmed. Definitely these 3 were much more messy to trim than my Crown Royal was. My 3 x ATF, netted me 808 grams wet. I'm definitely running out (ran out), of drying space square area.....address that I will lol. Never had that problem complaints here! @Van Stank, 1st off.....thank you once again for the opportunity to grow your genetics. Second, you were spot on with the info about these girls starting to turn last 1/3 of flower, no stopping mom nature!

Next is my Crown Royal. This girl is a beast. Not sure who remembers or not, but she was kept back an extra 3 weeks in veg because I thought I had killed her due to a pH problem. Remember, it's only been 3 weeks since my friend @KCCO 77 has really started to help me dial in my buckets. Before that, I literally would fill up my bucket on a Sunday, never checked pH and never check PPM and just let it go until the following weekend when I would do another bucket change. Occasionally, my girl would drink all 16 in that week, sometimes she wouldn't. Now that I have really started to pay attention to what these girls are doing underneath their Lids, there is a pile of potential there that needed to be unlocked..... So I did! The heaviest plant I ever got in the past out of a single DWC setup was 487g wet and this girl stomped that record all by herself. This beauty came in at 721g.....I'm SOOOO fkn happy with her!

@KCCO 77, new member or not.....these pics are for you brother! I couldn't have pulled this girl off without you.

Thats some excellent weed there,guy. well done!
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