Need help!

The end of my the first 2 leaves to come after the true leaves are turning white on the end and curling over can anyone help meeee!


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several questions please...
I am not familiar with those containers... are there holes in the bottom for drainage?
Are you following the FF recommendations of giving pH adjusted water one time and nutes the next time, alternating all through the grow?
Third, not being able to look up your numbers at the moment, are these the recommended dosages for young plants?
Lastly, anytime you are asking for help online with something to do with an odd coloration in the leaves, a natural light picture is always going to get you more assistance.
several questions please...
I am not familiar with those containers... are there holes in the bottom for drainage?
Are you following the FF recommendations of giving pH adjusted water one time and nutes the next time, alternating all through the grow?
Third, not being able to look up your numbers at the moment, are these the recommended dosages for young plants?
Lastly, anytime you are asking for help online with something to do with an odd coloration in the leaves, a natural light picture is always going to get you more assistance.
No I'm not I'm just feeding with same water ever time the top inch or so of the top soil gets dry
several questions please...
I am not familiar with those containers... are there holes in the bottom for drainage?
Are you following the FF recommendations of giving pH adjusted water one time and nutes the next time, alternating all through the grow?
Third, not being able to look up your numbers at the moment, are these the recommended dosages for young plants?
Lastly, anytime you are asking for help online with something to do with an odd coloration in the leaves, a natural light picture is always going to get you more assistance.
And I'm not going of the fox farm chart I'm following another experiences growers chart with alot lower doses I started with following the char but I noticed in the first week it stopped them growing nearly completely so I flushed and it worked then I dropped the nutrience and this has happened I using happy frog ready mixed soil from fox farm
And I'm not going of the fox farm chart I'm following another experiences growers chart with alot lower doses I started with following the char but I noticed in the first week it stopped them growing nearly completely so I flushed and it worked then I dropped the nutrience and this has happened I using happy frog ready mixed soil from fox farm
and now your guru's advice is failing you...
know them by their fruits my friend...​
super glad you found your way to us.​
Now lets see what we can do to fix you. You have been running this as if you were trying to combine hydro and soil methods. First keep in mind that the good scientists at Fox Farm labs were paid good research money to put together a product and a system to use that product, so that you could grow superior pot. Why else commit to the very large Fox Farm nutrient, soil and supplement line, unless the stuff really worked?
They have no incentive to lie to you and instead they are very motivated to help you succeed.
Everywhere you look on the internet these days there are "experts," defined anymore as anyone with a YouTube following or website, and these preachers of the truth spew all sorts of pontifications and bro-science to anyone who will listen. Some websites have done this so effectively to even change the meaning of centuries old horticultural terms, so it is no surprise that so many are taken under their spells.
Download the most recent Fox Farm soil feeding chart pdf and follow it to the letter. Don't go at half strength... trust the makers of the stuff to give you the best advice. Don't miss the fact that in soil, you are supposed to feed at full strength one time, and then give plain water the next time to use up whatever wasn't used on the first pass. This is the way soil is done... don't try to reinvent the wheel.
Next, your watering method needs work. The finger in the top thing is how you water a tomato. You are growing a weed. The most important thing for a weed is to DRY IT OUT between each watering, all the way to the bottom. By the time a weed needs to be watered it should be as dry as the Sahara.... you should think you are surely about to kill it. If you lifted up the happy plant at this point, your human senses would not be able to discern ANY water weight in that container. It should be that dry. Every time. Anything beyond that is overwatering a weed. I wrote a thing about this and described a wet/dry cycle and how it can tell you a lot about what the plant is doing. The link is in my signature lines. You should read it.
Oh, and you still didn't say if you have drainage holes in the bottoms of your containers? :peace: :love:
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