Need help: growing first time and need some advice

Hey guys I was wondering if anybody could help me out with these white widow plants that are finishing up. They’re 47 days under 12/12. Any estimates on how much longer before I chop cuz I saw some amber trichomes?


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Wassup guys I’m new here and new to the whole growing my own bud thing. I found a seed in my grinder after buying from my backup dealer. Ended up actually germinating it and planted 2 days ago. I’m getting my friends grow tent tomorrow, but I was wondering if anybody could give me an update on how it’s looking. I’ve read a lot about the process, but still nowhere near fully educated on the whole thing so if someone could lmk if it’s looking okay or what’s going on because the sprout appears to be bending over and one leaf appears to have split and has a hole in it. Not sure if that’s due to the light source, watering, soil, temp, or damping off or whatever it may be. Anyways any input would be helpful and thanks for your response!
This is my second year growing my best piece of advice is don’t over water they less is better than more be safe not sorry
this is my second grow I grew bagseeds last year but only outside they got enormous You can see all my outside bag seeds grow on my channel on here
This year I have bag seeds going again but I am growing inside I just recently started moving my plants outside so they will be half inside half outside I suppose but I also Purchase some auto flowers this year I just planted them today but you’re more than welcome to look at the pictures of my bagseed grows if you’d like also I have a few babies going thought I would post a picture so you can see how my luck good


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