New Grower, need some advice, tips, feedback - thank


New Member
:420: Hello I am a new grower I just started to want to get serious about growing recently but I'm starting off minor at first of course. I took a little soil from my front yard (not a good I idea I know) and put it into a shot glass and germinated a seed, this seed was sprouted and everything so I put it into the soil. I put it in my windowsill and 2 days later it sprouted and is about 1 1/2 inch tall. I decided to invest into more equipment, i got;
Tiger Bloom (2-8-4)
Ionic Bloom (3-2-6)
Some poured like formula called "Moab" ( 1-52-32)
Some concentrated treats called true blooms (1-.3-.5) and Rootamentary (6.5-2.0-1.5)
Do I have to mix them to get the right numbers for the stages like mixing them to be (20-20-20) for the seeding stage?

I have some soil called "Super soil potting soil" it has fertilizer it ( 0.14-0.09-0.02) and says no fertilizing required up for 90 days so what should I do?

I just recently got some pot also ( 6.50" ) so I'm guessing that I should put my new soil in it when the plant needs to be transferred, right? I packed the shot glass pretty tight is that going to be a problem also?

I am starting to setup up a grow room in my closet and I have an exo Tera 100w sun glo bulb and I am keeping it about 13 inches from the plant. I keep a fan blowing on the plant and another blowing fresh air in. I need to get a thermometer.

Trying to upload pictures right now sorry..
Hi Destruction,

Welcome to 420 Magazine and community of folks that gathers here! :welcome:

I believe you will want to transfer you plant out of the shot glass pretty quickly as I can't imagine it provides any drainage for your plant. Cannaibs plants prefer a drier soil! Shouldn't be a problem to transfer. Let the soil dry out a little and hopefully it will begin to pull away from the sides of the glass. Place your hand over the top of the shot glass with the stem of the plant inbetween your second and third fingers and gently turn the shot glass upside down and if necessary tap on the bottom of the glass to dislodge the seedling to move to it's new container.

Since your soil has some nutrients in it you should not need to feed until your plant has grown to have at least 4 or 5 sets of true leaves. Once you begin to fertize the plant start out with very weak doses. I'd stick with the Rootamentary at first and use it 1/4 of the dosage recommended. It appears your other nutrients are all designed to promote blooms based on their formulation so you won't need those for quite some time.

Be well and happy growing!
Like I me me mentioned before " I am starting to setup up a grow room in my closet and I have an exo Tera 100w sun glo bulb and I am keeping it about 13 inches from the plant." Is that light okay throughout all the stages. Can I use it to get like 4 baby plants going ? If not how many, what bulbs?
You can place your lamp as close to the plants as u can hold your hand from the bulb without feeling and excessive amount heat. Get rid of the dirt with fertilizer in it.
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