Need Help ON Plant Leaves!


New Member
I just went to go look at my plant and at the tip of my soil one was all wilty just the tip and wanted to know if you think if the whole leaf going to end up like that get back at me thank
I just went to go look at my plant and at the tip of my soil one was all wilty just the tip and wanted to know if you think if the whole leaf going to end up like that get back at me thank

A pic would be helpful plus some extra info. Are you in veg or flowering? My leaves never drooped at the tips till I had a ph problem in the flowering stage.
A pic would be helpful plus some extra info. Are you in veg or flowering? My leaves never drooped at the tips till I had a ph problem in the flowering stage.


I read that the PH should be kept at 6.5 to 7.5 but I'm not sure how to test for it, and how to manipulate the levels. Hit me up if you get a chance.

I snaped the tip off it happend to my soil plant . heres a photo og a smaler hydrosystem do think my plant will survive in the smaller hydrosystem


or would i have to put put some to block the light
Dude, you need to stop using clear containers. There should NEVER be light reaching the soil/roots!!! Do not use a clear container for the hydro do-dad you have there also... Your water will be full of algae in a week or so.

Just let them grow out a bit and see what happens. There still very young, and even if you lose them, dont sweat it. Its not like they've got big buds on em or anything...

For any future problems give much more info, such as...
Climate (temp, RH, ventilation)
Watering (how often, what nutes, ph)
Strain info
Growing medium
Better pics!
Provide a more in-depth description of your grow space and you will get many more replies and answers from the experts!
WTF is all that foamy crap in that supposed hydro set up? Is that suppose to be a bubbler set up? You do know that a bubbler gets its name from the bubbles of water coming from a air diffuser and not water with a soapy bubble solution poured into it right? And what is that plant in and what's keeping it from sinking?
For some reason the last time I looked at this post I saw no pic... Now I do.

This is the weirdest hydro I've ever seen. If you want to have any success ya gotta get rid of that clear container. Roots hate light! What's keeping the plant afloat? It looks like a styrofoam cup. This set up doesn't look like it's gonna do what you want it to do. Can you tell us about it? I'm dying for more INFO! What's up with the foam?
It's in Veg right now but, it didnt work iout in the hydro system it almost died on me n i transplanted her in soil yea i bet the Ph changed when i changed her into the smaller system. the Bubbles came from the areo stone i thought it looked alright . and what keeping it to float is at the boton the stand rises up n holds the bottom of the styrofoam cup


but on my leaves it looks burn but like white spots i tied to take a photo but there too small
stop using milk jugs as pots.
underground is supposed to be dark.

I'm super serial.
your plants will work better.
you also need drainage at the bottom.
your light NEEDS to be closer.
what kind of light is it? a CFL? how many watts?
are there vents for air into or out of the box thing you have there?
Ya there temperary for now
and i already put drainage holes all around the botom and i moved the light closer im not sure what kind of bulb it is but its 130 watts i no the watts should be higher but idk how much more?
i just keep the door open and let a small fan hit inside

WTF is all that foamy crap in that supposed hydro set up? Is that suppose to be a bubbler set up? You do know that a bubbler gets its name from the bubbles of water coming from a air diffuser and not water with a soapy bubble solution poured into it right? And what is that plant in and what's keeping it from sinking?

Thats funny sh!t
does the bulb look like a standard edison bulb or is it a compact fluorescent?
the former will not work, the latter does.
Yea it not no good its a fog light i No I No but good news i Got a job so my financial problem are done with now to building the box better and Yes getting a better bulb
ok well, thats why your plants are sucking- they have more or less no light. a 42watt compact flouro costs $10 and makes 2700 lumens in the proper spectrum. get a real bulb and you can have real plants.

that said props on the job man. wages are neat.
yea thanks well this is a crappy blue print you think im going in the right direction, and do you know how or know where i can learn how to connect two ecords into one like twhere the cfls go so i dont have to be using all my plugs
you're moving in the right direction. The hardware store has several really cool lighting adapters. one is standard plug to standard light bulb outlet, the other is a light blub splitter- i.e. plug to bulbs into this thing into one socket.

I dont know exactly what you said, but hope that helps?
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