Need Help, Advice Please

It's good to know that they will adapt. Everything was looking great and then all of a sudden the drooping issues. Should I start adding any nutes or just wait until they recover


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I may have messed up as of earlier 3 out of the 5 or now in 5 gallon smart pots with happy frog soil, I guess you could say I was freaking out and being impatient, trying to figure out what I had done wrong. I went out today and bought 5 gallon smart pots and happy frog soil to transplant but only transplanted 3 out of the 5. I guess I'm gonna have to work on the patience part of it all
I would go ahead with a light feed. If in the 3 gallon equivalent pots you should need about 3 quarts or slightly more per plant. I would mix up 4 gallons of water with 12 teaspoons/60ml of Big Bloom along with 4 teaspoons/20 ml of Grow Big along with 8-10ml of calmag. PH to about 6.3 and slowly water em.
okay, we posted at the same time. Since some of them are in 5 gallon pots I will recalculate if you would like because you are definitely going to need more than 4 gallons of water. The three gallon equivalent are pots usually require between 3 quarts to one gallon to thoroughly water. The five gallon air pots usually require 1 gallon to 5 quarts.
If you think it's OK I'm gonna go ahead tomorrow morning and transplant everything to the 5 gallon smart pots. I will feed just as you suggest. I greatly appreciate the help and hopefully I will bug you too much in the future
If you think it's OK I'm gonna go ahead tomorrow morning and transplant everything to the 5 gallon smart pots. I will feed just as you suggest. I greatly appreciate the help and hopefully I will bug you too much in the future
You aren't bothering anyone. Everyone is here by choice because we like to see other successful too. They will be okay if you get them all in 5-gallon pots but he will just have to be a little more careful with watering. I'll get you a feed set up for 5 gallon pots right now. What I would feed them anyways. :thumb:
5 gallons water
Still keep it at 12tsp/60ml Big Bloom
5tsp/25ml of Grow Big
10ml /2tsp of calmag.
And at 2nd thought I would pH this to 6.5 or 6.6 just because with any previous watering issues it can make FF soil go a bit acidic.
This is still less than 1/2 strength so it will give you a good indicator of if they handle it well.
I would very slowly give each plant 1 quart all around the outer 2-4 inches of the pot, take a break for 15-30mins or so and repeat with 1 more quart each in the same outer 4 inches.
Take a break for 30 mins or so and now 1 quart each from the stem to that outer 4 inch line. Take a break and repeat with 1 more quart each in the center area for a total of 1 gallon water per every 5 gallon pot.
I would take all of that time to feed/water them right now while you are nursing them to health.
Do you by chance keep your water aerated? This can help a bunch. While you water in this manner you are forcing oxygen down into the roots. If you keep your water aerated with a fish pump and bubble air stone this helps to increase the oxygen in the water. Roots love it.
Theres my .02 anyways.
I dont areate but I will pick up a fish pump tomorrow, where might I find an air stone. My other big question, approximately how often do i water like this. Thanks
I dont areate but I will pick up a fish pump tomorrow, where might I find an air stone. My other big question, approximately how often do i water like this. Thanks
Any store like walmart will have pumps, the plastic air hose with air stone/s or any fish aquarium/ pet supply store will have them.
Watering in that quantity or close to, in 5 gallon air pots will be always and every time. Once your pots are dried out well and the plants feel very light and you know for a fact they need water it takes usually at least one gallon in a 5-gallon pot. Now, In that long drawn out manner with taking the breaks and working from the outside in is ALWAYS best however 90+% of growers dont do it that way. I would at least do it that way for the next few waterings to give them the best care you can while they are getting fixed up.
Always good to let the water aerate for 24hrs or more before using it. Have you looked up or do you know if your water is chlorinated with chlorine or is it chloramine? If its chlorine it will bubble out. If its chloramine it wont.
My water has chlorine. I have been letting it air out for a couple days before use but I will aerate as of tomorrow. I will water just as you said as I want it to be right. Thanks again and I will keep you up to date on progress. Thanks
Opinions please, once again am I over reacting and reading into something that's not an issue. The more I read the more I get worried and confused. I followed the recommendations that you all gave and raised the lights to approximately 24". I have been watering with the nutes recommended and trying to nurse my girls as best as possible. They are starting to look so much better but I'm starting to see some light discoloration. I have tried to read and figure out if it's an issue or not. I have read many posts about led light burn but the pics dont quite look like mine, no leaf tips curled up or leaves discolored, just the flowered sites. Please give opinions. Thanks.


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If you were talking about all of the new growth on top that is a really light, almost lime color... that is perfectly normal. I believe that is a hormonal change telling you she is ready to flower.
I greatly appreciate the reply. Like I told you just wasn't sure if it was in my head or if it was actually light burn. I was trying to read about the lighter color and I was coming across so many different posts talking about light burn and they were showing the same as what I have except showing fan leaves and such being discolored as well. I really didn't think it was light burn just wanted to be sure. Like I said sometimes the more I read the more I get confused and worried. I had planned on a little light pruning tomorrow, a couple days to recover and then start flower. Does that sound reasonable to you. Thanks
I greatly appreciate the reply. Like I told you just wasn't sure if it was in my head or if it was actually light burn. I was trying to read about the lighter color and I was coming across so many different posts talking about light burn and they were showing the same as what I have except showing fan leaves and such being discolored as well. I really didn't think it was light burn just wanted to be sure. Like I said sometimes the more I read the more I get confused and worried. I had planned on a little light pruning tomorrow, a couple days to recover and then start flower. Does that sound reasonable to you. Thanks
That sounds like a very good plan. Yes when you start seeing that lime green color on the new growth they are mature. Yes, go ahead get it trimmed up however you'd like, give her a few days to de-stress and then enjoy the show that begins!
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