New grower help


420 Member
Sorry if this is a repeat question.

I grow superhot peppers through the summer and i always top them and trim the hell outta them to get bountiful harvest. Now pot is legal in canada i jumped in with both feet and started a Dutch Treat seedling. I started in early jan, allways dwc with two air stones, general hydroponics nuits, a 2x4x72 tent, a new 450 watt led light and full ventilation system...

Root ball is huge and the plant seems healthy. I just went to 12 hours on and 12 hours off on saturday. Is that too early and should i be trimming this plant a bit?

Nuits are changed weekly per the general hydroponics feeding schedule and ph is checked and adjusted daily...

Any advice is appreciated folks,


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Hi Darren, first, what is the light make and model? I ask because that cannot be an actual 400W LED. Next, your plant looks very healthy so congrats. Generally you would want to do some trimming a week before flipping to 12/12. That gives it time to de-stress for flowering if you are going to doing any trimming at all.
It is a Meizhi reflector series 450 watt light. It is on flower mode now. It has two switches, one for veg and one for flower.

What can i do with the stuff i trim off? I have been putting a couple leafs in my tea, maybe silly with a young plant i dont know.... its a cdb plant with low thc. I am not ready to attemp to clone yet, maybe in the summer with the next plant....

Thanks for the quick response
It is a Meizhi reflector series 450 watt light. It is on flower mode now. It has two switches, one for veg and one for flower.

What can i do with the stuff i trim off? I have been putting a couple leafs in my tea, maybe silly with a young plant i dont know.... its a cdb plant with low thc. I am not ready to attemp to clone yet, maybe in the summer with the next plant....

Thanks for the quick response
As I thought. Actual wattage is 168w. You need more for a decent harvest. Overmarketing at its finest. 35 actual watts per square foot of grow area is minimum recommended with 50 actual watts per square foot considered about optimal for max yields.
Well dammit..... i bought it based on reviews.. im already about 800$ into this new hobby so i aint changing it..its gonna have to work for now....

Thanks for the reply...
I understand. Just read the very fine print and all of the details and look at the actual wattage in your future purchases. The LED industry is really getting stupid with their marketing tactics. They will say an LED is a 1000w LED because it has 100 of the 10 watt LED diodes in it which would total 1000w if each LED was driven at 10 watts but that would be about impossible. Most LED light manufacturers only run their LED chips at about 40 to 45% where they are a little more energy efficient and they wouldn't burn out instantaneously like they would if they ran them at 100% of their rated power.
So if they ran them at 40%, that 1000w led is only 400 true Watts. Follow?
What can i do with the stuff i trim off?

It ought to be an excellent addition to your compost pile. Or you could smoke/eat it for, perhaps, some minimal health benefit. I was growing a couple plants two years ago and ended up not being able to flower them when I wanted, so I... <SCRATCHES HEAD> Well, I guess I went a bit mental, lol, because I basically just said screw it and decided to see how long they'd abide suffering through a really extended vegetative (growth) phase. So one of them, a Sensi Seeds Jack Herer, had about 15 "stout" vertical branches that grew up, up, and up - until they were growing into a hybrid 350-watt LED panel. "Gee," I thought, "I wonder if that will kill the poor thing?" Nope... Not long after that, it was lifting and putting a serious tilt on the LED panel - that weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 pounds :rofl:. I eventually killed the two plants because it and the Serious Seeds Kali Mist had literally filled the space, so flowering indoors wasn't really an option at that point, and my latitude isn't really conducive to (slightly) lengthier flowering period lengths.

Er... Short version: I ended up with a HUGE sack of dried leaf material a while back. So I started rolling up big joints and smoking them "often." I think it might have temporarily fought my glaucoma while I was doing so.

Well dammit..... i bought it based on reviews.. im already about 800$ into this new hobby so i aint changing it..its gonna have to work for now....

Simple answer: If you cannot "grow" your lighting to fit your space, then shrink your space to fit your lighting.
What can i do with the stuff i trim off?

I actually juice my trim in an Omega juicer, and it helps me alot.
Cannabis juice is a serious anti inflammatory and helps with many different conditions.

If your interested in this, search youtube "Juicing cannabis" and there's alot of good information about it.
Good luck!
Sorry if this is a repeat question.

I grow superhot peppers through the summer and i always top them and trim the hell outta them to get bountiful harvest. Now pot is legal in canada i jumped in with both feet and started a Dutch Treat seedling. I started in early jan, allways dwc with two air stones, general hydroponics nuits, a 2x4x72 tent, a new 450 watt led light and full ventilation system...

Root ball is huge and the plant seems healthy. I just went to 12 hours on and 12 hours off on saturday. Is that too early and should i be trimming this plant a bit?

Nuits are changed weekly per the general hydroponics feeding schedule and ph is checked and adjusted daily...

Any advice is appreciated folks,
Plants can go 12/12 from seed it's really up to you, the plants can double or if it's sativa it can even triple in size. Have you checked your lights to make sure it's 450 true watts? beautiful plant.
Fanleaf did some reserch for me and it is not a 450 watt light as it was advertised......
At this point in time i am not replacing it, additional cost is not in the budget unfortunately...

Thankyou for your comment, i appreciate it...
Happy growing,
I'm actually growing hot peppers right now also, a bunch of different varieties, and I'm waiting for the super hot seeds to arrive, you gotta start them early in Canada :)

I'm also using GH trio to grow with in soil and in hydro.

I'm using a couple Viparspectra lights, they aren't what they are advertised as either in terms of watts, no LED's are.

The 450W one I'm running on one plant only covers the center of the tent, but it will do for now, I think your gonna be OK with this grow with just one plant under that light :)
I did ghost, 7 pot and brain strain in gh nuits last year. I started them in the house in dwc. Whenit got warm enough outside i pulled the air stones and put the dwc buckets outside..... no airstones... those plants produced soo many peppers i was giving them away....i changed nutrients every other week and never... ever.. checked ph..... crazy how it worked out for me.....
I actually grew some hot peppers in DWC last summer, but when it got too hot I ran into root issues, so I just took them out of the DWC, popped them in soil and they lived and produced fine, lol.

I just received a bunch of pepper seeds in the mail today, gonna pop them in the peat pucks tomorrow :)

What kinda peppers are you gonna grow this season?
I had my dws buckets under maple trees so they didnt get mid day sun...

I will grow jalapenos and maybe a couple ghost pepper, they are my favourite. I turn them into pepper powder and pickle some as well...

What kind of seeds did u get?
I didn't get and "super hot" varieties this time, too hot for me to eat, only good for making weapons with, lol.
I bought some from Annapolis seeds in the valley and from
I was thinking about pepper Joe's seeds, but I've got so many now I'm probably gonna get cross pollination again, lol.
These are what I have:

Melrose Pepper
Cubanelle Sweet Pepper
Lemon Spice Jalapeño
Banana Pepper
Biquinho Pepper
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper
Jimmy Nardello Sweet Pepper
Ring of Fire Cayenne Pepper
Sweet Apple Pepper
Early green Jalapeno
Looks like u are all set then.... i grew hungarian hot wax peppers two years ago. Once it startd to fruit is just didnt stop producing peppers, it was crazy...try to wait until the pepper turns red, they are a bit tastier then...

Good luck
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