Netherlands Will No Longer Sell Pot To Tourists

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Each of the 223 cannabis selling coffee shops in the Netherlands has slowed down its sale of marijuana to residents and plan to ban the sale of cannabis to tourists altogether. In one town, a judge ruled in July that coffee house owners could legally refuse tourists from entering the premises.

The ban of marijuana is a dilemma more for the many tourists than it is for Dutch residents. People from all over the world visit the Netherlands solely because of the coffee shops. But the Dutch government is in over its head on resolving crime and drug abuse and has concluded that the best way to counter their societal ills is the reduction of the sale of marijuana at street side coffee shops.

In the Netherlands, it is legal to possess up to 5 grams of marijuana, but it is illegal to grow a large amount of weed like a garden or greenhouse full of plants. It is also illegal to transport large quantities of it.
Growing crime, traffic and drug abuse prompted new marijuana laws

A couple of Dutch border towns have already banned tourists from purchasing weed at coffee houses because the streets are harried with traffic congestion and crime, both of which are related to the sale of marijuana.

In July, a judge ruled that it was not illegal for coffee house owners to ban foreigners from their premises and refuse them entry into their shops. The ruling was widely viewed as support for the Dutch government’s decision to ban tourists from coffee shops throughout the Netherlands.

The proposed legislation will allow tourists to purchase marijuana at coffee houses only if they have a resident’s pass. Although government officials have definitively ended the sale of marijuana to tourists, it has not set a date to begin the new rules.

In addition to banning tourists from coffee shops, officials plan to shut down some of the 223 coffee shops in the red light district.

NewsHawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE
Author: Anissa Ford
Copyright: 2010
Contact: Contact | HULIQ
Website: Netherlands will no longer sell pot to tourists | HULIQ
Well there goes all the fun of the Cannabis Cup.
No wonder HT started up the Medicinal Cannabis Cup in San Fran this year.
Sounds like the Original Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam is in danger.
This could be the turning point for the rest of the world to legalise it, as it being illegal clearly doesnt stop anything just drive's it underground feeding criminals with money...
IDK, Cannabis Cup is November 21-25th. I imagine there may be some pressure on them already. Things like this seem to move faster in other countries than the USA. Sad to see an end to an era.
Don't think it'll affect the Cup this time. Some border towns seem to have been closing coffee shops for a time.

User said:
But the Dutch government is in over its head on resolving crime and drug abuse and has concluded that the best way to counter their societal ills is the reduction of the sale of marijuana at street side coffee shops.

They're trying to ban tourists from coffee shops but they've got no problem with the whole red-light district thing? I don't consider myself a prude, lol, but... I have heard some stories. More importantly - and more to the point - I've also heard that that area is also known for street-level dealers of other drugs. If I were them and worried about tourist-related crime, I'd start there.

I wouldn't attempt to cut the estimated 200-400 million euro in tax that the coffee shops pay to a government that has already admitted that it cannot afford to hire more law-enforcement people But what do I know?
Don't think it'll affect the Cup this time. Some border towns seem to have been closing coffee shops for a time.

They're trying to ban tourists from coffee shops but they've got no problem with the whole red-light district thing? I don't consider myself a prude, lol, but... I have heard some stories. More importantly - and more to the point - I've also heard that that area is also known for street-level dealers of other drugs. If I were them and worried about tourist-related crime, I'd start there.

I wouldn't attempt to cut the estimated 200-400 million euro in tax that the coffee shops pay to a government that has already admitted that it cannot afford to hire more law-enforcement people But what do I know?

Good point. I have been exposed to red light districts in various places (as a writer and photographer of course, not a patron) and the crime and/or health risk that exist are substantially worse than anything marijuana can imagine to be. Hard drugs and diseases, money for hard drugs and robberies. Marijuana don't do any of that stuff. Marijuana users get high and chill.
it must have been affecting the black market over there . from what i understood the crime rates were pretty low there .
America ought to be the home of The Cup anyway. Oregon and northern California have had the best of the best since the 60's.
I'm totally confused.What cup and what does it have to do with the Netherlands no longer selling pot to tourists?This news really sux.For one thing this decision is completely due to the fact that people come from everywhere that doesn't have liberal cannabis laws to buy their pot in the Netherlands.They have for some reason found this a burden.You would think it would be a plus.This will be cited by every prohibitionist asshole for the next hundred years as a reason that you can't legalise pot in one place separate from the remainder of the population.They never mention the ****** maintenance programs that are working beautifully and you won't hear a thing about Portugal unless that country fails in it's effort to end the insanity of drug prohibition.When it comes to treating people like adults Europe is decades ahead of western countries.When it comes to the nanny state we have the whole world beat.It's gets more embarrassing as each year passes.BY the way,if the cup was for primo pot BC bud is still the industry standard.We grow the strongest pot on the planet.:peace:
i doubt this will happen, i remember when living in england and this shit happened ohh....around 2000 and they wanted to ban tourist from goin in coffee shops, same exact thing as im hearing/ reading now. i doubt it!!!
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